VS.NET 2005 related documentation

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  61

Visual Basic 2005 New Functions NET Framework Version 2.0 Redistributable Package Beta 1 (x86) VS.NET2005 Lite Download Address: Offline installation version address is as follows, the cumulative size is about 510m: DOTNET FRAMEWORK VERSION 2.0 Redistributable package beta 1 (x86) - 24m http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?Linkid=30093&clcid=0x409 DOT Framework 2.0 SDK Beta 1 x86 - 229m http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=916ec067-8 bdc -4737-9430-6CEC9667655C & displaylang = en Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition Beta - 43.4M http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=30092&clcid=0x409 SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Beta - 36M http: // go. microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=31760&clcid=0x409 Visual C # 2005 Express Edition Beta - 28.9http: //go.microsoft.com/fwlink/ linkid = 30090 & clcid = 0x409 Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition Beta - 34.1M http:? / / GO.MICROSOFT.COM/fwlink/?Linkid=30088&clcid=0x409 Visual C 2005 Express Edition Beta - 65.3m http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?Linkid=30089&clcid=0x409 Visual J # 2005 Express Edition Beta - 32.3 M http://go.microsoft.com/fwl ? Ink / linkid = 30091 & clcid = 0x409 complete installation package: http://www.magicpower.com.cn/DownloadFiles/Visual Studio 2005 Express Beta Products(Full Package)/Visual Studio 2005 Express % 20beta% 20Products (full% 20package) .rar

FTP: //ftp.5inet.net/ username and password are: forums.coder.cntry: 1, vs2005.net installation disk http://bbs.itzyk.net/dispbbs.asp?boardidiD=8&id=502&page=12 , VS2003.NET Chinese MSDN http://bbs.Atspyk.net/dispbs.asp?boardid=8&id=452&page=13 ,vs.net2003 Chinese version http://bbs.Aitzyk.net/dispbbs.asp?boardid=8&id = 296 & Page = 14, Win2003 Chinese version http://bbs.itzyk.net/dispbbs.asp?boardid=8&id=454&page=1 I don't know how to make it difficult to make the downstairs 2.3, but you must first register first. Can you open. Others haven't tried it, especially in the middle of the night. 3G thing is over or end.


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