Foreign trade English 900 sentence price Price

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  53

(1) Business is closed at this price. The transaction is finalized in this price. Your price inacceptable (unacceptable). You can accept (not) acceptable. Your price is feasible (Infeasible). You are feasible (not feasible). Your Price is Workable. You bids viable. Your price is realistic (unrealistic). You have the actual (unreal). Your price is reasonable. You are reasonably priced (unreasonable). Your price is practicable. You have a price (not going). Your price is attractive (not attractive). You are attractive (no attractive). Your price is inducing (not inducing). You are attractive (no attractive). Your price is convincing (not convince). You have an attractive (no attractive). Your price is Competitive (Not Competitive). You have a competitiveness (no competitiveness). The Goods Are (NOT) Competitively PriceD. The pricing of this goods has (none) competitiveness. Words and phrases price, pricing, priced price, priced, priced, pricing, price, Price, Price, Price, Price of Commodities Price Price, Price, Price Card Price Directory Pricing Method Pricing, Price List, Price Directory, Price Single Pricing Policy Pricing Policy Price Format Price Directory, Price Table Price Tag Price Tag, Market Price Current (PC) Market Price Table (2) Price Is Turning High (Low). Price Up (Decrease). Price is high (low). The price is high (low). Price is rising (falling). Price rise (decrease). Price is up (down). Price rises (falling). Price is loops UP. Price looks down. Price Has Skyrocketed. The price has risen, the price has shot up. The price is soaring. Price Has Risen Perpendicularly. The price line rises. The price spiral of Price. Price Has HiKED. The price is rapidly raised. Your price is on the high side. You have a high price. Price Has Advanced. The price has risen. Too high. The price of goods is too high. Your price is rather stiff. You are quite high. Price is relatively flat. Your price is prohibitive. You have a high price.

The Japanese Yen Is Strenning. Sun is firm. The u.s. Dollar is weakening. Meiyuan is weak. Your Price is Much Higher Than The Price from U.K. France and Germany. You have a high price than the English, the law, and Germany. Since the prices of the raw matials have been raised, I'm Afraid That We Have to Adjust The Price of Our Products

Due to the rise in raw materials, we have to adjust the price of the product. Your Price is $ 500 / MT, TWICE OF THE OTHER Countries. The price of 500 meters per metric ton is twice as many countries. Is it Possible for you to ras (lift) THE price by 5%? Can you increase the price by 5%? Words and phrases CEILING Price, the highest price Maximum Price, the highest price Minimum Price Between the menu. WE Regret We Have To Maintain Our Original Price. We have to keep the original price. Price is easy. The price is weak. Price is easy OFF. The price tends to be weak. Price has declined. The price has dropped. Price Has Dipped (Sagged). The price has dropped. IT Simply Can't Stand Such A Big Cut. It is no longer a big discount. Price has tobogganed. The price suddenly decline. Price has plummeted. Price plunches. Price has downslided. Price costume. The pricing mode of new products. Articles of everyDay use are economically priced. The price of daily necessities is low. Everyone Knows, The Price of Crude Oil Has Great Decreased. Everyone knows that crude oil prices have fallen sharply. We've Already Cut The Price Very Fine. We have minimized the price. The French Price of Stainless Steel Plates Are About $ 1200 Per Mt, while the German Price Is Still Lower. The price of stainless steel plates is 1200 meters per metric, and Germany is still low. We're Ready to Reduce The Price By 5%. We prepare for fifth percent. To have this business concluded, you need to Lower your Price at Least By 3%. To reach this transaction, you should deal with at least 3%. Business Is Possible if you can lower the price to hk $ 2150. If you can reduce the price to HK $ 2150, you may be transaction. The Utmost (BEST) We can do is to reduce the price by 2%. We can reduce the price of two percent. We can no longer be reduced again. We've Already Cut Down Our Price to Cost Level. We have dropped the price to the cost level. The price of the price is no longer reduced. Our Rock-Bottom Price IS $ 500 / MT, And Cannot Be Further Lowered. Our lowest price is 500 US rounds, one metric ton, can not be low.

