Call with parameter stored procedure

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  53

Calling stored procedure:


'' ----- Create a Connection object --------- set objcn = server.createObject ("adodb.connection" "driver = {sql server}; server = localhost; uid = SA; PWD = 1; Database = PUBS; "'' ----- Create a Command object ----------- set objcmd = server.createObject (" adoDb.command ") SET RS = Server. CreateObject ( "adodb.recordset") objCmd.ActiveConnection = objCnn objCmd.CommandText = "p_show" '' specifies the name of the stored procedure objCmd.CommandType = 4 '' as stored procedure queryStr = "select * from authors" PageSize1 = 10PageCurrent = 1FdShow = "" Fdorder = "" ----- Prepare Stored Procedure parameters ------ Objcmd.Parameters.Append Objcmd.createParameter ("@ querystr", advarchar, adpaaminput, 4000, querystr) Objcmd. Parameters.Append objCmd.CreateParameter ( "@ PageSize", adInteger, adParamInput ,, PageSize1) objCmd.Parameters.Append objCmd.CreateParameter ( "@ PageCurrent", adInteger, adParamInput ,, PageCurrent) objCmd.Parameters.Append objCmd.CreateParameter ( " @Fdshow ", Advarchar, Adparaminput, 4000, fdshow) Objcmd.parameters.Append Objcmd.createParameter (" @ fdorder ", Advarchar, Adpaaminput, 1000, fdorder) 'Objcm D.Parameters.Append _ 'objcmd.createParameter ("p_tot", adbigint, adparamoutput, 0)' exceptional method 'set comm = server.createObject ("adoDb.command")' comm.commantype = 4 'Comm. Parameters.append comm.CreateParameter ( "@ keyword", adChar, adParamInput, 50, keyword) 'comm.Parameters.append comm.CreateParameter ( "@ keyword", adInteger, adParamInput ,, choose)' set comm.activeconnection = conn ' Comm.commandtext = "dbo.dt_bbs" 'set = server.createObject ("

AdoDb.recordset ") 'rs.cursortype = 3' communication, 1, 1 '----- Execute stored procedures ------------------- --- set RS = Objcmd.execute do while not rs.eofResponse.write (RS ("au_lname")) response.write ("
") rs.movenextLooprs.Closset RS = Nothing '' ----- Output parameters and processing results -------------- 'for Each Parm in objcmd.parameters' response.write & "=" & trim (parm) & "
"' Next%> <% '----------------------------------------- --------------------------- 'Microsoft Ado' 'Copyright (C) 1996-1998 Microsoft Corporation.' '' Ado Constants Include File For vbscript '' ---------------------------------------------- ----------------------

'---- CURSORTYPEENUM VALUES ---- Const AdopenForwardonly = 0const AdopenKeyset = 1const AdoPENDYNAMIC = 2Const AdopenStatic = 3

'---- CursorOptionEnum Values ​​---- Const adHoldRecords = & H00000100Const adMovePrevious = & H00000200Const adAddNew = & H01000400Const adDelete = & H01000800Const adUpdate = & H01008000Const adBookmark = & H00002000Const adApproxPosition = & H00004000Const adUpdateBatch = & H00010000Const adResync = & H00020000Const adNotify = & H00040000Const adFind = & H00080000Const adSeek = & H00400000Const adIndex = & H00800000

'---- LockTypeenum Values ​​---- Const AdlockReadOnly = 1const AdlockPESSIMISTIC = 2Const AdlockOptimistic = 3const AdlockBatchOptiMistic = 4

'---- ExecuteOptionEnum Values ​​---- Const adAsyncExecute = & H00000010Const adAsyncFetch = & H00000020Const adAsyncFetchNonBlocking = & H00000040Const adExecuteNoRecords = & H00000080Const adExecuteStream = & H00000400' ---- ConnectOptionEnum Values ​​---- Const adAsyncConnect = & H00000010

