VSFTP common setting

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  55

1. Set the welcome message # / etc / vsftpd / vsftpd.confdirMessage_enable = yes and then build a .Message file in the main directory, write welcome words. 2, modify the default port # / etc / vsftpd / vsftpd.conflisten_port = 21213, Cancel anonymous login # / etc / vsftpd / vsftpd.confanonymous_enable = NO4, restrict users from changing directories # / etc / vsftpd / vsftpd.confchroot_list_enable = YESchroot_list_file = / etc / vsftpd / chroot_list chroot_list then edit the file vi chroot_listuser1user25, the user speed limit # / etc / vsftpd / vsftpd.confuser_config_dir etc / vsftpd / userconf in / etc / vsftpd / establish the appropriate user name userconf file directory = /, edit local_max_rate = 500000 (Unit b / s) 6, establish each user's independent process # / etc / vsftpd / vsftpd.confsetproctitle_enable = yes7, modify data port # / etc / vsftp / vsftpd.conflisten_port = 2121ftp_data_port = 20208, configure virtual user FTP to establish a virtual user file VI Account.txt content User1Password1User2password2User3password3 generated port 库 library db_load -t -tha -f ./account.txt /etmod 600 /etc/vsftpdpd/account.db built a virtual user's PAM file #vi / etc / pam.d / vsftp.vuauth required /lib/security/pam_userdb.so db = / etc / vsftpd / accountaccount required /lib/security/pam_userdb.so db = / etc / vsftpd / account set up virtual user useradd -d / FTPSITE Virtual_UserchMod 700 / ftpsite Modify /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.confguest_enable=yes Enables Virtual User Guest_USERNAME = Virtual_User to map virtual users to local users PAM_SERVICE_NAME = VSF TP.VU Specifies the PAM Profile to set the virtual user # / etc / vsftpd / vsftpd.confuser_conftpd / vsftpd.confuser_config_dir = / etc / vsftpd / user_config_dir user profile catalog to establish a user separate configuration file, set the user can't upload #vi / etc / user_config_dir / gouwrite_enable = noano_upload_enable = no


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