Due to the expansion of the company, the machine is not enough. The original Bugzilla server set up to develop a new colleague, so I had to migrate bugzilla to the project server. In the middle of the migration, some unclear problems were tossing for a long time, and they were recorded here.
1 The original server is Windows2000 Server, with IIS default, the new server is Windows 2003Enterprise. There is a little different below when IIS is installed:
In 2000, it is in "Control Panel - Add or Remove Programs - Add / Remove Windows Components" to hook directly in the IIS selection box, where the location of the IIS component in 2003 is turned to "Control Panel - Add or Remove Programs - Add / Remove Windows Components - Application Server - Details. Place the installation disk, hook it, and pass it off. If there is no available SMTP server, you can also install the SMTP service at the same time.
2 Install MySQL. At the beginning, it was installed below 2003. The result is sometimes the service launch failed. Sometimes the application security policy fails. After the successful success, Perl checksetup.pl has always been connected to the database, this step is a waste of time, recall Maybe because the server instance is installed, this version of MySQL runs instances of multiple MySQL services on a TD computer, then connect the database, it should be specified to specify the server address and instance name, no mood will go back to try . Finally, 4.1 was uninstalled, and after cleaning all the MySQL projects from the registry, 4.0.22 has been successfully configured (4.0 did not prompt the installation instance, which is about not supported?). After installing the BUGS username and password have been bugs database.
3 Install ActivePerl. Didn't go online to find the latest version, because I have been very stable before 5.8, more than one thing is less than a matter.
4 Copy the original bugzilla directory to the new server. Because I did some Chinese and localization work, I didn't re-decompose the load package but the original old release directory.
5 Perl Checksetup.pl and install various PPMs. The most powerful step from the past is now much simple. According to the prompts of the run, find http://landfill.bugzilla.org/ppm, download all PPD files to the local, then download all the GZ packets below the X86 directory to the local x86 directory (keep PPD and GZ) The relative position of the file is constant.), Then ppm install ***. Ppd one by one. However, after gDgraph.ppd download, it was not installed in PPM Install http://landfill.bugzilla.org/ppm/gdgraph.ppd. Download to the local installation is mainly fast, use flashget or Netants to slow down with PPM, is of course heaven. If you can use the PerlModules package to the Waito Sensitive Collection, but the DBI version is too old or you want to go down, GD and other graphs are used to use it.
6 With Localconfig and Checksetup.pl, $ mysql_binaries = "d: // mysql // bin // mysql" on the old red book;
$ mysqlpath = "d: // mysql // bin" item has been out of time, the new DBI can connect to mySQL, do not want to call the mysql command. So just as long as you use the database address, the username, and password in LocalConfig. I used localhost / bugs / bugs. Then changed
$ INDEX_HTML = 1. $ WebServergroup seems to forget to change, but it is also very happy, maybe there is a default? PerlChecksetup.pl will automatically create a table after successful. When it created, I stopped my mysql service, and deleted the bugs directory under the Data directory. Copy the original
The bugs directory under the Data directory on MySQL came over, and then the MySQL service was opened, so the new service used the old data.
7 Modifying the Perl file This step is done on the old server, just confirming that the CGI file directly copied is changed.
8 Configure IIS, see the Red Book. After the completion, I found that the bugzilla virtual directory cannot be accessed. Further research found in actually bugzilla catalog
Both pictures can be released, the JS file can also download, so the problem is not executed in the Perl command. Recheck IIS
The IIS under Windows2003 has a "server extension" project, and the default CGI features include Perl and ASPs are prohibited. Enabled
Bugzilla is running normally after Perl.
9 Configure mail. In fact, http://www.bugzilla.org/docs/2.18/html/os-specific.html said very clearly
Put Open (Sendmail, "| / usr / lib / sendmail $ sendmailparam -t -i") || DIE "can't open sendmail";
Print Sendmail Trim ($ msg). "/ n"; close sendmail; change
Use net :: smtp; my $ SMTP_SERVER = 'smtp.mycompany.com'; # Change this
# Use Die on Error, So That The mail will be in 'unsent mails' and # can be self from the sanity check page.my $ smtp = net :: smtp-> new ($ smtp_server) || DIE' Cannot Connect To Server / '$ SMTP_SERVER /' ';
$ SMTP-> Mail ('bugzilla-daemon@mycompany.com '); # Change this $ SMTP-> To ($ Person); $ SMTP-> DATA (); $ SMTP-> Datasend ($ msg); $ SMTP -> DataEND (); $ SMTP-> quit; I am confirmed my company's SMTP server.