* Programming Language: Visual Studio .NET C # (Beta 2)
* Servers: Di Powei
* Features: Edit a Windows Notepad program via C # program
* Text file called Test.txt.
* System.diagnostics.Process.Start (Info) throughout the program
* Is the main statement.
* If an external program is only performed separately, you can use the following code:
* System.Diagnostics.Process.start (
* "External program name", "starting parameters");
* /
Using system;
Class test
Static void main ()
// Declare a program information class
System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo Info = New System.diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo ();
// Set an external program name
Info.filename = "Notepad.exe";
/ / Set the startup parameters of the external program (command line parameters) to test.txt
INFO.Arguments = "test.txt";
// Set the external program work directory to C: /
// Declare a program class
System.Diagnostics.Process Proc;
// Start an external program
Proc = System.diagnostics.Process.start (Info);
Catch (System.comPonentModel.win32Exception E)
Console.writeline ("The system cannot find the specified program file ./r{ 0}", e);
// Print the start of the external program
Console.writeLine ("The start of the external program: {0}", proc.starttime);
// Wait for 3 seconds
Proc.WaitForexit (3000);
// If this external program does not end running, it is forcibly termination.
IF (proc.hasexited == false)
Console.writeline ("is forcibly terminated by the main program!"); ");
Proc.kill ();
Console.writeline ("exits from external programs!");
Console.writeline ("End Run Time of External Programs: {0}", Proc.exittime);
Console.WriteLine ("The external program is ending the return value: {0}", proc.exitcode;