Deploy Web Services on J2EE (Web Services)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  63

Title: Deploying Web Services (1) Send Station on J2EE: BBS Shuimu Tsinghua Station (sat apr 27 17:52:30 2002)

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Web services continue from developers to get motivation. September 2002, the web service concept was first introduced for the first time, and now it has been developed to 63 meetings on Javaone in March 2002 is complete about this topic. (Conference slide links, see more information). Therefore, as the Java 2 platform develops the update of the Web Services key package, we decided to update the basic guide to deploying Web services on the Java 2 Platform Enterprise (J2EE). The flexibility and scalability of J2EE make it a selection platform for building multi-layer enterprise applications. Deploying a web service on the J2EE platform is a natural extension. Java Web Services Developer Pack (Java WSDP or JWSDP) is an integrated download package that contains key technologies that simplify the build web services on the Java platform. JWSDP is a tool and API package developed by other members of the Sun and Java associations. It can help you develop web services quickly and quickly. You can run the Java WSDP component on J2EE or integrate the components with J2EE. This article briefly introduces the web service, then explains how to establish a J2EE 1.3.1 environment for the development of Web services (JWSDP EA2), in accordance with the Sun Quality Expections (SQE) guide to integrate Web services and J2EE integrated in J2EE Deploy web service example. Running a Web Services on J2EE These guides override UNIX and Windows. The general guidance is suitable for developers on the Windows platform, using the UNIX prefix using the exceptions on UNIX. The screen screen is a Windows platform, but because JWSDP uses Swing, UNIX developers should also see the same picture. Note: This guide is written for JWSDP EA2. If you have been using JWSDP EA1, then download EA2, it has improved in several ways. Web Services Introduction Web Services is a service that determines from any web service capabilities with Web service capabilities. The Web Services makes interoperability possible through a set of XML-based open standards. Business uses XML-based Web Services Description Language (Web Services Description Language, WSDL) describes their web services, and uses an XML-based registration, such as unified description, discovery, discovery and integration, uddi The agreement will be listed. UDDI allows you to look for disclosed web services, as shown in Figure 1. The customer sends a service request to the directory, and the directory notifies the customer who meets the registered service for the requesting criteria. Then use SOAP, an agreement with HTTP and XML as a switching mechanism, communicating between applications of different platforms. Figure 1 Web Service Agreement If you want to know more about the background knowledge about Web services, you can refer to the introductory information in more information. Download and install J2EE and JWSDP If you haven't downloaded and install J2EE SDK1.3.1 and JWSDP EA2, J2EE SDK1.3.1 and JWSDP EA2 described in this guide are installed. Installation is self-extracting (two packages contain installation and configuration manuals), the most important configuration steps are to ensure that environment variables J2EE_HOME and JWSDP_HOME points to the correct installation path because many other environment variables rely on their configuration. JWSDP and J2EE integration processes include two main tasks: add JWSDP-related JAR files to J2EE, and make some port configurations and set security permissions.

