Realization of Gateway, DNS, HTTP, FTP below Linux (4)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  56

Proftpd learning note (four)

Today we speak Proftp MySQL quota applications, I think everyone is about this.

1. First we build corresponding users and user groups

GroupAdd -g 5500 ftpgroup

Adduser -u 5500 -s / bin / false -d / bin / null -c "proFTPD user" -g ftpgroup ftpuser

2. Operating the database

MySQL mysql -uroot -ppassword

Create Database FTPDB

Grant SELECT, UPDATE ON fTPDB. * to proFTPD @ localhost identified by 'password'

Use ftpdb

Create Table `ftpgroup` (

`groupname` VARCHAR (16) Not null default '',

`Gid` Smallint (6) Not Null Default '5500',

`MEMBERS` VARCHAR (16) Not null default '',

Key `Groupname` (` Groupname`)

) TYPE = Myisam comment = 'proftp group table';

INSERT INTO `FTPGROUP` VALUES ('ftpgroup', 5500, 'ftpuser');

Create Table `ftpquotalimits`

`Name` VARCHAR (30) Default Null,

`Quota_Type` Enum ('user', 'group', 'class', 'all') Not null default 'user',

`per_session` Enum ('false', 'true') Not null default 'false',

`limit_type` Enum ('Soft', 'Hard') Not Null Default 'Soft',

`Bytes_in_avail` Float Not Null Default '0',

`Bytes_out_avail` Float Not Null Default '0',

`Bytes_xfer_avail` Float Not Null Default '0',

`files_in_avail` int (10) unsigned not null default '0',

`files_out_avail` int (10) unsigned not null default '0',

`Files_xfer_avail` int (10) unsigned not null default '0'


Create Table `ftpquotatallies (

`Name` VARCHAR (30) Not null default ',

`Quota_Type` Enum ('user', 'group', 'class', 'all') Not null default 'user',` bytes_in_used` Float Not Null Default '0',

`bytes_out_used` Float Not Null Default '0',

`Bytes_xfer_used` Float Not Null Default '0',

`files_in_used` int (10) Unsigned Not Null Default '0',

`files_out_used` int (10) Unsigned Not Null Default '0',

`files_xfer_used` int (10) unsigned not null default '0'


Create Table `ftpuser` (

`id` int (10) unsigned not null auto_increment,

`Userid` VARCHAR (32) Not null default ',

`Passwd` VARCHAR (32) Not null default '',

`uid` smallint (6) Not null default '5500',

`Gid` Smallint (6) Not Null Default '5500',

`Homedir` VARCHAR (255) Not null default ',

`shell` Varchar (16) Not null default '/ sbin / nologin',

`count` int (11) Not null default '0',

`Accessed` DateTime Not Null Default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',

`Modified` DateTime Not Null Default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',


) TYPE = Myisam comment = 'proftp user table';

Note that everyone fills in the username and password of its own database according to the actual situation. If you are not familiar with the database, you can use phpMyAdmin to operate.

3. Configure the Proftp file

ServerName "Frank's FTP Server" Servertype Standalone Default Server ON

Port 21

Umask 022

MaxInstances 30

MaxLoginatTempts 3

User Nobody

Group nobody

Maxhostsperuser 1 "Sorry, You May Not Connect More Time Time."

MaxClientSper 2 "Only One Such User At A Time."

MaxClientSperhost 3 "Sorry, You May Not Connect More One Time." ROOTLOGIN OFF

Requirevalidshell Off

TimeOutstalled 10

MaxClients 10

AllowForeignAddress on


ServerIdent Off

Defaultroot ~ ftpgroup


#Backend represents the authentication method for the user authentication method for the mysql database

#Plaintext indicates the way of expressing the appropriation, the most in the first way is the way.


# DatabaseName @ Host Database_User User_password

SqlConnectinfo ftpdb @ localhost proFTPD Password


SqlgroupInfo ftpgroup groupname gid members

Sqlhomedirondemand on

# If the user main directory does not exist, the system will create a directory based on the value of this user in the user data table.

# Update Count Every Time User Logs in

SQLLog Pass UpdateCount

SqlnamedQuery UpdateCount Update "Count = Count 1, Accessed = now () Where userid = '% u'" ftpuser

# Update Modified Everytime User Uploads or deletes a file

SQLLOG Stor, Dele Modified

SQLNAMEDQUERY Modified Update "Modified = now () Where userid = '% u'" ftpuser

QuotaEngine ON

QuotadirectoryTALLY ON

QuotadisplayUnits MB

Quotashowquotas on

Quotalog "/ var / log / quota"

SQLNAMEDQUERY GET-Quota-Limit Select "Name, quota_type, per_session, limited_type, bytes_in_avail, bytes_out_avai

L, Bytes_xfer_avail, files_in_avail, files_out_avail, files_xfer_avail from fpquotalimits where name = '% {0}'

And quota_type = '% {1}' "

SqlnamedQuery get-quota-Tally Select "name, quota_type, bytes_in_used, bytes_out_used, bytes_xfer_used, files_i

n_used, files_out_used, files_xfer_used from ftpquotatallies where name = '% {0}' and quota_type = '% {1}' "

SQLNamedQuery update-quota-tally UPDATE "bytes_in_used = bytes_in_used % {0}, bytes_out_used = bytes_out_used % {1}, bytes_xfer_used = bytes_xfer_used % {2}, files_in_used = files_in_used % {3}, files_out_used = files_

OUT_USED % {4}, FILES_XFER_USED = files_xfer_used % {5} where name = '% {6}' and quota_type = '% {7}' "ftpquota


SqlnamedQuery INSERT-quota-Tally Insert "% {0},% {1},% {2},% {3},% {4},% {5},% {6},% {7}" ftpquotatallies

QuotalimitTable SQL: / GET-Quota-Limit

QuotatallyTable SQL: / GET-quota-Tally / update-quota-tally / insert-quota-tally

OK, it's as simple, restart the PROFTP service can already use the function of ProftP MySQL Quota

We can add a virtual user in the database FTPUser,

INSERT INTO `FTPUSER` VALUES (1, 'Test', 'ftppasswd', 5500, 5500, '/ home / test', '/ sbin / nologin');

Everyone can add a user directly in PHPMYADMIN. I believe how to teach everyone.

If you want to set Quota, just set up in the ftpquotalimits table, the various parameters in this table represent:

Quotalimits table

Name: - User account

Quota Type: - User, Group, Class, All (We Use User)

Per_Session: - True Or False (We Use true)

LIMIT_TYPE: - Hard limit OR soft limit (we generally use hard limit)

BYTES_IN_AVAIL: - Allows the number of bytes to be uploaded

BYTES_OUT_AVAIL: - Allow the number of bytes to be downloaded

BYTES_XFER_AVAIL: - Allowed bytes (including upload / download)

FILES_IN_AVAIL: - Allows the number of files to be uploaded

FILES_OUT_AVAIL: - Allow downloaded files

FILES_XFER_AVAIL: - Allows the number of files (including upload / download)

Honestly use the MySQL and Quota modules to verify the user and set disk limit, but I always feel that it is not perfect, because in this method, there is no field of permissions in the database table, so I say that the authority of the corresponding user is actually used. The user is Mysql corresponding to the UID and GID to control the permissions. If the mysql database can completely control the permissions.

If you feel that you feel the format copy, you may go wrong, you may wish to download my profile and database table directly.

Download Proftpd.conf

Download ftpdb.sql


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