CWAVEFILE - A class for Working with and representing data from Waves

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  61

Introduction Okay. I would like to start with a little explanation of digital sound and its archiving in computers. A long, long time ago, audio signals, like others, were processed and archived in continuous form. They were so-called analogous signals. This type of signals has a lot of advantages; one of them is that an analogous signal corresponds to the physical process of changing some value For example, when we speak, our vocal cords generate sound vibrations that emit into space, and by means of. an analogous apparatus, we can easily register and save it (on magnetic tape, for example) But we have also a great disadvantage here:. This is the most faithful representation of some physical value, and when the form of analogous signal changes (under THE INFLUENCE OF Noise, you can Lose All Information That this signal carries. in Terms of Information THEORY: Analog Signal Has No Superfluity. (Continued)

Digital signal has no such disadvantage because the digital representation of a signal has superfluity. The form of a digital signal is just a number of 1s and 0s (electrical pulses with 1 and 0 amplitude). So, the digital signal must be able to carry any information that is coded in the sequence of 1s and 0s. This means that digital signals have only two stable states, ON and OFF. Because of this feature, they can be easily recovered even in the case when their form is heavily changed (furthermore , there are special types of coding-so-called antinoise coding-that can improve the stability of digital signals) Digital signals have been widely adopted in many branches:.. communication, navigation, medicine, audio signals processing, and computers I know that You are more interested in The Problem: HOW IS DIGITAL DATA Stored ON A Computer, And How I Can Work with It? I don't want to Go Deeper in Digital Signals Theory. You, AS A Program, Have to Know Just One Thing : A Digital Signal IS An Array of Numbers (AND You Will Get Your OWN Array with Data if You Read this article to the end). For a Digital Audio Signal, IT CAN BE 8- or 16-bit NumBers. There Are A Lot of Standards of Storing Digital audio (AU, VOC, WAVE, AIFF, AIFF-C, and IFF / 8VX), but as a result of the fact that Microsoft Corporation uses WAVE files in its Windows operation system, they became the most popular. WAVE File Format All WAVE Files Correspond to the Riff Specification. so, these Files Satisfy The Following Conditions:

.. They consist of separated data blocks, so-called chunks, that form a tree-based structure Each block consists of a header and, in fact, data The first (and main) block of any RIFF file is a RIFF block; it .. is like the tree's root But, let's go back to a WAVE file A usual WAVE PCM file looks like this: The file begins with the header RIFF; after it, two subblocks are defined-FMT and DATA The RIFF contains of three. Elements: riff_id, riff_size, and riff_format. struct riff {

_Tchar riffid [4]; // Contains Identifier "Riff"

DWord RiffSize; // File Size Minus 8 Bytes

_Tchar riffformat [4]; // Contains Identifier "Wave"


After the riff header, there is a format descriptor block (fmt): Struct FMT


_Tchar FMTID [4]; // Contains Identifier: "FMT" (with

// Space)

DWORD FMTSIZE; // Contains the size of this block

// (for Wave PCM 16)

Waveform fmtformat; // structure Waveformatex But without



The Waveformat Structure Is The Key To Understanding Waves. It Contains a Lot of Information That We need when Working with a Wave.struct Waveform


Word wformattag; // Format of Digital Sound

Word nchannels; // number of channels (1 for mono and

// 2 for stereo)

DWORD NSAMPLESPERSEC; // Number of Samples Per Second

DWORD NAVGBYTESPERSEC; // average number bytes of data pertes

// Second

Word nblockalign; // minimal data size for playing

Word wbitsPersample; // bits per sample (8 or 16)


And, At Last, The Data Block: Struct Data


_Tchar DataID [4]; // Contains Identifier: "DATA"

DWORD DATASize; // Data Size


That's all you need to know about the Wave header; after It, Data Follows. Okay, Now Let's Consider The CWAVEFILE INTERFACE: CFAVEMAP, PUBLIC COBIECT {PUBLIC:


~ Cwavefile () {}

Waveform * getWaveFormat () {return & pfmt-> fmtformat;}

Data * getwavedata () {return pdata;}

LPVOID GETDATA () {Return Reinterpret_cast


Bool DrawData (CDC * PDC, Rect * Prect, CSIZE * PNEWSIZE);



Riff * priff;


Data * PDATA;


Bool checkid (_tchar * idpar, _tchar a, _tchar b, _tchar C,

_Tchar d);

Void readwave ();

Void Readriff ();

Void readfmt ();

Void readdata ();

Void DrawByte (CDC * PDC);