Note: If Ant Build tool is installed, you can run the script:% jwsdp_home% / bin / jw2sdponj2ee.bat (UNIX: $ jwsdp_home / bin / These scripts use an Ant Build file (jwsdponj2ee.xml) installing the bin directory of jwsdp. If the ANT is enabled, you can jump to the next section to learn how to pack and deploy web services on the J2EE platform. If you want to know the internal mechanism, you can manually configure it according to the guide given here. For more information on Ant scripts, please see:% JWSDP_HOME% / DOCS / JWSDPONJ2EE.HTML ($ jwsdp_home / docs / jwsdponj2ee.html). In order to add the necessary JWSDP related JAR files, first build two main JAR files (jwsdp-compon.jar and jwsdp-endorse.jar), then copy these two new JAR files to the correct position. And some configurations are made. Establish a JWSDP-Common.jar file 1 to create a temporary directory (for example:% jwsdp_home% / work / jwsdp_jars). (UNIX: $ jwsdp_home / work / jwsdp_jars) 2, copy the following JAR file from% jwsdp_home% / common / lib to% jwsdp_home% / work / jwsdp_jars. % JWSDP_HOME% environment variable defines an absolute path to install JWSDP. For example, on my Windows machine, it is C: / JWSDP. (UNIX: Copy from $ jwsdp_home / work / lib to $ jwsdp_home / work / jwsdp_jars. $ Jwsdp_home environment variable defines the HOME directory for installing JWSDP) mail.jar This JAR file contains JavaMail API and all service providers (Service Provider) . Activation.jar This JAR file contains classes that make up JavaBeans ActiViation FramWork (JAF). Dom4j.jar Dom4j.jar is an open source XML framework for Java. It allows read, write, position, new and modify the XML document. It integrates with DOM and SAX and is seamless with full XPath. The DOM4J.jar file contains all DOM4J code and XPath engine, but there is no SAX and DOM interfaces. If you use jaxp and crimson.jar or Xerces.jar, use the JAR file. JAXRPC-API.JAR and JAXRPC-RI.JAR These two JAR files include the JAX-RPC API and the Remote Procedure Call, RPC) Java API reference implementation, which makes Java developers can access according to simple objects. The protocol (SOAP) constructs a web application and web services based on XML RPC functions. JAXM-API.JAR and JAXM-Client.jar These two JAR files contain Java API reference implementations that support XML messages. JAXM is an XML-based messaging system that sends and accepts SOAP messages. JAXR-API.JAR and JAXR-RI.JAR These two JAR files contain JAXR or support XML registered Java API reference implementations. JAXR provides a unified standard for accessing different types of XML registration. It includes a JAXR information model and a detailed binding between EBXML registration and UDDI registration specification. JAXP-API.JAR JAXP is a Java API that supports XML processing.

It supports processing XML documents with DOM, SAX, and XSLT. CaStor- CaStor is an XML data binding framework. Unlike DOM and SAX that process the XML document structure, CaStor can define data in the XML document by processing object model representing data. CASTOR can establish almost all Java objects such as beans from XML, or opposite. Commons-logging.jar This JAR file contains a logging library package fscontext.jar and providerutil.jar These two JAR files contain file system service providers. 3, copy the following JAR files from% JWSDP_HOME% / Tools / JSTL to% JWSDP_HOME% / Work / JWSDP_JAR (UNIX: Copy $ JWSDP_HOME / TOOLS / JSTL to $ JWSDP_HOME / WORK / JWSDP_JAR). JSTL.jarstandard.jar This two JAR files provide the implementation of the JSP standard label library. 4, copy provider.jar from% JWSDP_HOME% / services / jaxm-provider / web-inf / lib / jwsdp_home% / Work / JWSDP._JARS (UNIX: from $ jwsdp_home / service / jaxm-provider / web-inf / LIB copies to $ jwsdp_home / work / jwsdp._jars). Provider.jar is a JAXM Provider, JAXM Provider is a messaging service for routing and transmission messages. Everything it does is transparent to the user. JAXM Provider only when the application is asynchronous (or one-way) communication. 5. Change the directory to from% JWSDP_HOME% / Work / JWSDP_JARS (UNIX: $ JWSDP_HOME / WORK / JWSDP_JARS). 6. Establish JWSDP-Common.jar using the files under the directory% JWSDP_HOME% / WORK / JWSDP_JARS (UNIX: $ JWSDP_HOME / WORK / JWSDP_JARS). As follows: JAR-CVF% JWSDP_HOME% / WORK / JWSDP-Common.jar. Note the point at the end of the command. (UNIX: JAR-CVF $ JWSDP_HOME / WORK / JWSDP-Common.jars. Note the point at the end of the command.) Now% jwsdp_home% / Work has a JWSDP-Common.jar (UNIX: $ jwsdp_home / work). Establish a jwsdp-endorsed.jar file 1 to create a temporary directory (for example:% jwsdp_home% / work / endorse_jars). (UNIX: $ jwsdp_home% / work / endorsed_jars) 2, copy the following JAR file from% jwsdp_home / common / endorsed to% jwsdp_home% / work / endorsed_jars. (UNIX: Copy from% JWSDP_HOME% / CommON / endorsed to $ jwsdp_home% / work / endorsed_jars.) SAX.jar SAX is a simple API (Simple API for XML) that supports XML. The JAR file contains the implementation of SAX.

