An important control, often we will
Make possible-to-page and can be sorted, sometimes need to be added. These are all methods that often need to be used, in fact, is relatively simple.
Design ideas:
For convenience, we connect the ORDERS table of the Northwind database of SQL Server 2000, and get the data view of this table from the database. Sort by using DataGrid's SortCommand event. Use a template column to add the Checkbox control to achieve selection. You can use the "paging" option of the property generator of the DataGrid or you can modify the HTML implementation paging.
Add a DataGrid, named DGORDER.
Added a template column, a template column places a CHECKBOX control called CB. This column is used to achieve the selection
Sort each column to be sorted with sorted expression sortexpression.
Using the column DataFormatString to format the column, like the DataFormatString = "{0: D}" display date format.
Set up pagesize = "15" to display 15 lines of data per page, sopaging = "true" is allowed to page.
Whole HTML page code: