"LINUX" RM -RF mydir deletes the directory mydir and all things inside. Userdel ABC Delete User ABCUSERADD ABC Add a new user Abcpasswd ABC to set password SU Root to user rootcd ~ Switch to the current user's home directory MKDir .SSH LS -A display All directories and files, including. Directory and file DF View Disk Remaining Space WHO View Current User
PS -AUX View Process
"Windows" RunaS usage:
Runas [[/ NOPROFILE | / Profile] [/ env] [/ Netonly]] / user:
Runas [[/ noprofile | / profile] [/ env] [/ Netonly]] / smartcard [/ user:
/ NOPROFILE Specifies that the user's configuration file should not be loaded. This will accelerate the application loading, but may cause some applications to run abnormal. / Profile specifies that the user should be loaded. It's the default value. / ENV To use the current environment, not the user's environment. / Netonly is only used only if the specified credentials are limited to remote access.
/ savecred credentials saved by the user. There is no such option on Windows XP Home Edition. This option will be ignored. / Smartcard If the credential is provided by the smart card, use this option.
/ User
For example:> RunaS / Noprofile / User: MyMachine / Administrator CMD> RunaS / Profile / Env / User: Mydomain / Admin "MMC% Windir% / System32 / DSA.MSC"> runas / env /user :user@domain.microsoft. Com "notepad /" my file.txt / ""