Universal stored procedure for achieving paging

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  56

ASP call example:




/ * - Universal stored procedure for implementing paging

Display page X of the specified table, view, and query results

For the main key or identity column in the table, take the query from the original table, other cases of using a temporary table

This method is not recommended if there is a primary key in the view or query result.

If you use a query statement, and the query statement uses the order by, the query statement must contain top statements.

- Thank 9cbs.Net Zou Jian - * /

/ * - Call example

EXEC P_SHOW 'Area Information'

Exec P_show 'SELECT TOP 100 Percent * From Area Profile ORDER BY Region Name', 5, 3, 'Area Number, Region Name, Assist Code'

- * /

Create Proc P_show

@Querystr nvarchar (4000), - Table name, view name, query statement

@PageSize Int = 20, - Size per page (number of lines)

@PAGECURRENT INT = 1, - Page to display

@FDSHOW NVARCHAR (4000) = '', - the list of fields to display, if the query result does not need to identify the field, you need to specify this value without the identification field

@Fdorder nvarchar (1000) = '- List of Sort Fields


Set nocount on

Declare @fdname nvarchar (250) - The primary key or table in the table, the identity column name in the temporary table

, @ Id1 varchar (20), @ id2 varchar (20) - start and end record number

, @ Obj_id int-- Object ID

- Treatment of composite primary keys in the table

Declare @strfd nvarchar (2000) - Composite primary key list

, @ strjoin nvarchar (4000) - Connection field

, @ Strwhere Nvarchar (2000) - Query Conditions

SELECT @ obj_id = Object_id (@querystr)

, @ Fdshow = case isnull (@fdshow, '') when ''1' * 'else' ' @ fdshow end

, @ Fdorder = case isnull (@fdorder, '') when '' Ten '' else 'Order by' @ fdorder End

, @ Querystr = case when @obj_id is not null dam t '' @ querystr else '(' @ querystr ') a' end

- If the first page is displayed, you can use TOP to complete



Select @ id1 = cast (@PageSize as varchar (20))

EXEC ('SELECT TOP' @ ID1 @ fdshow 'from' @ querystr @ fdorder)



- If it is a table, check if there is a logo or primary key in the table.

IF @obj_id is not null and objectproperty (@ obj_id, 'istable') = 1begin

Select @ id1 = cast (@PageSize as varchar (20))

, @ Id2 = cast ((@ pagecurrent-1) * @ PageSize As Varchar (20))

SELECT @ fdname = name from syscolumns where id = @ obj_id and status = 0x80

If @@ rowcount = 0 - If there is no marking column in the table, check the table has a primary key


IF not exists (SELECT 1 from sysoads where parent_obj = @ obj_id and xtype = 'pk')

Goto lbuseTemp - If there is no primary key in the table, use a temporary table.

Select @ fdname = name from syscolumns where id = @ obj_id and colid in

Select Colid from sysindexkeys where @ obj_id = id and indid in

Select Indid from sysindexes where @ obj_id = id and name in

Select name from sysobjects where xtype = 'pk' and pient_obj = @ Obj_id


IF @@ rowcount> 1 - Check if the primary key in the table is a composite primary key


Select @strfd = ', @ strjoin =' ', @ strwhere =' '

SELECT @ strfd = @ strfd ', [' name ']'

, @ Strjoin = @ Strjoin 'and a. [' name '] = b. [' name ']'

, @ strwhere = @ Strwhere 'and b. [' name '] is null'

From syscolumn where id = @ obj_id and colid in

Select Colid from sysindexkeys where @ obj_id = id and indid in

Select Indid from sysindexes where @ obj_id = id and name in

Select name from sysobjects where xtype = 'pk' and pient_obj = @ Obj_id


SELECT @ strfd = substring (@ strfd, 2,2000)

@ Strjoin = Substring (@ Strjoin, 5, 4000)

, @ Strwhere = Substring (@ Strwhere, 5, 4000)

Goto lbusepk





Goto lbuseTemp

/ * - Use the identity column or the primary key for a single field - * / lbuseidentity:

EXEC ('SELECT TOP' @ ID1 @ fdshow 'from' @ querystr

'Where' @ fdname 'Not in (SELECT TOP'

