Crystal report packaging specific procedure

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  47

1) New "Installation and Deployment Project" -> "Installation Wizard"

2) Select Project Types (click "Create Setup for Windows Applications") -> Next

3) Select the file you want to include: Add your program file C: / Program Files / Common files / meaged_chs.msm, database_access_chs.msm, database_access_chs.msm, regwiz.msm, vc_crt.msm , VC_STL.MSM. -> Completed

The specific functions are as follows:

Managed.msm, managed_chs.msm, (Managed Component MSM handles all managed components, including Windows Forms, Web Forms Viewer, and All Crystal Decisions Namespaces)

Database_access.msm, Database_Access_chs.msm, (for all other files required to make the report, send MSM by the database). These include databases, export, and chart drivers.)

RegWIZ.MSM, (KeyCode MSM) installation of the Crystal Decisions key number)

Vc_CRT.MSM, VC_STL.MSM (this absolutely not mentioned on the MSDN, is the running library of VC, estimating that some programs involved in Crystal Report are written with VC, so it is necessary!)

4) Open the solution -> Right click on the properties of the Regwiz MSM, "License Key" in "MergeMouduleProperties" Fill in: AAP5GKS0000GDE100DS (this is the password you generated by the Crystal Report is the password of the registration number!)

5) Generate a solution (or press CTRL SHIFT B)

The entire distributor to this CrystalReport is already done, and what you want is to install DOTNETFRAMEWORK and MDAC27 in Win98 (in the update disk), then double-click the installer you just made ...


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