Excellent textbook for computer science and technology and reference book

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  38

The lag of higher education disciplines is recognized in the higher education community at home and abroad, and due to the speed of computer science and technical disciplines, this problem is more prominent in this discipline. How to solve this problem is a world publication. Since the "Calculation Science of Subject" reported through the US Computer Association (ACM) Education Committee, after the release of the whole world, the University of China's computer science disciplines took the forefront in the teaching reform of the basic discipline.

If the power of my country's education world is still not enough to introduce a large number of foreign disciplines, this discipline is very good, then foreign excellent textbooks should be a rapid reform unreasonable teaching content and the most effective way to involve new content of the discipline. One. For students in colleges, if we can't change China's higher education, we can change the learning methods of higher education accepted. In class, the classic textbooks in this course are also referred to as the necessary means of supplementing the theoretical and practical knowledge of the supplementary classroom. To this end, I intend to write an article with "Computer Science and Technology Excellent Textbook and Reference Book". It will be divided into three topic to introduce you:

The first part is: algorithm and calculation theory

The second part is: programming language

The third part is: other basic courses and professional courses related book recommendations

One. Algorithm and calculation theory

If you ask a carpenter: what kind of tool you need to work, he may answer you: "I just have a hammer and a saw." But if you ask an old woodworking or a master's architect, he will tell you "I need some precise tools." Since the problems solved by the computer are abstracting problems in life, their complexity is self-evident, so we need this precise and effective tool to solve complex problems in real life. Algorithms, data structures are an indispensable precise tool in programming. The importance of algorithms is that every computer professional college students are very clear.

A considerable number of questions resolved in programming will involve a wide variety of scientific calculations. What is the foundation of the programmer? The actual problem is converted to the program. After a process of abstract problems, a perfect mathematical model is established. Only in this way, we can build a good design. We are not difficult to see the importance of computational mathematics in the field of programming.

The algorithm and calculation theory is the soul in the field of computer programming, is a role tool for playing the rigorous and keen thinking of program designers. Any programming language is trying to play it. As the most important basic basic class core course related to computer professional software, we first recommend a recommendation for excellent references in this field.

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Algorithm Introduction (Second Edition Copy Edition) "

English Name: Introduction To Algorithms

Author: Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, Clifford Stein

The main author of this book is from Massachusetts University of Technology, one of the authors Ronald L.Rivest obtained the dramatic award due to its contribution to the public key cryptographic algorithm RSA. This book is currently a standard textbook for algorithms. The computer system of many famous institutions has used it. Some colleges in China also use this book as a teaching material for algorithm courses. In addition, many professionals often quote it. This book basically includes all classic algorithms, all of which are implemented by pseudo code, which adds the versatility of this book, making programmers using various programming languages ​​to develop programmers as a reference. The language is popular, it is very suitable for the use of algorithm teaching materials and self-study algorithms. Many domestic works are named data structures, from this book interrupted, mixing the data structure and algorithm to talk, to make the author are fascinating. This is also not very willing to recommend the reason for the domestic works. You will find that all data structures and algorithm books will now use this book as one of the references, more of the problem, this book is the best choice for algorithm as readers. As the supplement of this book, I am willing to recommend the following learning information to you: You can find all the exercises of this book through this address: http://www.itu.dk/people/beetle/. In order to better learn the content in this book, the best guidance is of course a course from the author itself telling this book, and readers can get a courses through the following address. Http://

Oh, you may say to me: "God,"

Algorithm Introduction (Second Edition) "The above is pseudo code, I am not so strong in the design of the program." Yes, there is a very serious problem for most college students, that is, the program design is still not solid. The foundation, and you need to master some algorithm knowledge, then this time, a guiding textbook that has theoretical specific language is an excellent reference:

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Algorithm I-IV (C Implementation) - Foundation, Data Structure, Sorting and Search (Third Edition) "

This book belongs to a copy of the Algorithms in C series. The author is a famous professor, a famous professor of the University of Princeton University, and he is Donald.E.knuth masters. The algorithm theory is not inferior to CLRS, for beginners, the original procedure of the theoretical key part is a good reference, this series provides two language versions: C and Java programmers and learners are tailored to do . The Java version is called Alogorithms in Java, and the domestic Tsinghua University Press introduced this book and published the photocopy version: "

Java Algorithm (Copy Edition) (3rd Edition Volume 1) ". As a reference for the specific language, this two is also my only is willing to recommend it to you. Can be supplemented as a book "algorithm" book.

If the "algorithm introduction" is called "the Bible of the computer algorithm" then "computer program design art" is a well-deserved "computer program design theory of Horse epic".

