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When I change the program as required, although it can be run in Eclipse, it cannot be manually executed in a DOS manner.
import java.awt *;. import java.awt.event *;. import javax.swing *;. public class AppletTriangle extends JApplet implements ActionListener {JTextField inputOne = new JTextField (20); JTextField inputTwo = new JTextField (20); JTextField inputThree = new JTextField (20); JTextField output = new JTextField (20); public void init () {Container pane = getContentPane (); pane.setLayout (new FlowLayout ()); pane.add (new JLabel ( "Enter a Number. "); Pane.Add (INPUTON); PANE.ADD (" Enter a Number. "); Pane.Add (InputTWO); Pane.Add (New Jlabel (" Enter a Number and Hit Return ")); PANE.ADD (Inputthree); Pane.Add (" IS IT A TRIANGLE? "); Pane.Add (Output); InputThree.AddActionListener (this);} public void ActionPerformed (ActionEvent E ) {Double first, second, third; string result; first = double.parsedouble; second = double.pasedouble (in Puttwo.getText (); third = double.parsedouble (InputThree.getText ()); if (First Second> Third &&first Third> Second && Second Third> First) Result = "YES"; else result = " No "; output.settext (result);}} The only problem is that there is no comment. After adding a similar comment, you can execute it in the DOS environment. It seems that different languages, the comments in Java are also related to the operation of the program.
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