DOS command set

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  56

(1) MD - build subdirectory 1. Function: Create a new subdirectory 2. Type: Internal Command 3. Format: MD [Disk] [Path Name] 4. Instructions for use: (1) "Drive": Specify the disk drive letter to establish a subdirectory, if omitted, is the current drive; (2) "path name": The superior directory of the subdirectory to be established, if it is available It is built in the current directory. Example: (1) Creating a subdirectory named Fox in the root of the C DC; (2) Create a USER subdirectory in the fox subdirectory. C:,> MD Fox (creating subdirectory fox under the current drive C) C:,> MD Fox, User (creating a USER subdirectory in the fox subdirectory) (2) CD - Change the current directory 1. Function: Displays the current directory 2. Type: Internal Command 3. Format: CD [Disk] [Path Name] [Subnatal Name] 4. Instructions: (1) If the path and subdirectory name is omitted, the current directory is displayed; (2) If you use the "CD," format, return to the root directory; (3) Returned to the previous one by using "CD .." format. Category. Example: (1) Go to the User subdirectory; (2) Return to the subdirectory from the USER subdirectory; (3) Return to the root directory. C:,> CD Fox, User (enter the user subdirectory under the Fox subdirectory) C:, Fox, User> CD .. (Return to the previous root directory) C:, fox> CD, (return to the root directory) C:,> (3) RD - Delete subdirectory command 1. Function: Deleted the directory from the specified disk. 2. Type: Internal Command 3. Format: RD [Disk] [Path Name] [Subnatal Name] 4. Instructions for use: (1) The child must be empty before deleting, that is, you need to enter the subdirectory first, use the DEL (Delete file command) to delete the files in its subdirectory, then return to the previous Category, use the RD command to delete the directory itself; (2) Can't delete the root directory and the current directory. Example: Requires the User subdirectories under the C disk Fox subdirectory, the operation is as follows: Step 1: First drop the file in the user subdirectory; C,> DEL C:, FOX, user, *. * Step 2, delete the USER subdirectory. C,> RD C:, Fox, User (4) DIR - Display Disk Directory Commands 1. Function: Displays the contents of the disk directory.

2. Type: Internal Command 3. Format: DIR [Drive] [Path] [/ P] [/ W] 4. Instructions for use: / P Use; when you want to view too much, you can't see the screen on one-screen display, you will not be easy to see, add / P, you will display 23 lines on the screen. File information, then pause, and prompt; use of Press Any Key to Continue / W: Plus / W Only the file name is displayed, as for the file size and the date and time of the establishment, it is omitted. After adding the parameters, each line can display five file names. PATH - Path Settings Command 1. Function: The search path of the device executable file is only valid for the file. 2. Type: Internal Command 3. Format: Path [Card Manifold 1] Directory [Path Name 1] {[; Disk 2:], ...} 4. Instructions: (1) When running an executable file, DOS will first search for the file in the current directory, if you find it; if this file is not found, according to the path set by the Path command, order Search for this file in the directory; (2) path in the path command, if there are two or more, each path is ";" separated; (3) There are three ways: Path [drive letter 1: [Path 1] [Path 2:] [Path 2] ... (Set the search path of the executable) PATH: (Cancel all paths) PATH: (Show the path set "(6) Tree- - Display Disk Directory Structure Commands 1. Function: Displays all directory paths on the specified drive and all file names in these directories. 2. Type: External Command 3. Format: Tree [Disk] [/ f] ["PRN] 4. Instructions for use: (1) Display all files and directory when using the / f parameter, omitted, only the directory is displayed, the directory is not displayed; (2) When selecting> PRN parameters, put the listed directory and The file name in the directory prints the output. (7) DELTREE - Delete the entire directory command 1. Function: Remove the entire directory and subordinate subdirectories and files. 2. Type: External Command 3. Format: Deltree [Disk:] 4. Instructions: This command can be deleted in one step and remove all files, subdirectory, and lower subdirectory, and regardless of the property of the file as hidden, system or read only, as long as the file is located in the deleted directory Under the Deltree, you will be deleted. Be careful when using it! ! ! V. Disk operation class command (1) Format - disk format command 1. Function: Format, divide the tracks and sectors on the disk; at the same time check the tracks with non-defective tracks on the entire disk, the bad track is marked; establish a directory area and file allocation table, make the disk to receive DOS preparation .