'---- ObjectStateEnum Values ​​---- Const adStateClosed = & H00000000Const adStateOpen = & H00000001Const adStateConnecting = & H00000002Const adStateExecuting = & H00000004Const adStateFetching = & H00000008

'---- CursorLocationNum Values ​​---- Const ADUSESERVER = 2Const ADUSECLIENT = 3

'---- DataTypeEnum Values ​​---- Const adEmpty = 0Const adTinyInt = 16Const adSmallInt = 2Const adInteger = 3Const adBigInt = 20Const adUnsignedTinyInt = 17Const adUnsignedSmallInt = 18Const adUnsignedInt = 19Const adUnsignedBigInt = 21Const adSingle = 4Const adDouble = 5Const adCurrency = 6Const adDecimal = 14Const adNumeric = 131Const adBoolean = 11Const adError = 10Const adUserDefined = 132Const adVariant = 12Const adIDispatch = 9Const adIUnknown = 13Const adGUID = 72Const adDate = 7Const adDBDate = 133Const adDBTime = 134Const adDBTimeStamp = 135Const adBSTR = 8Const adChar = 129Const adVarChar = 200Const adLongVarChar = 201Const adWChar = 130Const adVarWChar = 202Const adLongVarWChar = 203Const adBinary = 128Const adVarBinary = 204Const adLongVarBinary = 205Const adChapter = 136Const adFileTime = 64Const adPropVariant = 138Const adVarNumeric = 139Const adArray = & H2000

'---- FieldAttributeEnum Values ​​---- Const adFldMayDefer = & H00000002Const adFldUpdatable = & H00000004Const adFldUnknownUpdatable = & H00000008Const adFldFixed = & H00000010Const adFldIsNullable = & H00000020Const adFldMayBeNull = & H00000040Const adFldLong = & H00000080Const adFldRowID = & H00000100Const adFldRowVersion = & H00000200Const adFldCacheDeferred = & H00001000Const adFldIsChapter = & H00002000Const adFldNegativeScale = & H00004000Const adFldKeyColumn = & H00008000Const adFldIsRowURL = & H00010000Const adFldIsDefaultStream = & H00020000Const adFldIsCollection = & H00040000 '---- EditModeEnum Values ​​---- Const adEditNone = & H0000Const adEditInProgress = & H0001Const adEditAdd = & H0002Const adEditDelete = & H0004

'---- RecordStatusEnum Values ​​---- Const adRecOK = & H0000000Const adRecNew = & H0000001Const adRecModified = & H0000002Const adRecDeleted = & H0000004Const adRecUnmodified = & H0000008Const adRecInvalid = & H0000010Const adRecMultipleChanges = & H0000040Const adRecPendingChanges = & H0000080Const adRecCanceled = & H0000100Const adRecCantRelease = & H0000400Const adRecConcurrencyViolation = & H0000800Const adRecIntegrityViolation = & H0001000Const adRecMaxChangesExceeded = & H0002000Const AdRecobjectOpen = & H0004000Const AdrecOutofMemory = & H0008000Const AdrecPermissionDenied = & H0010000Const Adrecuschemaviolation = & H0020000Const AdrecdbDeleted = & H0040000

'---- GetRowSoptionenum Values ​​---- Const AdgetrowsRest = -1

'---- Positionenum VALUES ---- Const adposunknown = -1const adposbof = -2const adposeof = -3

'---- BookMarkenum Values ​​---- Const AdbookmarkCurrent = 0const AdbookMarkFirst = 1Const AdbookmarkLast = 2

'---- Marshaloptionsenum Values ​​---- Const Admarshalall = 0const AdmarshalModifiedOrthly = 1

'---- Affectenum VALUES ---- Const AdaffectCurrent = 1const AdaffectGroup = 2const AdaffectAllchapters = 4

'---- RESYNCENUM VALUES ---- Const AdResyncunderlyingValues ​​= 1const AdResyncallVALUES = 2

'---- CompareEnum Values ​​---- Const adcomparelessthan = 0const adcompareEqual = 1const adcompareGreaterthan = 2const adcomparenotequal = 3const adcomparenotcomparable = 4

