01. Database
01.01. Data Sheet
01.01.01. Name the best looks of phrase, avoid using database keywords. If you do not use keywords, such as User, add _info named.
01.01.02. Named will be uppercase letters.
01.01.03. English word singular name. Example: Factory.
01.01.04. English word abbreviation name. Example: DEPT.
01.01.05. Use the underline between the English words, and each word is singular. Example: Barcode_Station.
01.01.06. Data sheet is used to store historical data, named History. Example: Barcode_history.
01.01.07. The data sheet is used to store log data, named LOG end. Example: Enduser_log.
01.01.08. Data sheet is used to store category information, named TYPE. Example: program_type.
01.02. Data table field
01.02.01. Naming best looks in the word, avoiding the use of database keywords.
01.02.02. English word singular name. Example: Mail.
01.02.03. English Word abbreviation name. Example: dept_id.
Underlined lines between English words, and each word is singular. Example: user_name.
01.02.05. The field is used to store the flow line, named the end of the ID. Example: Barcode_ID.
01.02.06. Field is used to store code, named NO end. Example: Barcode_no.
01.02.07. Field is used to store the date, named DATE end. Example: create_date.
01.02.08. The field is used to store the quantity, named QTY end. Example: Plan_qty.
01.02.09. Field is used to store classes, named Type end. Example: station_type.
01.02.10. The field is used to store the name, named Name end. Example: Enduser_name.
01.02.11. Field is used to store descriptions, named DESC end. Example: station_desc.
01.02.12. Field is used to store code, named CODE end. Example: Error_code.
01.02.13. Field is used to store the flag, named FLAG. Example: debug_flag.
01.02.14. The field is used to store English names or descriptions, named EN end. Example user_name_en or code_desc_en.
01.03. Index
01.03.01. Named a table name i two-bit water number (01 ~ 99). Example: Enduser_i01.
01.04. Key value
01.04.01. The primary key is named Table Name PK a bit number (1 ~ 9). Example: DEPT_PK1.
01.04.02. Attachment named Name AK one stream number (1 ~ 9). Example: DEPT_AK1.
01.04.03. Outer key is named in a table name fk one stream number (1 ~ 9). Example: DEPT_FK1.
01.04.04. The inspection conditions are specified in a table name CK a range of water numbers (1 to 9). Example: dept_ck1.
01.05. View
01.05.01. Named at V_ start.
01.05.02. Other Rules Reference Number Name Rules.
01.06. Trigger
01.06.01. Named in a table name TR . Example: DEPT_TR1.
01.07. Storage procedure
01.07.01. Name the beginning of TX.
01.07.02. Implement a single data sheet transaction function, named TX table name. Example: txline.01.07.03. Implement the associated data sheet transaction function, named TX function. Example: TXNGData.
01.07.04. Naming needs to understand its main function.
01.08. Function
01.08.01. Check the function of the function, name IS inspection project. Example: Bool ischarvalid (char);
01.08.02. Get the function of the data function, name the Get data item. Example: String getLineno (char);
01.08.03. Set the function of the data function, named the set data item. Example: int setLineno (char);
01.09. Sequence
01.09.01. Name in the field name. Example: line_id.
01.09.02. If you are identical to the field names of other tables, name the table name field name. Example: code_type_id.
01.10. Table space
01.10.01. Storage information is named project name. Example: AMS.
01.10.02. Storage index named project name IDX. Example: Amsidx.
01.10.03. Storage history named project name OLD. Example: amsold.
01.10.04. Storage temporary named project name log. Example: Amslog.
01.11. Data file
01.11.01. Named the beginning of the table in the table two different water numbers (01 ~ 99) . ORA. Example: ams01.ora.
01.12. Package
01.12.01 Named a functional abbreviation PKG water number (1 ~ 9). Example: Amspkg1.
01.13. User
01.13.01. Project Manager is named after the project name. Example: AMS.
01.13.02. Developer Universal Name Developer.
01.13.03. Beginner General Name Beginner.