2. Type: External Command 3. Format: Format [/ s] [/ 4] [/ q] 4. Instructions for use: (1) The drive letter after the command cannot be default. If the hard disk is formatted, it will be as follows: Warning: All Data on Non --Removable Disk Drive C: Will Be Lost! Proceed with format (y / n)? (Warning: All data is on the C drive, will it be lost, is it true to format?) (2) If it is formatted to the floppy disk, you will be prompted as follows: Insert Mew Diskette For Drive A; and press Enter When Ready ... (Insert a new disk in a A drive, ready to press Enter). (3) Select the [/ S] parameter, copy the DOS system files IO.SYS, MSDOS.SYS, and to disk so that the disk can be used as a DOS boot disk. If you do not choose / s parameters, the formatted 磙磙 can only read and write information, and cannot be used as a boot disk; (4) Select [/ 4] parameters, format 360KB low in 1.2MB high-density software drive Density disk; (5) select [/ q] parameters, fast format, this parameter does not re-divide the magnetic disk lounge and sector, only the disk root directory, file allocation table, and the boot sector are blank, Therefore, the formatted speed is faster. (6) Select the [/ u] parameters, indicating that there is unconditional format, that is, destroying all the data on the original disk. Do not add / u, it is safely formatted. At this time, set a mirror file to save the original FAT table and root directory, if necessary, use unforrmat to restore the original data. (2) UNFORMAT Recovery Format Commands 1. Function: Recovery for disk that is lost to malfunction data. 2. Type: External Command 3. Format: unformat [/ L] [/ u] [/ p] [/ test] 4. Instructions: Used to recover the disk that will be formatted by "non-destructive". When the deleted file or subdirectory and disk system sector (including FAT, root directory, Boot sector, and hard disk partition table) are damaged, you can also use unformat to rescue. (1) Select the / l parameter to list the information found by the sub-directory name, file name, Daxia dates, but not really format work. (2) Select / P parameters will be sent to the screen (including / L parameter) at the same time. Running screen will display: "Print Out Will Be Sent To LPT1" (3) Selection / TEST parameters are only the simulation test (TEST) does not do real write actions. Use this parameter screen to display: "Simulation Only" (4) Selection / U parameter does not use the data of the mirror image file, directly unformat according to the current status of the disk. (5) Select / PSRTN; repair the hard disk partition table. If one of / p, / l, / test after the drive is equivalent to using the / u parameter, unformat will "assume" that the disk does not have the mirror image file.

Note: Unformat is fully recovered for the FORMAT disk, but if Format has been written in other data, UNFORMAT will not complete the data. Unformat is not universal, because using unformat reconstructs the FAT and root directory, it also has high hazards, and improper operation may expand loss. If you only delete several files or subdirectories, you only need to use undelete enough. 3) CHKDSK - Check the disk current status command 1. Function: Display disk status, memory status, and discontinuous number of specified files under specified paths. 2. Type: External Command 3. Format: Chkdsk [Disk] [Path] [File Name] [/ f] [/ V] 4. Instructions: (1) Select the [File Name] parameter, display the file to the disk; (2) select the [/ F] parameter, correct the logic error found on the specified disk; (3) Select [/ v] Parameters, all files and paths on the display. (4) DiskCopy - Interest Copy Command 1. Function: Copy format and floppy disk that is exactly the same. 2. Type: External Command 3. Format: DiskCopy [Disk 1:] [Disk 2:] 4. Instructions for use: (1) If the target floppy is not formatted, the system is automatically selected when copying. (2) If the original file on the target floppy is copied, it will be lost. (3) If it is a single drive copy, the system will prompt time-replacement source disk and target disk, pay attention to the source disk and target disk when operating. (5) Label - create a disk volume command 1. Function: Establish, change, delete disk scroll. 2. Type: External Command 3. Format: Label [Disk] [Volume Label] 4. Instructions for use: (1) Volume label name is the volume labeled name to be established. If this parameter is defirable, the system prompts to type the volume name or ask if the original volume labeled name is deleted; (2) The volume label name is from 1 to 1 11 characters consisting. (6) VOL - Displays the disk volume command 1. Function: View the disk volume mark. 2. Type: Internal Command 3. Format: VOL [Disk] 4. Instructions for use: omitted the disc character, display the current drive scroll. (7) ScanDisk - Detect, fix disk command 1. Function: Detecting a disk's FAT table, directory structure, file system, etc. have problems, and can fix the detected issues. 2. Type: External Command 3. Format: scandisk [Disk 1:] {[Disk 2:] ...} [/ all] 4. Instructions: (1) CCANDisk is suitable for hard disk and floppy disk, you can specify multiple disks at a time, specify all disks or select [/ all] parameters; (2) Automatically detect cross-connect, lost clusters and directories occurred in disk Logical errors such as structures, and repair. (8) DEFRAG - Reforming Disk Command 1. .