'---- Filtergrouplenum Values ​​---- Const Adfilternone = 0const AdfilterpendingRecords = 1const AdfilteraffectedRecords = 2const AdfilterFetchedRecords = 3const AdfilterConflictageRecords = 5

'---- SearchDirectionNum Values ​​---- Const AdSearchForward = 1const AdSearchbackward = -1

'---- PersistFormatenum Values ​​---- Const AdpersistAdtg = 0const AdpersistXML = 1

'---- StringFormatenum VALUES ---- Const Adclipstring = 2

'---- ConnectPtenum Values ​​---- Const Adpromptalways = 1const AdpromptComplete = 2Const AdppTCompleteRequired = 3const Adpromptnever = 4

'---- ConnectModeEnum Values ​​---- Const adModeUnknown = 0Const adModeRead = 1Const adModeWrite = 2Const adModeReadWrite = 3Const adModeShareDenyRead = 4Const adModeShareDenyWrite = 8Const adModeShareExclusive = & HcConst adModeShareDenyNone = & H10Const adModeRecursive = & H400000

'---- RecordCreateOptionsEnum Values ​​---- Const adCreateCollection = & H00002000Const adCreateStructDoc = & H80000000Const adCreateNonCollection = & H00000000Const adOpenIfExists = & H02000000Const adCreateOverwrite = & H04000000Const adFailIfNotExists = -1' ---- RecordOpenOptionsEnum Values ​​---- Const adOpenRecordUnspecified = -1Const adOpenOutput = & H00800000Const AdoPenasync = & H00001000Const AddingFetchStream = & H00004000const AddingEfetchfields = & H00008000Const AdopnexecuteCommand = & H00010000

'---- IsolationLevelEnum Values ​​---- Const adXactUnspecified = & HffffffffConst adXactChaos = & H00000010Const adXactReadUncommitted = & H00000100Const adXactBrowse = & H00000100Const adXactCursorStability = & H00001000Const adXactReadCommitted = & H00001000Const adXactRepeatableRead = & H00010000Const adXactSerializable = & H00100000Const adXactIsolated = & H00100000


'---- PropertyAttributesEnum Values ​​---- Const adPropNotSupported = & H0000Const adPropRequired = & H0001Const adPropOptional = & H0002Const adPropRead = & H0200Const adPropWrite = & H0400

'---- ErrorValueEnum Values ​​---- Const adErrProviderFailed = & Hbb8Const adErrInvalidArgument = & Hbb9Const adErrOpeningFile = & HbbaConst adErrReadFile = & HbbbConst adErrWriteFile = & HbbcConst adErrNoCurrentRecord = & HbcdConst adErrIllegalOperation = & Hc93Const adErrCantChangeProvider = & Hc94Const adErrInTransaction = & HcaeConst adErrFeatureNotAvailable = & Hcb3Const adErrItemNotFound = & Hcc1Const adErrObjectInCollection = & Hd27Const adErrObjectNotSet = & Hd5cConst adErrDataConversion = & Hd5dConst adErrObjectClosed = & He78Const adErrObjectOpen = & He79Const adErrProviderNotFound = & He7aConst adErrBoundToCommand = & He7bConst adErrInvalidParamInfo = & He7cConst adErrInvalidConnection = & He7dConst adErrNotReentrant = & He7eConst adErrStillExecuting = & He7fConst adErrOperationCancelled = & He80Const adErrStillConnecting = & He81Const adErrInvalidTransaction = & He82Const adErrUnsafeOperation = & He84Const adwrnSecurityDialog = & He85Const adwrnSecurityDialogHeader = & He86Const adErrIntegrityViolation = & He87Const adErrPermissionDenied = & He88Const adErrDataOverflow = & He89Const adErrSchemaViolation = & He8aConst adErrSignMismatch = & He8bConst adErrCantConvertvalue = & He8cConst adErrCantCreate = & He8d