Dom.jar Dom is a document object model. This file contains the implementation of the DOM. XerceptImpl.jar This JAR file contains parser classes for all standard APIs supported by the parser. Xalan.jar The JAR file contains the XSLT style table. It implements XSLT and XPath. Xsltc.jar This JAR file provides a compiler and runtime processor for a XSLT style sheet. 3. Change the directory to% JWSDP_HOME% / Work / Endorsed_jars (UNIX: $ JWSDP_HOME% / Work / Endorsed_JARS). 4, using the JAR file under the directory% JWSDP_HOME% / Work / endorsed_jars (UNIX: $ jwsdp_home / work / endorsed_jars), as follows: JAR-CVF% JWSDP_HOME% / Work / jwsdp-endorsed.jar. Pay attention to the point at the end of the command. (UNIX: JAR-CVF $ jwsdp_home% / work / jwsdp-endorsed.jar.) Now there is a jwsdp-endorse.jar file in the% jwsdp_home / work directory (UNIX: $ jwsdp_home% / work) Copy JAR file copy To the correct location and set the class path: 1. Create a directory called endorsed in% J2EE_HOME% / lib / system directory (UNIX: $ J2EE_HOME / lib / system). This system attribute introduced in J2SDK1.4 specifies the directory of the JAR file in the Java runtime system. 2, copy jwsdp-endorsed.jar from% JWSDP_HOME% / Work to% J2EE_HOME% / lib / system / endorsed (UNIX: $ J2EE_HOME / lib / system / endorsed) 3, open the J2EE environment configuration script file% J2EE_HOME% / LIB /Setenv.bat (unix: $ j2ee_home/lib/, set the J2EE environment variable here, insert jwsdp-endorsed.jar into the CPath start position: set capth =% system_lib_dir% / endorsed / jwsdp-endorsed.jar ;% Cloudjars%;% of the other part of the% classesdir% CPATH should remain unchanged. Under UNIX: cpath = $ system_lib_dir / endorsed / jwsdp-endorsed.jar, etc. 4. Open the user configuration script file% J2EE_HOME% / bin / userconfig.bat (UNIX: $ J2EE_HOME / BIN / and add jwsdp-common.jar to j2ee_classpath in j2ee_classpath: By removing J2EE_CLASSPATH REM J2EE_CLASSPATH takes effect.

Before a new row J2EE_CLASSPATH SYSTEM_LIB_DIR defined as follows: set SYSTEM_LIB_DIR =% J2EE_HOME% / lib / system (UNIX: SYSTEM_LIB_DIR = $ J2EE_HOME / lib / system) provided J2EE_CLASSPATH follows: set J2EE_CLASSPATH =% SYSTEM_LIB_DIR% / jwsdp-common.jar (UNIX: J2EE_CLASSPATH = $ SYSTEM_LIB_DIR / JWSDP-Common.jar) 5. Open J2EE Server Script File% J2EE_HOME% / BIN / J2EE.BAT (UNIX: $ J2EE_HOME / BIN / J2EE.SH), found the last line of the file % Java_command% (UNIX: JAVACMD), then specify system properties java.endorsed.dirs as follows:% java_command% -djava.endorsed.dirs =% J2EE_HOME% / lib / system / endorsed (remain unchanged) -ClassPath% CPath % com.sun.enterprise.server.j2eserver and so on) (UNIX: $ javacmd -djava.endorsed.dirs = $ j2ee_home / lib / system / endorsed, etc.) Note: System Properties Java.endorsed.dirs specifies Java run The environment looks for one or more directories of the JAR file. The system properties are only set when J2EE SDK1.3.3 is running on J2SDK1.4. Configure web server port and set security permissions 1. Open file% J2EE_HOME% / config / (UNIX: $ J2EE_HOME / config / change http.port number from 8000 to 8080, because JWSDP uses Tomcat Web The server uses the 8080 port by default, and some JWSDP sample programs use this port. files are used to set web properties (such as port numbers, HTML root directory, log files, etc.). Therefore, http.port = 8080 is the port of the HTTP service to serve the service request. 2, open file% J2EE_HOME% / lib / security / server.policy (UNIX: $ J2EE_HOME / lib / security / server.policy), then specify the following permissions in the end of the file: Permission , "Read, Write, Delete"; Permission Java.util.Propertypermission "*", "Read, Write"; Permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "modifythreadgroup"; Server.Policy is a JAVA security policy for J2EE servers file. It contains Java security policy settings for J2EE engines and authorization to a program specific access. The first line of the addition to the security policy file is authorized to read, write, and delete permissions on all files. The second line allows reading and writing any system properties. Read rights allow calls System.getProperty. Write permissions allow calls System.SetProperty. The third line is runtime permissions.