Void DrawWord (CDC * PDC);


As you can see, CWaveFile is inherited from CObject (no explanation here) and CFileMap. It is a very interesting class and I want you to focus your attention on it. Memory-Mapped Files Memory mapping is a very useful feature of the Windows system . The cwavefile class, i Had No IDEA About Memory maping and my code neededed to use buffers, Copying Data from it, and ... and i had a lot of problem. Memory mapping is a technique that provides file operation on a disk as if it were loaded to memory-through pointers Working with files mapped to memory is very easy and fast;! furthermore, you do not need any buffers So then, I have! got to know about this nice feature. I started looking on the Internet for what the community was thinking about file mapping and were there any finished classes to handle the mapped files? So, I have found a very useful class written by Vitali Brusentsev (thanks , Vitali!). His Class Encapsulates All The Fun ctionality you need to work with files mapped to memory. So, I asked him whether I could use his class in my programs and I got a positive answer. I chose this class as base for my CWaveFile (as you can see, by protected inheritance ), so I've got all the functionality I need. Using CWaveFile It is very easy to use my class in your projects. I would like to briefly describe the interface. CWaveFile has only one constructor with an argument. The argument is a path to the WAVE file If something goes wrong, CWaveFile will generate a C exception ; all exceptions are grouped in the following namespace:. namespace WaveErrors {class FileOperation {}; // something wrong with the file

// (Cannot Be Opened or Something)

Class RiffDoesNTMatch {}; Class WaveDoesNTMatch {};


Class DataDoesNTMatch {};


. The rest of the exceptions occur if some identifiers do not match By the way, I found a very interesting feature of WAVE files written by Microsoft "Sound Recorder;" the data in these files shifted on 6 bytes, so it starts from 50 Bytes. So, I Had to foresee this, And i Did Something Like this: inline void cwavefile :: readdata ()


Try {

PDATA = Reinterpret_cast> DATA *> (DataAddress);

IF (! Checkid (pdata-> Dataid, 'D', 'A', 'T', 'A')) {

Throw WaveErrors :: DATADOESNTMATCH ();


} catch (WaveerRorse :: DATADOESNTMATCH &) {

// Something Strange! in Microsoft Wave Files, The Data

// Identifier Can Be Offset (Maybe Because of Address Alignment)

// start to loowsing data_id "manually"

PBYTE B = Base ();

Bool FoundData = False;

While (DataAddress - b)! = dwsize) {

IF (* DataAddress == 'D') {

// IT can be data_id, check it!

PDATA = Reinterpret_cast (dataaddress);

IF (PDATA-> DataID, 'D', 'A', 'T', 'A')) {

// Data_id WAS Found

Founddata = true;




DataAddress ;


IF (! FoundData) {

// this file may be corrupted

Throw WaveErrors :: DATADOESNTMATCH ();




SO, AS I MENTIONED IN A Comment, IF The Data Identifier Doesn't match t-sorry, the file probably is corrupted ReadDATA () is one of three private functions that is in charge of reading the WAVE header and checking all identifiers They are all grouped in the ReadWave function:.. void CWaveFile :: ReadWave () {

Readriff ();

//Move to next block

DataAddress = SizeOf (* priff);

Readfmt ();

//Move to next block

DataAddress = SizeOf (* PFMT);

ReadData ();

DataAddress = SizeOf (* pdata);

// Wave Has Been Read!


As you can see, we start to read the RIFF block;. If everything is OK-no exceptions were generated-we move the dataAddress pointer to the next block Do not forget that we are using a file mapped in memory, the constructor of CWaveFile dataAddress pointer has been initialized by the base address of mapped file, and reading is like a reading of complex data structure in memory. Cool, is not it?) Then, we read the FMT and DATA blocks, so when we leave the Readfile Function, DataAddress Points to Audio Data (As I Said For Program IS An Array Of 8- or 16-bit Numbers), I Use Such a typef: typedef short audio;

Typedef unsigned char Audiobyte



Namespace std;

#include "cwavefile.h"

int main ()


Try {

CWAVEFILE WAVE ("Noise.wav");

Waveform * format = Wave.GetWaveFormat ();

Cout << "Format: << Format-> wformattag << endl; cout <<" Samples per second: << Format-> nsamplespespec

<< ENDL;

Cout << "Channels: << Format-> nchannels << endl;

COUT << "bit per sample:" << Format-> wbitsPersample << endl;

IF (Format-> wbitsPersample == 16) {

AudioWord * buffer =


(Wave.getdata ());