Const adErrColumnNotOnThisRow = & He8eConst adErrURLIntegrViolSetColumns = & He8fConst adErrURLDoesNotExist = & He8fConst adErrTreePermissionDenied = & He90Const adErrInvalidURL = & He91Const adErrResourceLocked = & He92Const adErrResourceExists = & He93Const adErrCannotComplete = & He94Const adErrVolumeNotFound = & He95Const adErrOutOfSpace = & He96Const adErrResourceOutOfScope = & He97Const adErrUnavailable = & He98Const adErrURLNamedRowDoesNotExist = & He99Const adErrDelResOutOfScope = & He9aConst adErrPropInvalidColumn = & He9bConst adErrPropInvalidOption = & He9cConst adErrPropInvalidValue = & He9dConst adErrPropConflicting = & He9eConst adErrPropNotAllSettable = & He9fConst adErrPropNotSet = & Hea0Const adErrPropNotSettable = & Hea1Const adErrPropNotSupported = & Hea2Const adErrCatalogNotSet = & Hea3Const adErrCantChangeConnection = & Hea4Const adErrFieldsUpdateFailed = & Hea5Const adErrDenyNotSupported = & Hea6Const adErrDenyTypeNotSupported = & Hea7 '---- ParameterAttributesEnum Values ​​---- Const adParamSi Gned = & h0010const adpaamnull = & h0040const adparamlong = & h0080

'---- ParameterDirectionEnum Values ​​---- Const adParamUnknown = & H0000Const adParamInput = & H0001Const adParamOutput = & H0002Const adParamInputOutput = & H0003Const adParamReturnValue = & H0004

'---- CommandTypeEnum Values ​​---- Const adCmdUnknown = & H0008Const adCmdText = & H0001Const adCmdTable = & H0002Const adCmdStoredProc = & H0004Const adCmdFile = & H0100Const adCmdTableDirect = & H0200' ---- EventStatusEnum Values ​​---- Const adStatusOK = & H0000001Const adStatusErrorsOccurred = & H0000002Const adStatusCantDeny = & H0000003const adstuscancel = & h0000004const adstatusunwantedEvent = & H0000005

'---- EventReasonEnum Values ​​---- Const adRsnAddNew = 1Const adRsnDelete = 2Const adRsnUpdate = 3Const adRsnUndoUpdate = 4Const adRsnUndoAddNew = 5Const adRsnUndoDelete = 6Const adRsnRequery = 7Const adRsnResynch = 8Const adRsnClose = 9Const adRsnMove = 10Const adRsnFirstChange = 11Const adRsnMoveFirst = 12Const adRsnMoveNext = 13const adrsnmoveprevious = 14const adrsnmovelast = 15

'---- SchemaEnum Values ​​---- Const adSchemaProviderSpecific = -1Const adSchemaAsserts = 0Const adSchemaCatalogs = 1Const adSchemaCharacterSets = 2Const adSchemaCollations = 3Const adSchemaColumns = 4Const adSchemaCheckConstraints = 5Const adSchemaConstraintColumnUsage = 6Const adSchemaConstraintTableUsage = 7Const adSchemaKeyColumnUsage = 8Const adSchemaReferentialConstraints = 9Const adSchemaTableConstraints = 10Const adSchemaColumnsDomainUsage = 11Const adSchemaIndexes = 12Const adSchemaColumnPrivileges = 13Const adSchemaTablePrivileges = 14Const adSchemaUsagePrivileges = 15Const adSchemaProcedures = 16Const adSchemaSchemata = 17Const adSchemaSQLLanguages ​​= 18Const adSchemaStatistics = 19Const adSchemaTables = 20Const adSchemaTranslations = 21Const adSchemaProviderTypes = 22Const adSchemaViews = 23Const adSchemaViewColumnUsage = 24Const adSchemaViewTableUsage = 25Const adSchemaProcedureParameters = 26Const adSchemaForeignKeys = 27Const AdschemaprimaryKeys = 28Const Adschemaprocedureco lumns = 29Const adSchemaDBInfoKeywords = 30Const adSchemaDBInfoLiterals = 31Const adSchemaCubes = 32Const adSchemaDimensions = 33Const adSchemaHierarchies = 34Const adSchemaLevels = 35Const adSchemaMeasures = 36Const adSchemaProperties = 37Const adSchemaMembers = 38Const adSchemaTrustees = 39Const adSchemaFunctions = 40Const adSchemaActions = 41Const adSchemaCommands = 42Const adSchemaSets = 43

