The definition issues encountered in ATL in ADO program When you want to define methods in an interface as follows:
[ID (1), Helpstring ("Method SearchCust")] HRESULT SEARCHCHCUST ([In] BSTR BSTRCUSTID, [OUT, RETVAL] _Recordset ** PTR);
Since the _recordset type is used, it must be
Importlib ("C: / Program Files / Common Files / System / ADO / Msado15.dll");
So the entire IDL file should be rewritten as the following way:
// FindCust.Idl: IDL Source for FindCust.dll
// this file will be processed by the Mid Tool To
// Produce the Type Library (FindCust.tlb) And Marshalling Code.
Import "OAIDL.IDL";
Import "OCIDL.IDL";
UUID (B32A7D72-12D4-11D5-AC09-00A0247A8577),
Version (1.0),
Helpstring ("FindCust 1.0 Type Library)
Library FindCustLib // Library gives manual advancement
Importlib ("stdole32.tlb");
Importlib ("stdole2.tlb");
// modify here
Importlib ("C: / Program Files / Common Files / System / ADO / Msado15.dll");
UUID (B32A7D7F-12D4-11D5-AC09-00A0247A8577),
Helpstring ("ISEARCH Interface"),
Interface ISEARCH: IDispatch
[ID (1), Helpstring ("Method SearchCust")] HRESULT SEARCHCHCUST ([In] BSTR BSTRCUSTID, [OUT, RETVAL] _Recordset ** PTR);
UUID (B32A7D81-12D4-11D5-AC09-00A0247A8577),
Helpstring ("_ ieSearchevents Interface")
UUID (B32A7D80-12D4-11D5-AC09-00A0247A8577),
Helpstring ("Search Class")
CoClass Search
[default] interface iesarch;
[Default, Source] Dispinterface_isearchevents DISPINTERFACE