In this example, this property is run by calling ThreadGroup's Desu, GetParent, Resume, SetDaemon, SetMaxPriority, STOP, and Suspend methods to modify the thread group. You need all of these privileges to run JXM Provider Admin Tool, JAXM-Remote.jar, and Jaxm-SOAPRP examples included with JWSDP. Packaging and deploying Web services When you start talking about how to deploy a Web service on J2EE, let's take a look at the steps of deploying services on J2EE. You can deploy other components described later in the same steps. (If you have a rich J2EE experience, please skip to the next section, the section describes the deployment of a special tool for the web service. Deploy JAXM Provider and Admin Tool Deploy services on J2EE on J2EE to deploy service When using deploytool to establish a new application EAR file and associate it with the appropriate WAR file and set the web context. Deploytool deploys and reverse deploying components by communicating with J2EE servers. Note: JAXRSERVLET is a fictional file that is conceived for deployment steps. This file does not exist in JWSDP EA2. Services in the J2EE SDK container, if the J2EE server is not running, then to the% J2EE_HOME% / BIN directory and execute the J2EE command to start it. The J2EE server must run before starting deploytool. The J2EE server can take a few minutes, waiting until the "J2EE Server Startup Complete" message. As follows: c: /j2sdkee1.3.1/bin> j2eeJ2EE server listen port: 1050Redirecting the output and error streams to the following filesc: /j2sdkee1.3.1/logs/java/j2ee/j2ee/system.outc: /j2sdkee1.3.1/logs /java/j2ee/j2ee/system.errj2ee server startup completion, to% J2EE_HOME% / BIN (UNIX: $ J2EE_HOME / BIN) directory, launch deploytool by executing the deploytool command. 3. Select File-> New Application to create a new application EAR file, as shown in Figure 2. Note: The screen screen of this article is a Windows platform, but because deploytool uses swing, UNIX developers should also see the same picture. Figure 2: Create a new EAR file 4, type the EAR file name you want to create and the name shown in the DeployTool window in the dialog that appears. As long as you wish, you can take any name. As shown in Figure 3. I have established a directory called EAR-Files to store all EAR files. My file name is JaxrServlet. Its display name and file name are the same. Figure 3: Select a file name 5, add a WAR file into the application (in this case, it is jaxrservlet.war). Select File-> Add to Application-> Web War, then locate the WAR file and select it. 6, set web context, specify the web context: Select the application (assuming in this example is the JaxrServlet application) Select the Web Context page Type a context in the context root field shown in Figure 4. 7. Select Deploy to deploy the application in the Tool menu. The progress dialog reports the deployment schedule.