'---- FieldStatusEnum Values ​​---- Const adFieldOK = 0Const adFieldCantConvertValue = 2Const adFieldIsNull = 3Const adFieldTruncated = 4Const adFieldSignMismatch = 5Const adFieldDataOverflow = 6Const adFieldCantCreate = 7Const adFieldUnavailable = 8Const adFieldPermissionDenied = 9Const adFieldIntegrityViolation = 10Const adFieldSchemaViolation = 11Const adFieldBadStatus = 12Const adFieldDefault = 13Const adFieldIgnore = 15Const adFieldDoesNotExist = 16Const adFieldInvalidURL = 17Const adFieldResourceLocked = 18Const adFieldResourceExists = 19Const adFieldCannotComplete = 20Const adFieldVolumeNotFound = 21Const adFieldOutOfSpace = 22Const adFieldCannotDeleteSource = 23Const adFieldReadOnly = 24Const adFieldResourceOutOfScope = 25Const adFieldAlreadyExists = 26Const adFieldPendingInsert = & H10000Const adFieldPendingDelete = & H20000Const adFieldPendingChange = & H40000Const adFieldPendingUnknown = & H80000Const adFieldPendingUnknownDelete = & H100000 '---- Seekenum Values ​​---- Const Adseekfirst EQ = & h1const adseeklasteq = & h2const adseekaftereq = & h4const adseekafter = & h8const adseekbeforeeeQ = & h10const adseekbefore = & h20

'---- adcprop_updatecriteria_enum value ---- const adcriteriakey = 0const adcriteriaAllCols = 1const adcrienteriaupdcols = 2const adcrienteriatimestamp = 3

'---- adcprop_asyncthreadpriority_enum value ---- const adprioritylowest = 1const AdpringBelownormal = 2const AdpringNormal = 3Const AdpringAbovenormal = 4const AdpringHighest = 5

'---- adcprop_autorecalc_enum value ---- const adrecalcupfront = 0const adRecalWays = 1' ---- adcprop_updateresync_enum value ----


'---- MoveRecordOptionsenum Values ​​---- Const AdmoveUnspecified = -1const AdmoveOverWrite = 1const AdmoveDontuPdatelinks = 2const AdmoveAlloWemulation = 4

'---- CopyRecordoptionsenum value ---- const adcopyunspecified = -1const adcopyOverWrite = 1const adcopyAllowemulation = 4const AdcopyNonRecursive = 2

'---- StreetPeenum Values ​​---- Const Adtypebinary = 1const Adtypetext = 2

'---- LinseParatorenum Values ​​---- Const ADLF = 10const ADCR = 13const adcrlf = -1

'---- StreamopenOptionsenum Values ​​---- Const AdopenStreamunSpecified = -1const AdoPenStreamasync = 1const AdoPenStreamFromRecord = 4

'---- StreamWriteEnum Values ​​---- Const AdWriteChar = 0const AdWriteLine = 1

'---- SaveOptionsenum Values ​​---- Const AdaVecreatenotexist = 1const AdsavecreateOverWrite = 2

'---- Fieldenum VALUES ---- Const AdefaultStream = -1const adRecordURL = -2

'---- StreamReadenum VALUES ---- Const Adreadall = -1const AdreadLine = -2

'---- RecordtyPeenum Values ​​---- Const AdsimpleRecord = 0const AdcollectionRecord = 1Const AdstructDoc = 2%>


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