Operate ZIP files, compression / decompression in Java
Package test.nothing;
Import java.io. *;
Import java.util. *;
Import java.util.zip. *;
Import com.beaconsystem.util. *;
Import junit.framework.testcase;
/ **
* @Author Sonymusic
* Examples used to test the Java.util.zip package compression and decompress file ZIP files.
* Based on JUnit writing, including two Test methods, and three auxiliary methods.
* Notes all the full stream during the use of the use, so it is not only read or written. This is just a simple example.
* /
Public Class Testzipop Extends Testcase {
/ **
* Constructor for testzipop.
* @Param Arg0
* /
Public testzipop (string arg0) {
Super (arg0);
Public static void main (String [] args) {
JUnit.textui.teStrunner.run (Testzipop.class);
/ **
* ZIP compression function test.
* Complicated all the files in the D: // Temp // zipout directory to D: //temp //out.zip.
* @Throws Exception
* /
Public void testcreatezip () throws exception {
// Compress Basedir all files, including subdirectory
String basedir = "d: // Temp // zipout";
List filelist = getSubfiles (New file (basedir));
// Compressed file name
ZipoutputStream ZOS = New ZipOutputStream (New FileoutputStream ("D: //Temp //out.zip"));
BYTE [] BUF = New byte [1024];
INT readlen = 0;
For (int i = 0; i File f = (file) filelist.get (i); System.out.print ("Adding:" f.getPath () f.getname ()); // Create a zipentry and set some properties from Name and other properties Ze = new zipentry (getAbsfilename (Basedir, f)); Ze.setsize (f.Length ()); Ze.SetTime (f.lastmodified ()); // Add ZIPENTRY to ZOS and write the actual file content Zos.putNextentry (ZE); InputStream IS = New BufferedInputStream (New FileInputStream (f)); While ((readlen = is.read (buf, 0, 1024))! = - 1) { Zos.Write (buf, 0, readlen); } Is.close (); System.out.Println ("DONE ..."); } Zos.Close (); } / ** * Test the decompression function. * Unzip D: //download/test.zip file to the D: // Temp // zipout directory. * @Throws exception * / Public void testReadzip () throws exception { // InputStream IS = New BufferedInputStream (New FileInputStream ()); String basedir = "d: // Temp // zipout"; Zipfile zfile = new zipfile ("d: //download/test.zip"); System.out.println (zfile.getname ()); ENUMERATION ZLIST = ZFILE.ENTRIES (); ZIPENTRY ZE = NULL; BYTE [] BUF = New byte [1024]; While (zlist.hasmorelements ()) { / / Get a zipentry from zipfile z = (zipentry) zlist.nextelement (); IF (Ze.IsDirectory ()) { System.out.println ("DIR:" ZE.GETNAME () "Skipped .."); CONTINUE; } System.out.println ("extracting:" ZE.GETNAME () "/ t" Ze.getsize () "/ t" ze.getCompRessedSize ()); // Get an InputStream as the parameter as the parameter and write to OutputStream OutputStream Os = New BufferedoutputStream (New FileoutputStream (getRealFileName (Basedir, Ze.getName ())))) InputStream IS = New BufferedInputStream (ZFile.GetInputStream (ZE)); INT readlen = 0; While ((readlen = is.read (buf, 0, 1024))! = - 1) { Os.write (buf, 0, readlen); } Is.close (); Os.Close (); System.out.println ("extracted:" ZE.GETNAME ()); } Zfile.close (); } / ** * Given the root directory and return a relative path corresponding to the actual file name. * @Param basedir Specifies the root directory * @Param AbsFileName relative path name, from Name in Zipentry * @Return java.io.file actual file * / Private file getRealFileName (String Basedir, String Absfilename) { String [] DIRS = regex.split ("/", absfilename); //System.out.println (Dirs.Length); File Ret = New File (Basedir); IF (DIRS.LENGTH> 1) { For (int i = 0; i RET = New File (RET, DIRS [I]); } } IF (! Ret.exists ()) { Ret.mkdirs (); } RET = New File (Ret, DIRS [DIRS.LENGTH-1]); Return Ret; } / ** * Given the root directory, returns the relative path of another file name, used in the path in the zip file. * @Param Basedir java.lang.string root directory * @Param RealFileName Java.io.file actual file name * @Return relative file name * / Private string getabsfilename (String Basedir, File RealFileName) { File real = realfilename; File base = new file (basedir); String Ret = real.getname (); While (true) { Real = real.getparentfile (); IF (real == null) Break; IF (Real.Equals (base)) Break; Else { RET = real.getname () "/" reta; } } Return Ret; } / ** * A list of all files in the specified directory, including subdirectories. * @Param basedir file specified by the directory * @Return contains List of java.io.file * / Private List GetSubfiles (File Basedir) { List ret = new arraylist (); // file base = new file (basedir); File [] TMP = Basedir.ListFiles (); For (int i = 0; i IF (TMP [i] .isfile ()) { Ret.Add (TMP [i]); } IF (TMP [i] .Indirectory ()) { Ret.addall (GetSubfiles); } } Return Ret; } }