It tells you when to deploy, as shown in Figure 5. Figure 5: Deploying an application deploying JAXM Provider and its Admin Tooljaxm Provider is a messaging provider for asynchronous communication. JAXM Provider Admin Tool allows you to configure provider. Before running JAXM Provider Admin Tool, deploy JAXM Provider and Jaxm Provider Admin Tool to separate J2EE applications. Follow these steps to allow applications to use JAXM Provider: Deploy JAXM Provider1, configure JAXM-Provider service, use 8080 port: Open file% jwsdp_home% / services / jaxm-provider / web-inf / provider.xml (UNIX: $ jwsdp_home /Services/jaxm-provider/web-inf/provider.xml). Then change to, at the same time / JAXM-Provider / Receiver / SOAPRP becomes, to% JWSDP_HOME% / Services / JAXM-Provider (UNIX: $ jwsdp_home / service / jaxm-provider) In the directory, by performing JAR-CVF JAXM-Provider.war. Package the JAXM Provider into a WAR file. Note that there is a point at the end of the command. 3. Copy jaxm-provider.jar to a location, such as C: / JAXM_SERVICES and delete it from% jwsdp_home% / service / jaxm-provider. (Unix: Copy Jaxm-Provider.wAR to a location, such as $ home / jaxm_services and deleting it from $ jwsdp_home / service / jaxm-provider). This step is necessary, the purpose is to prevent the service from installing Java WSDP. 4. Package JAXM-Provider.jar into an enterprise application, the context is JAXM-Provider and deployed in the steps of deploying services in the J2EE SDK container.

Deployment JAXM Provider Admin Tool1, configuration jaxm-provideradmin service, port 8080: Open the file% JWSDP_HOME% / services / jaxm-provideradmin / WEB-INF / provider.xml (UNIX: $ JWSDP_HOME / services / jaxm-provideradmin / WEB-INF /Provider.xml, then change to, at the same time http: / / is changed to, to% JWSDP_HOME% / Services / JAXM-ProvideRadmin (UNIX: $ jwsdp_home / In the service / jaxm-provodeMin directory, you are packaged into a WAR file by performing JAR-CVF JAXM-ProvideRadmin.war. Note that there is a point at the end of the command. 3. Copy jaxm-provideradmin.jar to a location, such as C: / JAXM_SERVICES, and delete it from% jwsdp_home / services / jaxm-providerAdmin. (Unix: Copy Jaxm-ProvideRadmin.wAR to a location, such as $ home / jaxm_services and deleting it from $ jwsdp_home / service / jaxm-provideradmin). This step is necessary, the purpose is to prevent the service from installing Java WSDP. 4. Package JAXM-ProvideRadmin.jar into a new enterprise application in the previous example. The context is JAXM-ProvideRadmin. 5, add a User J2EE for a Provider role. Select the JAXM-ProvideRadmin application in Deploytool. In the Security page, select the Provider role from the Role Name list. If the Provider role is not displayed, click Edit and define the Provider to make sure the JAXM-ProvideRadmin archive is selected. Once the provider is added, you can return to the master Security menu. Select Provider under the role name and click Add to select the J2EE user in the User dialog. 6. Make sure the JAXM Provider application is deployed. Click Servers to view JAXM-Provider in the deployed application list. 7. Deploy JAXM Provider Admin Tool (Detailed introduction to the Deployment Service Guide on J2EE). Make sure the Web context is JAXM-ProvideRadmin. After running JAXM Admin Tooljaxm Provider and Admin Tool deployment, you can run JAXM Admin Tool. Run JAXM Admin Tool1, link your browser to 2. Type the login name and password in the prompt box, as shown in Figure 6. In this example, I use "J2EE" as the login name and password. Once the network verifies the login name and password, you can enter JAXM Admin Tool. Figure 6: JAXM Admin Tool Login 3, configuring the message transmission provider, as shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7: JAXM Admin Tool Run JAXM Example JWSDP Download Pack with a set of JAXM sample programs, which are under the% jwsdp_home / webapps directory (UNIX: $ jwsdp_home / webapps). Example Instructions You can write different applications using the JAXM API. This section describes how to carry these examples on J2EE SDK 1.3.x. JAXM-SIMPLE This is an example of sending and accepting messages using local messaging providers. Deploy JAXM-SIMPLE Example 1, use the deploytool introduced before, package jaxm-simple.wAR to an enterprise application. File jaxm-simple.war in% JWSDP_HOME% / WebApps (UNIX: $ HWSDP_HOME / WebApps) directory. 2. Set the context to jaxm-simple. 3. Deploy the app on J2EE. Once the deployment is complete, you can run it using the same way that is running with JWSDP. Run the JAXM-SIMPLE application 1, link your browser to The screen is similar to Figure 8, click on the link "here", you should be able to see the window similar to Figure 9. You can see SENT.MSG and Reply.msg in% J2EE_HOME / BIN (UNIX: $ JEE_HOME / BIN) directory.

