UML modeling tool comparison

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  51

From: UmlChina Author: Jie Zhao, Dunstan Thomas Consulting with, ludingping [2004/09/23]

Since the official release of UML in 1997, a large number of commercial UML modeling Case tools debut. This provides us with a lot of choices, as well as we need a lot of investigations to better adapt to our business and software applications development needs to better adapt to our business and software applications (ROI). . In this article, we will compare the UML modeling capabilities of two case tools, two-way engineering features and project lifecycle support: Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect (EA) Professional V.3.51 and IBM Rational Rose Enterprise Edition V .2002. Why do we need UML modeling Case tools today, the system builds become more complex, UML modeling case tools are project-related personnel (eg, project managers, analysts, designers, architects, developers, etc.) Many benefits. UML Modeling Case Tool allows us to apply specification-oriented object-oriented analysis and design, away from entangled source code, achieved more intuitive, more easily understood and modified. In large projects, use the CASE tool more important. By using the Case tool: * By the use case model, business / system analysis can capture business / system requirements. * Design models made by the design model can clearly express interactions between objects or subsystems in different levels (typical UML diagrams such as class diagrams and interactions). * Developers can quickly turn the model into a runoff application, find a subset of the class and methods, and understand how they interact. The model is seen as the end manual for blueprints and build systems. Similarly, modeling is a representation of a design and understanding how it operates from the high-level and appropriate form. For these motives, UML Case tools and corresponding methodology provide us with a method of description system that is too complicated and cannot understand the lower source code, while allowing us to develop the correct software solution faster and more cheap. Of course, to consider the Case tool in UML modeling capabilities, project lifecycle support, bidirectional engineering, data modeling, performance, price, supportability, easy usability, etc. This article will explore the same points and differences in UML modeling, project lifecycle support, and two-way engineering, hoping to help you choose the right tool in your project. The UML modeling characteristic UML standard consists of three parts, namely: the relationship between the blocks (such as objects, classes, messages), construction blocks (such as association, generalization) and diagrams (such as active diagrams). UML PROFILE uses the UML scalability mechanism to extend standard UML symbols, ie, constructors, labels, and constraints. EA Professional V.3.51 and Rational Rose V.2002.05 support eight standard UML maps in UML 1.4 nine graphs - use case diagrams, class diagrams, sequence diagrams, collaboration diagrams, active diagrams, state diagrams, implementation maps (components) Figure, deployment diagram, and several UML PROFILES. If necessary, the object map can be created using the collaboration diagram. Different points only exist in some features supported when creating a UML diagram (Table 1) and extending UML PROFILES.

UML graph feature EAROSE uses an example to establish a boundary of the domain in the field. However, some work uses text or packages. Sequence collaboration sequence diagram and collaborative diagram of mutual transformation Noyes sequence Change Message Range Yesno Sequence Display Message Hierarchy Number Yesno Sequence Collaboration In Browser Creating Objects Yesno Sequence Management Control Confocus Easy Difficulties All Figure Properties Yesno Table 1. EA And Rose's UML Try Now Comparison Enterprise Architect has a universal UML PROFILE mechanism to load and run different Profiles. Enterprise Architect Specifies an XML file in a specific format for UML Profiles. And in Rational Rose, you need an additional item. Table 2 shows the availability of UML PROFILES in EA and ROSE. UML PROFILESEAROSE Business Process Modeling Support Eriksson-Penker Business Process Modeling Extensions Using UML Events Business Modeling NOYES Data Model YESYES User Experience Model Yesno Web Model Yes YESXML DTDNO YES Table 2. EA and ROSE UML PROFILE Compare Bidirectional Engineering bidirectional engineering includes forward engineering - from models to code and reverse engineering - from code to model. Once the design is complete, use the model (design model and data model) information to generate a source code or DDL script of a specific programming language. When developers add / change code or database implementation, the design and data models can be consistent with a two-way engineering synchronization code or DDL script. Table 3 shows the characteristics of EA and ROSE bidirectional engineering.

Language Earoseansi C Yesyes Visual C Noyes VB6yesyes Javayesyes VB6yesyes Javayesyes VB6yesyes Javayesyes C # yesno vb.Netyesno Delphiyesno. J2EE / EJBNO YES CORBANOYES ADA83, ADA95 NOYES DATABASEYES. From the forward project of DDL scripts. ODBC data source reverse engineering YES.DB2, Oracle, SQL 92, SQL Server, Sybase Comnoyes. Just reverse engineering web application NOYES Table 3. EA and ROSE two-way engineering EA is placed in the source code file for class In the same package. Rational Rose more involved in specific items in VC or VB. Rational Rose can also create classes through the wizard and the code template, which greatly increases the number of source code generated. In addition, both EA and ROSE can apply design patterns. When using EA, the user must create a mode itself, and Rose provides 20 GOF design patterns of Java. The project lifecycle supports the Case tool to support their tasks to all players in the team. With regard to the support of the project lifecycle, EA will integrate a large number of functional synthesis, while Rose is mainly modeling tools, which can be integrated with other Rational or third-party tools such as RequisitePro, Test Manager, Soda, MS Word, MS Project. To achieve the same goal. Table 4 compares EA and ROSE functional support in different subjects.


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