Data * Data = Wave.Getwavedata ();


SizeOf (Audiodata);

Cout << "Samples Number:" << Samples << Endl;

cin.get ();

For (DWORD P = 0; P

Cout << p << ":" << buffer [p] << ENDL;




Catch (WaveerRors :: FileOperation &) {

Cout << "File Operation Error! / N";


Catch (WaveerRorse :: RiffDoesNTmatch &) {

COUT << "Riff Doesn't Match! / N";


Catch (WaveerRorse :: Wavedoesntmatch &) {

Cout << "Wave Doesn't match! / n";


Catch (WaveerRorse :: DataDoesNtmatch &) {

COUT << "Data Doesn't match! / n";


Return 0;


This Is A Simple Console Application, But It Does a Lot of Work! In My Case, I Got Something Like this: Format: 1

Samples per second: 22050

Channels: 1

Bits Per Sample: 16

Samples Number: 174680

First of all, it checks "noise.wav" for validation If everything is fine, it continues to work (Note:.. The Format descriptor equals 1; it is in PCM format, the simplest format of digital sound because it is not compressed . I work with this kind of files; you can easily use CWaveFile with other formats, but you have to be concerned about data interpretation by yourself) Samples per second (or sampling frequency):.. 22050. Channels: 1 = mono sound Bits per sample: 16. I needed this information because I have to know how I should interpret the data I use reinterpret_cast to cast LPVOID, which is returned by the GetData () function to audioData * The most important moment here is the size of.. THE DATA.DATA * DATA = Wave.Getwavedata (); DWORD SAMPLES = DATA-> DATASIZE / SIZEOF (AUDIODATA);

You have to use this with code to get information about the size of data; the dataSIZE field contains the size of data in bytes, but we know that we are currently working with 16-bit audio, if (format-> wBitsPerSample == 16 ) {SO we have to divide DataSize by Sizeof (Audiodata) (or Just 2, 16-bit IS 2 bytes). Thein you do what you need to do with audio data; i Just Output it to console. NOTICE How Easily you have done all these things, and, as I promised, you get your array with data. Displaying the Data No doubt, this application works perfectly, but it is just a console application. Now it's time to get all the advantages of the Windows GUI The most important question for the person who works this any type of data (audio, radiotechnical, statistical) is:.? What will this data look like Now, we are going to answer this question As you can see, the CWaveFile class. Is inherited from cobject. I DID IT BECAUSE THIS CLAS WILL BE Used in an MFC Application. So, IF you want to see Someth ing like this in your application, you should read this part of the article. Click here for a larger image. CWaveFile has the BOOL DrawData (CDC * pDC, RECT * pRect, CSize * pNewSize) function member.This function is in charge of Drawing Data on Device Context. for the best understanding of how to use it, i'll give you an esample: void canalyseview :: overdraw (cdc * pdc) {

CANALYSEDOC * PDOC = getDocument ();


// Todo: Add Draw Code for Native Data HERE

PDC-> Savedc ();


Cbrush Brush (RGB (150, 200, 230);

GetClientRect (& RECT);

FillRect (* PDC, & Rect, Brush);

PDC-> MoveTo (Rect.Left, Rect.Bottom / 2);


Wave.drawdata (PDC, & Rect, & m_szsize); PDC-> Moveto (Rect.Left, Rect.bottom / 2);

PDC-> Lineto (Rect.right, Rect.bottom / 2);

PDC-> Restoredc (-1);


This is the usual OnDraw function The DrawData function takes three arguments:. Pointer to CDC object, pointer to CRect structure, and pointer to CSize structure You can get it in the OnSize method, as shown in the following code:. Void CAnalyseView :: Onsize (uint ntype, int CX, int CY)


CView :: Onsize (NTYPE, CX, CY);

// Todo: Add your message Handler Code Here

IF (CX == 0 || Cy == 0) Return;

m_szsize = CSIZE (CX, CY);


That's all! But, I forgot to tell you one disadvantage of the DrawData method. It correctly displays mono signals only. Stereo signals differ from mono in that the samples in stereo go one after another (left channel, right channel, left channel, right channel, and so forth). So, it is no problem to display it, too. Conclusions I would like to say thank you to everyone who read this article to the end because I wrote it for you! I know that CWaveFile is not finished YET; if you add some more functionality for it (or Find Some Bus; That's More Probable), please you on the net! DownloadsDownloadSdownloadSdownloadSdownloadSdownloadSdownloadSdownloadSdownload Demo Project - 79 KBDownload Source - 4 KB


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