In probably in 1999, I feel troublesome about the release of the article, but then I will play ASP does not. It will only be used. When you encounter a long file 10,000 words, the web page is a large length. Last year, when I did a general article and a news management system, I wrote a code for separation. Passed now. To explain: My article is entered into the web-based Hemleditor, just like the ABC code here is similar. So actually submitted the text of the HTML format. The corresponding processing is made to HTML and will not be cut in the HTML code. Another brother here has published one, the principle is the same, but I haven't seen it carefully, I don't know if there is something different. The code is as follows: -------------------------------------- 'Request form itemi_forder = request.form ( "I_Folder") I_Topic = Request.Form ( "I_Topic") I_Title = htmlencode (Request.Form ( "I_Title")) I_Body = Request.Form ( "body") I_Source = Request.Form ( "I_Source") I_Keyword = htmlencode (Request.form ("i_keyword")) i_ishot = Request.form ("ISHOT") if i_ishot = "" "" "" "") I_ISPIC = Request.form ("ISPIC") if i_ispic = "" Then i_Ispic = " N "i_pic = request.form (" insertimage ") i_body = replace (i_body," contentable = true "," contentable = false ")
'Check INPUT' ... 'GET PAGES, B = BODYB_LEN = LEN (i_body) b_pages = 1' = tempt_loop = true
Do while t_loop 'here loop multiple times, each 4000 points, calculate the page number and join the library. IF B_LEN> 4000 kiln_body = left (i_body, 4000) 'n = new'IF "
" in n_bodyif instrument "> 0 and (len (n_body) - INSTRREV (N_body, "
0 and (len (n_body) - INSTRREV (N_BODY , "")) <400 kiln_body = left (n_body, INSTRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREV (N_BODY, ".")> 0 and (n_body, ") - INSTRREV (n_body,") <400 kiln_body = left (n_body, INSTRREV (N_BODY, ")) ELSE IF INSTRREV (N_BODY,"; ")> 0 and (len (n_body) - INSTRREV (n_body,"; ")) <400 kiln_body = Left (n_body, ";")) ELSE IF INSTRRREV (N_BODY, ")> 0 and (len (n_body) - INSTRRRREV (N_BODY,", ")) <400 kiln_body = left (n_body, Instrrev (N_body, ",")) ELSE IF INSTRREV (N_BODY, ".")> 0 and (len (n_body) - INSTRRREV (n_body, ")) <400 kiln_body = left (n_body, instrib (n_body,". ")) End IFEND IFEND IFEND IFEND IFEND IFN_LEN = LEN (N_BODY) i_body = MID (i_body, n_len 1) b_len = len (i_body)
Elsen_body = i_bodyt_loop = false
'Add to databaseexec_prc_content_ins i_forder, i_topic, i_title, i_source, n_body, i_ispic, i_pic, i_ishot, i_keyword, b_pages
'One Function here, you can handle it yourself. Anyway, there are two, one is Body, one is B_PAGES, is the page number.
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