Use MD5Sum to verify the virtual optical disc image (ISO, CUE, BWT, CDI, CCD, MDS, PDI, NRG, B5T, etc.)

zhaozj2021-02-16  224

Qiankun smile [smileonce] 2004-7-23 All rights reprinted, please indicate

In the Windows platform, we started using the virtual disc image, earliest is used to play games, there are some CD-Key disc mirrors, and use virtual optical drives to use. (There are also some tricks such as pull-driven data lines, I believe everyone also knows ^ _ ^) What we have to solve today is: How can you make sure you downloaded the CD image is correct (no damage or loss of data) ?

Common disc mirrors include Standard ISO Images (*. ISO), Cue Sheets (*. CUE), BLINDREED IMAGES (*. BWT), Discjuggler Image (*. CDI), Clonecd Image (*. CCD), Media Discriptor Files * .mds), Instant CD / DVD Images (*. PDI), Nero images (*. NRG), BlindWrite 5 images (*. b5t), when downloading these mirrored downloads, you will be included with MD5 file, or Passed the mirror MD5 code directly on the page, such as C9CA114C2E551ED8F7271549F37B423E XXX_XXX_ABC.ISO

How did this code calculate? This is the application of the MD5 encryption algorithm, and the data of the entire disc passes a series of calculations, and has drawn a 32-bit hexadecimal number (128 bit). This code is unique to indicate the information of this disc. Since the original information is as a slight change, after the MD5 operation, the results will have a big change, so it is widely used in the test of the Download CD.

Suppose we have downloaded the disc image XXX_XXX_ABC.ISO to C: / ABC, then MD5SUM (a tool for CD data operation MD5 algorithm, click here to download) is also copy to C: / ABC, then use "MD5sum "Method to run, you can get an MD5 code, as shown below: C: / ABC> MD5SUM XXX_XXX_ABC.ISOC9CA114C2E5551ED8F7271549F37B423E * XXX_XXX_ABC.isookey, see it, and the above code, explain the disc image we downloaded is correct of. If you use MD5SUM to download the Download CDM image of the MD5 code and the MD5 code provided on the download site is inconsistent, you need to re-download.


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