
xiaoxiao2021-03-06  55

1. Visual Assist (Abb RAI) (

VA from 5.0 until the current VAX, the function is getting stronger, in addition to the automatic identification of various keywords, system functions, members variables, automatic input prompts, automatic correction, etc., automatic logging errors, etc. Outside, the latest version is also added to the Workspace window, which can be more convenient to find files, classes, and variables in the project. With this tool, it can save more than 30% of the input time.

2. Wndtabs (

Wndtabs is mainly to display all open files in the editing window, more convenient to operate these files in the VC, such as modifying file properties, copy file paths, file names, etc., and open source, if you want, You can add your own functions.

3. Linecounter (

The number of lines used to count the entire project, including the total number of banks, the number of lines, the number of annotations, the number of space lines, etc., and the same file will not calculate multiple times. It also opens the source code! J


A plug-in for a spell check, can spell check the entire file or selected part, support C / C / C #, VB, Fortran, and HTML.

5. SourceStyler C (

This plugin is a formatting tool for C , you can choose a coding style for your own coding habits, or you can define themselves, and define very detailed, expressions, pointers, templates, classes, enumerations. It must meet your needs.

Edenos 32-bit operating system development

String _FontName = Request ["fontname"]. TOSTRING ();

INT _FONTSIZE = Convert.ToinT16 (Request ["Fontsize"]);

String _Showname = Request ["str"]. TOSTRING ();

Bitmap objbitmap = null;

Graphics g = NULL;

Font stringfont = new font (_fontname, _fontsize, fontstyle.bold);

StringFormat stringFormat = new stringFormat ();

StringFormat.Formatflags = stringFormatflags.nowrap;

try {objBitmap = new Bitmap (1,1); g = Graphics.FromImage (objBitmap); SizeF stringSize = g.MeasureString (_ShowName, stringFont); int nWidth = (int) stringSize.Width; int nHeight = (int) stringSize .Height; g.Dispose (); objBitmap.Dispose (); objBitmap = new Bitmap (nWidth, nHeight); g = Graphics.FromImage (objBitmap); g.FillRectangle (new SolidBrush (Color.Yellow), new Rectangle (0 , 0, nWidth, nHeight)); g.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias; g.DrawString (_ShowName, stringFont, new SolidBrush (Color.Black), new PointF (0, 0), stringFormat); objBitmap.Save (Response. OutputStream, Imageformat.gif);} catCH (EE.TOSTRING ());} finally {if (null! = G) g.dispose (); if (null! = Objbitmap) Objbitmap. Dispose (); response.end ();


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