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Computer programming art


Computer Program Design Art Volume 1 Basic Algorithm (3rd Edition) ","

Computer Program Design Art Volume 2 Semi - Value Algorithm (3rd Edition) ","

Computer Program Design Art Volume 3 Sort & Find (2nd Edition) "

English Name: The Art of Computer Programming Author: Donald.E.Knuth

Donald.e.knuth Life The most brilliant moment of Stanford University, the Winner of the American Computer Association Tulifting Award is a well-deserved Thai fighting in the field. This masterpiece that is referred to as TAOCP is profound and covers almost the most important content of computer program settlement and theory. Only three volumes issued now, based on basic algorithm, half-value algorithms, and sorting and search. There should be a total of 7 volumes. In addition to reading this book, I can read this book like other books, or it can be designed as a computer program. After all, the content covers it is too wide. It is quite content that you can use it, or the other word, press it. The most concerned about the book is the strict thinking method. Everyone has its own reading method, some masters should read books in order, because it is written simply like poems, but this still looks at all experience. As for the value of this book, I think Bill Gates is enough to explain the problem: "If you think you are a real outstanding programmer reading Knuth" computer programming art ", if you can read the whole book, please give me Send a resume. " The work of the author's mathematics is the rigorous style of this book. Although this book is not described in today's popular programming language, this does not damage its "program design epic" status. The reason is very simple, and its connotation design ideas will never have time. Unless otherwise hard, it is recommended that readers choose English.

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The position of discrete mathematics in the field of computer mathematics theory is clearly the first, first recommend it to everyone:


Discrete mathematics and its application (original book 4) "

English Name: Discrete Mathematics and ITS Applications, Fourth Edition

Author: Kenneth H.Rosen

The value of this book has been confirmed by hundreds of universities around the world. As a classic textbook in the field of discrete mathematics, almost all well-known colleges around the world have used this book as a textbook. In my personal opinion, this book can be called discrete mathematics. The books not only introduce the theory and methods of discrete mathematics, but also rich historical materials and related learning website resources. More exciting is that this book is less likely to combine discrete mathematics theory and application. You can see discrete mathematics theories in many fields such as logic circuits, program design, business, and Internet. Taking into account the foundation of most readers, it is recommended to give you the Chinese version of this book (the fourth edition of the original book). The English version of this book has added a lot of mathematics and computer scientists. It is a reference material for computer scientific history. As a textbook, this book is equipped with a considerable number of exercises. There is also a group of questions in each chapter, and the student has learned the calculation and discrete mathematics content to train. This book is also the only English textbook that I personally read when I study discrete mathematics, which is a good book worth recommending.

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Specific mathematics: computer science foundation (English version. 2nd edition) "

English Name: Concrete Mathematics A Foundation for Computer Science (Second Edition)

Author: Ronald L.Graham, Donald E.Knuth, Oren Patashnik

The object of traditional mathematical research is too abstract, causing not enough attention to specific problems. In order to directly facilitate application, great computer scientists and mathematician Donald.e.knuth proposed "specific mathematics" in MIT. Since then, "Specific Mathematics" has become the foundation of computer science. So, the following is recommended is a diverse work:

English Name: Concrete Mathematics A Foundation for Computer Science (Second Edition)

Very exciting is that the main author of this book is Thai Donald.e.knuth and his colleague Ronald L.graham. The manuscript is a textbook that they organize the graduate student of the computer department in 1970. The content is the extension of the first minor TAOCP in Knuth, and some are much more innecting to TAOCP. The focus is placed in advanced computer program design topics and algorithm analysis, involving considerable mathematical knowledge in the field of computer science. Specific mathematics is the synthesis of discrete mathematics and continuous mathematics. This is extremely excellent in books, and many classic problems are more common than solving the solutions currently spread. There is a great help to improve your calculation mathematics cultivation. Sometimes readers don't understand because of the calculation mathematics foundation is not very solid, but with my personal experience, if there is a better understanding of this book, I will give you a happy life like TAOCP. Bring great convenience.

As a computer professional student, probably at least I have heard of the ACM-ICPC programming competition, which is also derived from the highest level of programming competition in the world. There are also many students in the country to participate in this event every year. However, this event is a lot of people to hope, but it is because the contest is deeply affected by the contest, and the level of the competition has been recognized worldwide. If you are also preparing this game, in addition to the above "computer programming art", you should pay more attention to the reference, and this book is also a good choice:

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Algorithm Art and Information Technology Competition

Oh, Yes, Liu Weijia and Huang Liang, these two names must be a strange name for you who have paid attention to NOI, IOI, and ACM-ICPC games, or say that they are in these competitions and related training. Two quite active two, because the author's author's appeal is quite large, I quickly bought and studied after published this book. The content involves the above three competitions, the principle of algorithm, including a large number of competitions, the classic test questions in the question bank, and the excellent algorithm of self-known college teams. The main content is divided into: algorithm and data structure, mathematical knowledge and methods and methods of calculation. It is an algorithm and a relatively complete data set of calculation theory. In 2003, if you still suffer from public publishing related books too old, there is no new content, then this book is you recently participated in NOI, IOI, and ACM-ICPC competitions.

Books recommended by computer mathematical theory are quite a few, which is what mathematics theory is what we should be involved. What are the basic we are not needed, you can refer to "9CBS development masters" September issue "computer science and technology mathematics Theoretical Talks.

In general, algorithm and mathematics are the foundation of programming, calculating the essence of science, and the students need to pay sufficient attention. But there is a point to indicate, whether it is the theoretical calculation of science or programming, all rationale: not all the content needs everyone to master, the long-term gauge is a total of the discipline when studying the relevant discipline in college, Xiaoxiao The purpose, in the extreme interest or study, in depth when developing needs ...


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