
xiaoxiao2021-03-06  52

This topic may not be appropriate, but as my first blog, I always feel that what should I say before the question. I was starting to contact the computer when I go to college. At that time, I was still in the age of DOS. Although Win3.1 is also in use. Later learned C .... Slowly like this thing. Feeling that it can build a new world. At that time, there was an idea. If a computer as its own learning direction (I am physically physically), it is the cheapest, although I can't afford it, or it is still luxury. One chance to never met Java, but Think in Java still didn't finish it. The reason is that I like not just Java until now, I still have a fanaticism, greedy interest, let me not concentrate ......... I have been 3:45. I have been sleeping before I have been sleeping before I have a long time. Before a computer, it is inseparable ..... seems to have only reason, forced and physiological factors, can let me leave.


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