UNIXEMAILFTP Basic Directive

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  58

UNIX / EMAIL / FTP Basic Directive

Huang Qi 89.2.14

Explanation grammatism Basic UNIX instruction Basic EMAIL instruction Advanced EMAIL instruction Basic FTP instruction

Directive literary method

The instruction is bold red, such as the desired parameter as the desired parameter, and the parameters in [] can be omitted.

CommandName Directory Name DirName Directory FNAME Profile Hostname Host URL NAME Directory or Archive UserName Email Location


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Basic UNIX instruction

General Instruction Description Man CommandName is equivalent to the Help, the display manual (Manual) is related to this instruction, Passwd Change Password Logout Leave System

Archives and directory instructions LS LS list information about files (Directory) CAT FNAME [FNAME ...] If you are multiple FNAME, if you combine multiple files If there is only one FNAME, it is a display file. On the screen on the screen, a page shows the file on the screen MV Name1 Name2 to change the file name from Name1 to Name2. If Name2 has information, Name1's data will cover the Name2 data RM FName Remove file FNAME RM -R DIRNAME Delete Directory and all file cp name (DirName or Name2) Copy file Name to directory DIRNAME or to file Name2 PWD display Current directory name. The directory name before UNIX PROMPT does not change the CD change to the CD change back to Home Directory with the replacement directory (in the school host cguaplo is home / user / username) CD .. Back to the top of the directory CD ~ / DIRNAME Back home Directory, Change to Dirname CD / to Root Directory Mkdir Dirname to build a new directory RMDir Dirname to delete an empty directory

In UNIX, the file name and directory name are Case Sensitive, ie, file unix.doc is different from UNIX.DOC or UNIX.DOC. And is not limited by the form of 8.3 DOS file name.

The file or directory format shown by LS -L is as follows:

-rw-r ------- 1usDynix18417jan 23 24: 00catalog.doc archive nature and permission connection file number The number of people with this file has this file group file size last modified date and time file name

There are ten characters regarding the nature of the file, which can be divided into four groups as follows:

DR W XR W XR W X Archives (-) / Directory (D) Subscriptions of Households Have Group Permissions Others' Use Permissions

among them:

RREAD View this file or directory content wwrite can change this file or directory's content XEXECUTE executive this file - this permission is as follows: "- rwxrwx ---" indicates that it is a file, the owner of this file and owns Groups can read, write, and implement this file, while others do not have authority read, write, or execute this profile at all.


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Basic Email (Email) Directive

Command Prompt in Mail is


Since the e-mail edit program does not automatically bypass at each row, you have to press Enter to write to the rightmost right side of the screen. But after the wrap, you cannot return to the previous line to modify it.

When writing the email, the other is on the top one.

. then press


Ctrl-d is ended and sent this message. If you want to interrupt a message, please press

Ctrl-c jumps out of this message twice.

Instruction Description Mail UserName Write an email to the username mail whether the mail mail -f fname to be read Mail -f FNAME is not specified in the FNAME in the FNAME, the system will be read from the Mbox. Usually, if the letter is not deleted, the system automatically uses it to enter your email in the Mbox of Home Directory, can you check the available instructions. Some of the more common use instructions are listed below. MessageList can be one or more mail numbers (such as 1 or 1 2 3 or 1-3). If it is not listed, the system sets it to the current email.



D MessageList Delete Message H Display The Title M UserList Send Email Show the next mail Q Leave Mail, save the unsteited mail in Mbox R match, R message, R message, R message, R message, R message, R message, R message, send mail, all received The person S messageList FNAME to this letter is stored in the FAME. If there is information in FNAME, you start this mail U messageList to restore this mail x Leave Mail, but does not change the system MailboxMessageNumber to display a specific message.


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Advanced Email (Email) instruction

The TILDE (~) instruction only can be used after the time of writing the message, and should be used in each line at the beginning of each line.



~? Show all tilde (~) instructions ~ D Load the contents of Dead.Letter in the message ~ f MessageList loads the message that is being written in the message you are writing ~ m messagelist is the same ~ f, but loaded mail content Will go to the right-grid ~ R fname to load the FNAME content ~

Alias ​​(alias) set an alias to the object of the regular mail

Set an object name to the regular mail, which can reduce the number of words that is played and reduce the chance of the error. For example, take Mary@cguaplo.cgu.edu.tw a differential name as Mary, just type Mail Mary when sending an email without typing Mail Mary@cguaplo.cu.edu.tw.

Modify Home Directory with vi or any edit

.mailrc. Add a line of alias mary mar@cuaplo.cu.edu.tw in the file.


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Basic FTP instruction

Check in, check out and HELP instructions



FTP hostname starts FTP program, and enters the Hostname Host Open Hostname Connection to the HostnameUser connection, you need to type the login name Help or? HelpBye or Quite end connection

Directory instruction (Host host)



CD .. Replace to the previous directory CD Dirname Replacement Directory to Dirnamels or Dir View Directory PWD Current Current Current

Catalog instruction (Local PC)



LCD .. Replace to the last layer directory LCD DirName Replacement Directory to Dirnameldir View Directory Scriptures

Transmission instruction



GET FNAME By Host Transfer Multiple FNames to LocalMget FNames by Host FNames Transfer FNames to Host MPUT FNAMES Transferring PNAMES to HOSTASCII by Local Transport Archive Binary Binary Transport Archives in a Binary Mode [

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