1, the main classes that will be used to copy files:
Class Doworks
// set a commission
Public Delegate Void CopyFileHandler (long lngposition, long lcomcount);
// Define an event (very important), which will be captured by the main thread and change the content of the main thread, such as: progress bar.
Public Event CopyFileHandler CopyFileEvent;
/ / Define two string variables, sfile indicates that the source file, TFile represents the target file, of course, this can use the properties, this for simplicity, use a common variable directly.
Public system.string sfile;
Public system.string tfile;
// This is the method used by the working thread. Public void copyfile () {// Defines a byte array to cache the byte stream read from the source file. Byte [] fb = new byte [2048]; // Defines the current read byte to the main thread update interface. Long lngposition = 0; // Source File Filestream SFS = New FileStream (Sfile, System.IO.Filemode.Open, System.IO.FileMode.Open, System.IO.FileAccess.Read; // Binary Reader BinaryReader Br = New BinaryReader (SFS) Br.Basestream.seek (0, system.io.seekorigin.begin); if (file.exists (tfile)) file.delete (tfile); // Target file stream FileStream TFS = New FileStream (tfile, system.io .Filemode.createNew, system.io.fileAccess.write;
// Binary file writer BinaryWriter BW = New BinaryWriter (TFS); // Source file size long positionLENGTH = sfs.length; int K = 10000; // When the number of bytes read is less than 2048, it is read The end of the file stream. Stop reading while (k> = 2048) {k = br.read (fb, 0, fb.length);