SourceSafe management with C # removal code

zhaozj2021-02-16  177

SourceSafe management with C # removal code

Author: Bischofia

Other procedures, some solutions have multiple projects, because the code is more, multi-person development, so many projects under VS.NET are controlled with Source Safe. The Source Safe is used to control the local area network path sharing. Therefore, many projects have changed some problems, such as "Solutions seem to be subject to source code, but cannot find its binding information ..." The prompt information is much. Sometimes I have already modified the code, I can't save it, so I want to remove him. The following is some contrast to the project management.

I. Comparison of project projects

Compared with the project management of Source Safe code:

1. Many.scc, .vssscc and .vspscc files;

2. C # project files (.csproj) have added a few lines of labels:

Sccprojectname = "SAK"

SccLocalPath = "SAK"

Sccauxpath = "SAK"

SccProvider = "SAK"

3. In the solution file (.sln), the following node is added:

GlobalSection (SourceCodecontrol) = PRESolution

Sccnumberofprojects = 4

ScclocalPath0 =.



Cancheckoutshared = false


Second, write the implementation

Since the file is increased, some files have been modified, so they want to modify him back by programming, so that I can remove those prompt information, so I wrote the following code.

// ******************************************************** **********

// Program: Zhengzu 2004/06/10

// Function: Removing C # .NET's original code Source Safe Management

// ******************************************************** **********

Using system;


Using system.text;

Using system.threading;

Namespace ZZ



/// Operating information event agent


Public Delegate Void OperateNotifyHandler (Object Sender, VSSEventArgs E);


/// VssConverter process solution or project's SourceSafe association.


Public Class VssConverter


// Operate the root directory



/// Operating information event


Public Event OperatenotifyHandler OperationNotify;


/// thread end notification event


Public Event EventHandler ThreadCompleted;


/// Constructor


/// Project path

Public vssconverter (String OperatePath)




The OperatePath property is used to set or get the project path that currently needs, but it is best not to set him at runtime.


/// Set the solution engineering path


Public String OperatePath


Get {returnid.operatepath;}

Set {this.operatepath = value;


Below is a function of a public modifier, as well as the unique external public method of class instance, with two threads to delete files and modify files separately.


/// Remove Source Safe Code Management


Public void transovevss ()


Thread deletethread = new thread (New ThreadStart (deletevssfile);

Thread Removevssidentifythread = New Thread (New ThreadStart (RemovevssIdentify);

deletethread.start ();



Later, I was tested that DELETETHREAD was faster than RemovevssiDentifythread. Of course, I can also open a thread to share the modification of the file, but here I need to pay attention is that a lot of files are read-only attributes, so I have to set the file attribute to Normal. The operation can be successfully completed, otherwise it will throw an exception.

Here, recursive deletion related files, consisting of three functions:


/// Thread delegate function, complete the deletion "* .scc", "*. Vsscc", and * .vspscc file function.


Private void deletevssfile ()


Deletevssfile (this.operatepath);

// Notice Delete File End

OnthreadCompleted (this, new evenetargs ());



/// Recresence function, delete "* .scc", "*. Vsscc", and * .vspscc files.


/// Current processing path

Private void deletevssfile (String Path)


DELETEFILE (Directory.GetFiles));

DELETEFILE (Directory.GetFiles);

DELETEFILE (Directory.GetFiles));

FOREACH (String Dir in Directory.GetDirectories (PATH))

Deletevssfile (DIR);



/// Remove the file, really delete the file



Private void deletefile (String [] files)


FOREACH (String File In Files)


FileInfo Fi = New FileInfo (file);

Fi.attributes = fileAttributes.Normal;

File.delete (file);

Onoperatenotify (this, new vsseventargs);



Recursive implementation for the ".sln" solution file and ".csproj '" C # project files are also used:


/// Thread Principal, remove the "* .sln" solution file and "* .csproj" C # project file. VSS associated tag.


Private void transovevssidentify ()


Removevsstag (this.operatePath);

// Notice Removing the end of the label

OnthreadCompleted (this, new evenetargs ());



/// Remove the "* .sln" solution file and "* .csproj" C # project file .vss associated tag.


/// Current processing path

Private void transovevsstag (String Path)


REMOVETAGCONTENT (Directory.Getfiles));

RemoveTagContent (Directory.GetFiles (PATH, "*. Csproj");

FOREACH (String Dir in Directory.GetDirectories (PATH))

Removevsstag (DIR);


The following functions are used to analyze the modification of the file, because they are doing the work of deleting some file content, so write the processing function into one,


/// Remove the "* .sln" solution file and "* .csproj" C # project file .vss associated tag.


/// Current processing file

Private void RemoveTagContent (String [] Files)


FOREACH (String File In Files)


String strs; // vss label text start content

String strand; // Label text ends

INT OFFSET; / / End the offset of the label text

FileInfo Fi = New FileInfo (file);

Fi.attributes = fileAttributes.Normal;

IF (FI.EXTension == ".SLN") // If it is a solution file


strStart = "GlobalSection (Sourcecodecontrol)";

Strend = "EndglobalSection";

OFFSET = 19; // contain / r / n and spaces


Else // If it is a project file {

Strstart = "sccprojectname";

STREND = ">";





Int start; // vss label text begins index

INT end; // vss tag text end index

String content; // file content

Using (filestream fs = new filestream (file,, fileaccess.readwrite, fileshare.readwrite))


StreamReader SR = New StreamReader (FS);

Content = sr.readtoend ();

sr.close ();

Start = content.indexof (strStart);


IF (start! = - 1) // The file needs to remove the label


Using (filestream fs = new filestream (file, filemode.truncate, fileaccess.write,


End = start content.substring (start) .indexof (strend) offset

Content = content.substring (0, start) Content.substring (end);

StreamWriter SW = New Streamwriter (FS);

SW.WRITE (Content);



Onoperatenotify (this, New vsseventargs (file "removal tag"))



Catch (Exception EX)


ONOPERATENOTIFY (this, New vsseventargs): " EX.TOSTRING ()));




That do this, the above program implements the main function, but the event defined above, the following is the function of the event,


/// Operating information event notification


/// VssConverter

/// parameter,

Protected Virtual Void OnoperationNotify (Object Sender, vsseventargs e)


IF (Operatenotify! = null)

OperateNotify (Sender, e);



/// thread end event notification


/// VssConverter

/// parameter

Protected Virtual Void ONTHREADCOMPLETED (Object Sender, Eventargs E)


IF (Threadcompleted! = NULL)

ThreadCompleted (Sender, e);



Compared to the parameters in the event, a class is defined here from Eventargs inherited, and only one field is used to save information, ///

/// Message Notification Event Parameter Class


Public Class vssEventArgs: Eventargs




/// Constructor



Public vsseventargs (String Message)





/// Message content


Public String Message


Get {return this.Message;}





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