Practical QA work responsibilities

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  56

1 role and responsibilities

1.1 Quality Assurance Person (SQA)

2 Auxiliary process cut, refine, and formulate project specifications;

2 Develop "Quality Assurance Program";

2 Product examination;

2 Process audit;

2 Tracking problems handling;

2 metrics and reports;

2 Experience accumulation;

2 Learning, research and promotion.

1.2 Project Director (SPM)

2 Provide a safeguard for the smooth implementation of SQA;

2 Coordinate the problem of disagreement between SQA and projects.

1.3 Project Manager (PM)

2 Approve "Quality Assurance Program";

2 Support for SQA work.

1.4 Developer (DEV)

2 Participate in the "Quality Assurance Program";

2 In accordance with the "Quality Assurance Program" executive;

2 Assist SQA to complete quality management.

2 SQA periodic work

2.1 Product Evaluation

SQA can use audit, independent test, etc. to evaluate the product, or the process of supervising the review, testing, etc., can also ensure product quality or from format and specifications (such as code specification, design specifications, UML map, DFD map, ER map, etc. Implementation inspection and check the consistency between the intermediate products as much as possible.

Check content: Work products and final products.

2.2 Process Evaluation

It is mainly to check if the project is executed in accordance with the prescribed process and planned execution. The inspection rules include two aspects of compliance and effectiveness of the process.

Check content: including engineering and management of two types of processes (some divided into engineering, management, support, etc.). The management class includes project management, quality management and configuration management. Development classes include demand analysis, design, coding, testing, review, etc.

2.3 Tracking Problem Processing

SQA should track the problem processing process until the problem is resolved. Tracking problems include product issues, process issues, project risks, review discovery, test discovery, etc. If you cannot agree with the project group, you can react to the project supervisor.

2.4 Metrics and Reports

SQA should be good at discovering problems in project operations, and urgently issues, and important issues are always reported, and other issues are reported.

SQA needs to collect data at any time and protect data validity and authenticity. Regular summary data, statistical analysis and metrics. SQA should assist project groups and SEPG to take corrective or preventive measures against poor trends and issues.

2.5 Quality Promotion

Quality Promotion mainly includes improving the quality awareness and advancement of all members, and interpret the implementation of the process. This work needs to be implemented at a point in daily work.

3 SQA non-periodic work

3.1 Develop "Quality Assurance Plan"

In the project planning phase, SQA is based on the project manager, and the Quality Assurance Plan is developed with the project manager. The contents of the Quality Assurance Program include: QA organization, work product output plan, planned QA activity, metrics, and auxiliary tools that are planned. "Quality Assurance Program" should be clear, operable and updated in time.

3.2 process development

If the project or organization needs to formulate process specifications, SQA should organize relevant personnel to complete the process development. Under normal circumstances, the process must be responsible for complying with the person who implements the process. All developable processes must be reviewed and inspected by SQA.

3.3 Process Improvement

Process improvement is a long-term task. SQA should pay attention to the discovery, listening to the process execution in the process execution, and performing a pre-session (such as quality report, etc.) to continuously improve process, improve process capabilities.

3.4 Learning and Research

SQA should constantly learn and study, try to maintain the latest knowledge in the field, synchronize, find ways and processes to improve product quality and work efficiency. The content of learning mainly includes management and development areas. The management areas include quality management (TQM, ISO9000, CMM, RUP, MSF, XP, etc.), software metric (PSM, GQM, SPC, Sixsigma), project management, configuration management, etc. The development area includes the development and management methods of demand engineering, design, coding, and testing. 3.5 Quality Training

When a project or organization is needed, SQA needs to conduct training or consultation to relevant personnel.


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