Method for remote connection access database

zhaozj2021-02-16  211

TCP / IP, ADO, and XML (you need to install Microsoft XML 4.0.). Both servers and clients, the server can be connected to multiple users. Remote connection Access database has many ways, I have previously been more detailed (see 5 methods listed below), I now belong to the third method therein (do not need to use RDS or web servers).


Several methods for remote connection access database:

1. Establish a VPN (Virtual Private Network) so your computer and host connections are

The LAN is no different, and then the folder shared in the server in the server. The ADO connection is as follows: "provider = microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0; data source = // servername / databasefolder / database.mdb; Jet OLEDB: Database Pass

Word = DatabasePW; Persist security info = false

2. Place Database on Web Server to achieve ADO or RDO through RDS (Remote Data Service) and IIS:

If the server sets ODBC DSN as above Jave heroes: "provider = ms remote;" & _

"Remote Server = http: // myservername;" & _

"Remote Provider = MSDasql;" & _

"DSN = Advworks;" & _

"UID = myusername;" & _

"Pwd = mypassword"


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