who am I? (Programmer Edition) After the so-called "white-collar", the first time and the boss came together, the boss told "I" on the plane to say, do you really think that the software quality is so important? The young man, I tell you, in this world, learning to "mix" is much more important than learning a programming language. On the eve of the project bid, the sales of the drunken sales returned to the hotel, "I" said, are you happy? Do you know if I am happy? My stomach is no longer my own, but I am still very happy, because the customer will give me this contract without your tomorrow's technical demonstration, you will never have this sense of accomplishment. At that time, "I" is sensitive to ask, in this case, why should I bring me to the scene? The sales supervisor said that you are really naive, even if it is a trick of the people, then you have a professional "tote"! Remember Creek chatted with me, asked me "Why?" I wrote the program for what is written every day? Two years ago, I can answer the answer, "I have a living method!" For two years, especially hugging agile practice for more than a year, keeping learning, practice, re-learning, practical, every day, you can feel your own Advance, you can get feedback from Programtest from Programmertest, but I have said to yourself, "gradually praise this line". If, effort is only "a professional" nursery ", huh, ....