How to start ArchiveLog mode? (turn)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  64

System Environment: 1, Operating System: Windows 2000 Server, Machine Memory 128m2, Database: Oracle 8i R2 (8.1.6) for NT Enterprise 3. Installation Path: C: / Oracle

"Implementation steps:

1, Manager SVRMGR> Connect InternalsVRMGR> SHUTDOWNSVRMGR> STARTDOWNSVRMGR> Startup Mount [DBNAME] SVRMGR> ALTER DATABASE [DBNAME] ArchiveLog; - Feed Archive Mode SVRMGR> Archive Log Start - Start automatic archiving mode, after restarting the database, press InIt. ORA Configuration SVRMGR> ALTER DATABASE [DBNAME] open; - Open Database SVRMGR> EXIT

2. Modify the database initialization parameter file, define the archive mode (automatic), archive log file save path, archive log file naming method

3, restart the database

"Specific example:


Oracle Server Manager Release - Production

Copyright (C) 1997, 1999, Oracle Corporation. all rights reserved.

Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release - ProductionWith The Partitioning OptionjServer Release - Production

SVRMGR> Connect INTERNAL connection is successful. SVRMGR> Shutdown has turned off the database. The database has been removed. Oracle instance is closed. SVRMGR> Startup Mount has launched an Oracle instance. The system's global region has 57124108 bytes Fixed Size 70924 bytes Variable Size 40198144 bytes Database Buffers 1677721 bytes Redo Buffers 77824 Bytes The database is loaded. SVRMGR> ALTER DATABASE ArchiveLog; statement has been processed. The SVRMGR> Archive log start statement has been processed. SVRMGR> ALTER DATABASE OPEN; statement has been processed. SVRMGR> ALTER SYSTEM SWITCH LOGFILE; - Force system Log switch, you can immediately observe the generating statement of the archive log has been processed. The SVRMGR> EXIT server manager ends.

Modify the database parameter file C: /oracle/admin/oradb/pfile/init.ora, cancel the following statement # 注释 log_archive_start = truelog_archive_dest_1 = "location = C: / Oracle / ORADATA / ORADB / Archive" log_archive_format = %% Oracle_sID %% T% TS% S.ARC Turn off the database and restart

View the file similar to ORADBT001S01201.ARC, you can see files like ORADBT001S01201.ARC

Interpret the meaning of archive reform log parameter items in the init.ora parameter file

The archive mode is automatic or manual, true is automatic, false is manual log_archive_start = true

Path saved by archive log file log_archive_dest_1 = "location = c: / oracle / oradata / oradb / archive"

Naming method of archive log file log_archive_format = %% Oracle_sid %% T% TS% S.ARC

Archive command:

After starting the automatic archiving mode, after the system restarts, set the archive mode SVRMGR> Archive log start by setting the value of the parameter log_archive_start in init.ora

Start Handmade Archive Mode Svrmgr> Archive Log Stop

View Archive Information: Do not archive whether the log is archive, is the automatic archiving or manual archiving, archive path, the oldest online log cycle number ... SVRMGR> Archive log list

Archive a full, but not archived online redo log SVRMGR> Archive log next

Archive all full, but no archive online redo log SVRMGR> Archive log all

Note: Even if a business is not submitted, it will be written to the redo log.


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