Function: Monitor disk and eliminate disk scaffold. 2. Type: External Command 3. Format: DEFRAG [Disk] [/ f] 4. Instructions: Select / F parameters to eliminate fragmentation on the file, and adjust the arrangement of disk files to ensure that there is no gap between files. To speed up the speed of the disk and save disk space. (9) SYS - System Replication Command 1. Function: Transfer the DOS system files IO.SYS, MSDOS.SYS, and on the current drive to the specified drive. 2. Type: External Command 3. Format: SYS [Disk] * Instructions: If the disk remaining space is not enough to store system files, the prompt: no roomfor on the Destination Disk. File Operation Class Command (1) Copy file copy command 1. Function: Copy one or more files to the specified disk. 2. Type: Internal Command 3. Format: COPY [Source Disk] [Path] [Target Disc] [Path] [Target File Name] 4. Instructions for use: (1) COPY is the file copy data on the file. The target disk must have been formatted; (2) During the replication process, the old file on the same file name on the target disk will be replaced by the source file; (3) When copying the file, you must first determine enough space, otherwise it will appear; InsufFicient's error message, prompting disk space insufficient; (4) The file name is allowed to use wildcard "*" "?", Can copy more simultaneously A file; (5) The source file name in the copy command must be pointed out that it is not omitted. (6) When copying, the target file name can be the same as the source file name, called "The same name copy" at this time, the target file name can be omitted; (7) When copying, the target file name can also be different from the source name, called as "Alignment copy", at this time, the target file name cannot be omitted; (8) When copying, several files can be merged into a file, called "merge copy", the format is as follows: Copy; [source disk] [path ] ... [Target Dish] [Path] ; (9) Using the COPY command, you can also enter the data to establish files from the keyboard, the format is as follows: COPY CON [ Distribut: [Path] ; (10) Note: The use format of the copy command, the source file name and the target file name must have space! (2) XCOPY - Directory copy command 1. Function: Copy all files in the specified directory and directory together with the directory structure.

2. Type: External Command 3. Format: xcopy [source disk:] [Target Drive:] [Target path name] [/ s] [/ v] [/ e] 4. Instructions for use: (1) Xcopy is the extension of COPY, you can copy the specified directory and directory structure, but you cannot copy the hidden file and system file; (2) Use the time source disk, source target path name, source The file name is at least one; (3) Select / S to copy all the files under the source directory and its subdirectory. Unless specified / e parameters, / s does not copy the empty directory, if the / s parameter is not specified, the XCopy only copies the source directory itself, and does not involve the subdirectories under which it is; (4) When using the / v parameter, The sector of the pair is checked, but the speed will be reduced. (3) TYPE - Displays the file content command 1. Function: Displays the contents of the ASCII code file. 2. Type: Internal Command. 3. Format: Type [Disk] [Path] 4. Instructions: (1) Display text files consisting of ASCII code, right. EXE.COM, etc., for the extension file, the contents of its display are unread, there is no practical meaning 2; (2) This command can only display one file in a time, can't use wildcard; (3) If the file has an extension The extension must be written; (4) When the file is long, when the screen is displayed, you can display the following format; Type [Display:] [Path] | more, more is a split screen display Command, when using some parameters, it will be suspended when full screen is full, and pressing any key to continue display. (5) If you need to print the file content, you can use the following format: Type [Drive:] [Path] ,> PRN At this time, the printer should be on the online status. (4) REN - file rename command 1. Function: Change the file name 2. Type: Internal Command 3. Format: Ren [Disk] [Path] 4. Instructions for use: (1) You cannot add the disk and path before the new file name, because the command can only replace the file name on the same plate; (2) Allows a set of file names or extensions to be changed using wildcard. (5) FC - file comparison command 1. Function: Compare the difference in the file, and lists the differences. 2. Type: External Command 3. Format: FC [Disk] [Path Name] [Disk] [Path Name] [File Name] [/ A] [/ B] [/ C] [/ n] 4. Instructions for use: (1) Select / a parameters to compare the ASCII code; (2) Select / b parameter to binary comparison mode; (3) Select / c parameters to see the case as the same character.

