Using the configuration of CC ++ development environment under the Windows system

zhaozj2021-02-16  164

• People who know Eclipse will know that an engineering called CDT, Eclipse's height scalability, so that it can be used to develop C programs after a simple configuration.

The installation address of the CDT can be found on the Eclipse website.

Found the corresponding version of the CDT to add a connection to the address to the Eclipse's Update Manager to "install" CDT, these believe it, send it to this waste.

I only have to say, that is, the use of mingw. MINGW is the Windows version of the GNU C / C toolset mainly includes compiler GCC, connectors Make, debugger GDB can find detailed information from or directly from

Download Unzip, for example, C: / MingW, then do it works, then set the environment variable: path to c: / mingw / bin2, find MingW32-make.exe copy one copy from c: / mingw / bin And renamed Make.exe

As long as these two steps have been greatly made, the command line window is input to GCCMakeGDB test If prompted, you can't find this command, you need to check the environment variable.

There will be prompt information for the corresponding command.

At this time, starting Eclipse to create a Managed Project to write our familiar HelloWorld program, because many of our people don't know what Makefile is not known.

Specifically refer to Eclipse's C related help.

The purpose of this article is primarily on the use of MingW. When I was configured, I found out the relevant information at all. I didn't expect the second step to rename Make.exe later, I was accidentally thinking, I didn't expect it to succeed. .

In this way we have established a Gun environment under the Windows system. We can also configure editplus to integrate the GCC command into Editplus. People are absolutely faithful to code lovers, haha. There is also a GNU GCC's toolset under Window is Cygwin, which is a UNIX simulation environment under Window. But I still don't know how I can successfully configure I have installed, but I can't find GCC, Make, and other programs at all in the bin folder, maybe I first install Mingw. Only use its UNIX simulation environment without mingw it can't use the GCC and other programs. Some people can try it alone with Cygwin online, and Eclipse can also say it, but there is no relevant article reveals how specific use.

Well level, please correct it.



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