@ ID2 '' @ fdname 'from' @ querystr @ fdorder

')' @ Fdorder



/ * - Treatment method for composite primary keys in the table - * /


EXEC ('SELECT' @ fdshow 'from (SELECT TOP' @ ID1 a. * from

(SELECT TOP 100 Percent * from ' @ querystr @ fdorder ') a

Left Join (SELECT TOP ' @ ID2 ' @ strfd "

From ' @ querystr @ fdorder ') b on ' @ Strjoin '

Where ' @ Strwhere ') a '



/ * - Method for processing temporary table - * /


SELECT @fdname = '[id _' cast (newid () as varchar (40)) ']'

, @ Id1 = cast (@PageSize * (@ pagecurrent-1) as varchar (20))

, @ Id2 = cast (@ Pagesize * @ pagecurrent-1 as varchar (20))

EXEC ('SELECT' @ fdname = Id, 0, 1), ' @ fdshow '

INTO #TB from ' @ querystr @ fdorder '

SELECT ' @ fdshow ' from #tb where ' @ fdname ' Between '

@ Id1 'and' @ id2



Giant fast, universal table maintenance increases to change the storage process paging display

(Disease name, nearly 20,000 data)

Export Excel and download



FTP: // 9cbs: 9cbs@

Changed a space, no way, hit the space everywhere.

- Get the data of the specified page

Create Procedure GetRecordfromPage

@tblname varchar (255), - Table name

@fldname varchar (255), - field name

@PageSize INT = 10, - Page Size @PageIndex INT = 1, - Page

@Iscount bit = 0, - Return to the total number of records, non-0 values ​​return

@ORDERTYPE bit = 0, - Set the sort type, descending order of non-0 value

@Strwhere Varchar (1000) = '' - Query Conditions (Note: Don't add WHERE)


Declare @strsql varchar (6000) - main statement

Declare @strtmp varchar (100) - temporary variable

Declare @strorder varchar (400) - Sort Type



Set @strtmp = "<(SELECT MIN"

Set @strorder = "Order by [" @fldname "] desc"




Set @strtmp = "> (SELECT MAX"

Set @strorder = "Order by [" @fldname "] ASC"


Set @strsql = "SELECT TOP" STR (@PageSize) "* from ["

@TBLNAME "] Where [" @fldname "]" @strtmp "(["

@fldname "]) from (SELECT TOP" STR ((@ PageIndex-1) * @ PageSize) "["

@fldname "] from [" @TBLNAME "]" @strorder ") as tbltmp)"


IF @strwhere! = ''

Set @strsql = "SELECT TOP" STR (@PageSize) "* from ["

@TBLNAME "] Where [" @fldname "]" @strtmp "(["

@fldname "]) from (SELECT TOP" STR ((@ PageIndex-1) * @ PageSize) "["

@fldname "] from [" @tblname "] where" @strwhere "" @strorder ") AS TBLTMP) and" @strwhere "" @strorder

IF @PageIndex = 1


Set @strtmp = ""

IF @strwhere! = ''

Set @strtmp = "where" @Strwhere

Set @strsql = "SELECT TOP" STR (@PageSize) "* from ["

@TBLNAME "]" @strtmp "" @strorder


IF @iscount! = 0

Set @strsql = "Select count (*) as total from [" @TBLNAME "]"

EXEC (@strsql)


[Millions] Universal stored procedures. Paging stored procedures.

/ *

Name: Spall_returnRows




Exec Spall_returnrows' SELECT * FROM table name, page number, return record number, 'primary key', 'sort field'

Spall_returnrows' Select * from all_categories', 2, 10, '[id],' [id] '

Description: [Million] Universal stored procedure. Page stored procedure .. Returns the number of specified returns, specifying the number of pages

Author: Dili J.F. Senders

Email: diliatwellknow.net

Website: http://www.wellknow.net

Update: 20040610

Support: http://bbs.wellknow.net

Copyright: Please indicate the source: Create future WellkNow.Net with thinking

* /

Create Procedure DBo.spall_ReturnRows


@Sql nvarchar (4000),

@Page Int,

@RecsperPage Int,

@ID varchar (255),

@Sort varchar (255)



Declare @str nvarchar (4000)

Set @ Str = 'SELECT TOP' CAST (@Recsperpage As Varchar (20)) '* from (' @ SQL ') T where t.' @id NOT IN

(SELECT TOP ' CAST ((@ recsperpage *) AS varchar (20)) ' ' @ ID ' from (' @ SQL ') T9 Order By ' @ Sort ') Order by ' @ Sortprint @str




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