(4) Select / n parameters, in the ASCII code comparison mode, display the line number of the difference. (6) Attrib - Modify the file attribute command 1. Function: Modify the properties of the specified file. (For the file attribute, see 2.5.4 (2) File Properties section) 2. Type: External Command. 3. Format: Attrib [file name] [R] [- r] [A] [- a] [h] [- h] [s] [- s] [/ s] 4. Instructions: (1) Select the R parameter, set the specified file to read-only properties, so that the file can only be read, unwind data or delete; select -R parameters, remove read-only properties; (2) Select a Parameters, set the file to the file properties; select -A parameters, remove file properties; (3) Select h parameters, adjust the file to impose an implied attribute; choose -h parameters, go to inert attributes; (4) Select S parameters, set the file to the system properties; select -s parameters, remove system properties; (5) Select / s parameters to set all the subdirectories and settings to the current directory. 7) DEL - Delete the file command 1. Function: Delete the specified file. 2. Type: Internal Command 3. Format: DEL [Disk] [Path] [/ P] 4. Instructions for use: (1) Select / P parameters, the system inquire before deleting whether the file is really deleted, if this parameter is not used, then automatically delete; (2) This command cannot delete the property as an implicit or read-only file; (3) You can use wildcards in the file name; (4) To delete all files (Del * or DEL ·) on disk, it will be prompted: (Arey Ou Sure?) (Are you sure?) If you answer Y, then delete, answer N, cancel this delete job. (8) Undelete - Restore Delete Commands 1. Function: Restore error command 2. Type: External Command. 3. Format: Undelete [Disk] [Path Name] [/ dos] / list] [/ all] 4. Instructions: Use Undelete to use "*" and "?" Wildcard. (1) Select the / dos parameter to recover the files according to the records remaining in the directory. Since the file is deleted, the first character recorded by the directory will be changed to E5. DOS finds the file you want to recover according to the E5 and its subsequent characters starting, so Undelete will require the user to enter a character. To make up the file name. But this character does not have to be the same as the original, just in line with the DOS file name rules. (2) Selecting / List only "List" Files that meet the specified criteria without performing recovery, so there will be no impact on disk content.

(3) Select / ALL to automatically recover fully recoverable files, and inform the user in order to use this parameter, if Undelte uses the recorded records in the directory to recover files, it will automatically select a character. Names, and make it the same as the existing file name, the preferred order of the selection is: #% - 0000123456789a ~ z. Undelete also has the function of establishing the protection measures of the document, which has exceeded the scope of the course, and readers should check the DOS manual when using some functions. Seven, other commands (1) CLS - Clear screen command 1 function: Clear all the display on the screen, the cursor is placed in the upper left corner of the screen. 2 Type: Internal Command 3 Format: CLS (2) VER View System Release Number Command 1 Features: Display Current System Version Number 2 Type: Internal Command 3 Format: Ver (3) Data Date Settings Command 1 Features: Setting or Display System Date . 2 Type: Internal Command 3 Format: Date [MM - DD - YY] 4 Instructions: (1) omitting [MM - DD - YY] Displays the system date and prompts to enter a new date, can be directly Press the Enter key, [mm - dd - y] is "Moon-Day-annual" format; (2) When the machine starts start, there is an automatic processing file (Autoexec.bat) is executed. The system does not prompt the input system date. Otherwise, prompt to enter the new date and time. (4) TIME System Clock Settings Command 1 Function: Set or display the system period. 2 Type: Internal Command 3 Format: Time [HH: MM: SS: XX] 4 Instructions: (1) omissions [HH: MM: SS: XX], display system time and prompt for new time, no modification Press the Enter key directly, [hh: mm: ss: xx] is "hour: minute: second: a few seconds" format; (2) When the machine starts to start, there is an automatic processing file (autoexec.bat) Execute, the system does not prompt the system date. Otherwise, prompt to enter the new date and time. (5) MEM View Current Memory Status Command 1 Function: Displays Current Memory Use 2 Type: External Command 3 Format: MEM [/ C] [/ F] [/ M] [/ P] 4 Instructions: (1) The selection / c parameter lists the length of each file loaded into the regular memory and CMB, and also shows the usage status of memory space and the maximum available space; (2) Selection / F parameters list the current regular memory remaining byte size And UMB available area and size; (3) Select / M parameter display This module uses memory address, size, and module properties; (4) Select / P parameter specified When the output exceeds one screen, the user is paused for users to view. (6) MSD Display System Information Command 1 Function: Displays the situation of the hardware and operating system of the system.


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