Words and phrases hover squats in the original price of Original Price, moderate, appropriate; moderate Economically economically, cheap Stainless Steel stainless steel UTMOST limit, do everything possible to Cost Level costs Rock-bottom lowest ( 4) DM210 is equivalent to 400 rmb. 210 German Mark equivalent RMB 400. DON 'T? US DOLLARS might be adopted. If you don't agree with our RMB settlement, the beauty is also possible. Are you afraid of losing Money Due To Exchange Rate Fluctuations? Are you afraid of suffering from exchange rates? Words and Phrases Hongkong Dollar (HK $) HKG Dollar Singapore Dollar (s $) Singapore dollar Pound Sterling (STG.) GBP United State Dollar (US $) Meki Canadian Dollar (CAN. $) Canadian Dollar Deutsche Mark (DM) Germany Mark Australian Dollar (A $) Australian Yuan Japanese Yen (¥) Sun Austrian Schilling (Sch.) Austria Chaoller French Franc (FF) French Frank Italian Lira (Lire) Italy Danish Krone (E.KR.) Danish Krang Florin (Guilder) H.fl. (D.FI.). Dutch Shield Norwegian Krone (N.Kr.) Norwegian Kro Swedish Krone (S.Kr.) Swiss Klang Belgian Franc (BF) Belgium Swiss Franc ( or sf) Swedish franc to Be Equivalent TO is equivalent to TO Employ with ... Pricing, adoption ... Exchange Rate exchange rate (5) i can give you a definite answer on the price Terms. I can reply to your partner on price conditions. You wish to have a discussion of the price terms of washers. You want to talk about the price elimination of the washing machine. Yes, All of the Price Terms Are Acceptable. Yes, which price condition can be accepted. C.I.f. is the price term normally adopted by you, right? C.i.f. is the price conditions you often use, is it? Sometimes F.O.b. And C & F Are Also Employed. We sometimes use the offshore price or cost. You Said YesterDay That The Price Was $ 60 / Mt, C.I.f. Brussels. You said that the price was set to £ 60 per metric C.I.F. Brussels. In Case F.O.B. IS Used, Risks and Charges Are To Be Passed Over To The Buyers Once The Cargo Is Put on BUYERS. If you use the offshore price, the ship's risks and expenses are transferred to the buyer.

Your Price Is Quote C & F xingang at dm200 per Washer, Right? What is your quote is the 200 German Mark, C & F New Hong Kong Price, right? Words and Phrases Price Terms Price Terms FOB Free On Board "Boat Delivery Price" or "Offshore Price" CIF COST, Insurance and Freight "Cost Posage, Shipping" or "C & F COST AND FREIGHT" cost Plus shipping "or" offshore freight "price FOB LINER TERMS FOB Conditions FOB Stowed Boat Delivery Bank FOB Trimmed ship Delivery and flat cabin FOB Under Tackle FOB hook delivery CIF LINER TERMS CIF Conditions CIF EX SHIP's HOLD CIF Bond Delivery FOB Plane Airplane Offshore Price (for emergency) Acceptable Accepted, you can use to Pass over to transfer, to Adopt, To Employ, To Use (some price term) adopt a certain Price for-free on rail train delivery price FOT-free on truck car delivery price Fas-free alongside ship shop delivery price ex factory factory delivery price EX PLANTATION Farm delivery price EX Warehouse warehouse delivery price EX Ship Destination Duty Delivery price EX DOCK DUTY PAID Destination Port Duty Tax Duty Delivery Price EX DOCK DUTY UNPAID Destination Port Pier Unhabited Delivery Price Additional Words and Phrases Buying Price Sellings Price NEW Price New Price Old Price Old Price PRest price original price original price current price current price, price price prevailing price ruling price current price going price offer price opening price, the opening price closing price closing price exceptional price Special special price deals nominal price line has no market price moderate price fair price Wholesale Price wholesale price Reta il price retail price market price market price net price net cost price cost price gross price gross price, price effect price effect price contract price contract price calculation price calculation price limit price limit price control price control price theory theory of price regulation price price price price structure adjustment Make up Price Support Price Support Bargain Bargain Extra Price Additional Price Ratio Price Per Unit Price Index or Price Of Factory Factory Price


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