Figure 8: Running JAXM-SIMPLE Figure 9: Jaxm-Simple Output JaxmTags This is an example of using JSP label production and consumption SOAP messages. Deploy Jaxmtags example package jaxmtags.war to an enterprise application. Set the context to jaxmtags. Deploy the app on J2EE SDK1.3.x. Now, you can run this example using the same way as JWSDP runs. Run the JAXMTags application to link your browser to The screen is similar to that of the three links in three links, which can be seen in the displayed response. Figure 10: Run JaxmtagsJaxm-Remote This is an example of using the JAXM message transmission provider to support basic EBXML sending and receiving messages. Deploying JAXM-Remote services Copy% jwsdp_home / webapps / jaxm-remote.war to a location, such as C: / Remote. (UNIX: Copy $ JWSDP_HOME / WebApps / JAXM-Remote.war to a location, such as $ home / transote) to the directory C: / Remote (UNIX: $ HOME / Remote). Unpacking JAXM-Remote.war: JAR XVF JAXM-Remote.war Delete WAR files: C: / Remote> Del Jaxm-Remote.war (UNIX: $ HOME / Remote $ RM JAXM-Remote.war). In document C: / Remote/web-inf/classes/client.xml (UNIX: $ HOME / Remote / Web-INF / CLASS / Client.xml) Sender is changed to package jaxm-remote.war file: c: / recote> JAR CVF jaxm-transote.war. Note that the command has a point. Package the WAR file to an enterprise application. Set the context to jaxm-transote. Deploy the app on J2EE SDK1.3.x. Run the JAXM-Remote application link the browser to JAXM-SOAPRP This is an example of using the JAXM message transmission provider to support basic SOAP-RP sends and accept messages. Deploying JAXM-SOAPRP services Copy% JWSDP_HOME% / WebApps / JAXM-SOAPRP.WAR to a location, such as C: / SOAPRP. (UNIX: Copy $ jwsdp_home / webapps / jaxm-soaprp.war to a location, such as $ HOME / SOAPRP) to directory C: / SOAPRP (UNIX: $ HOME / SOAPRP). Sepaver JAXM-SOAPRP.WAR: JAR XVF JAXM-SOAPRP.WAR Delete WAR files: C: / SOAPRP> DEL JAXM-SOAPRP.WAR (UNIX: $ HOME / SOAPRP $ RM JAXM-SOAPRP.WAR). In File C: /SoAprp/web-inf/classes/client.xml (UNIX: $ HOME / SOAPRP / Web-INF / CLASS / Client.xml) Sender is changed to package jaxm-soprp.war file: c: / soaprp> jar cvf jaxm-soaprp.war. Note that there is a point at the end of the command. Package the WAR file to an enterprise application. Set the context to jaxm-soaprp.

Deploy the app on J2EE SDK1.3.x. Run the JAXM-SOAPRP application to open the browser window. Link your browser to JAXM-Translator This is a simple translation service that translates text into different languages. This translation service session is created with, establishes HTTP connection and extracts translations for input strings from your response. Text was translated into German, Italian and French. In order to make the service work, you must be connected to the Internet. Deploy Translation Services Use deploytool to package JAXM-Translator.war to an enterprise application. Set the context to jaxm-translator. Deploy the app on J2EE SDK1.3.x. This example can be run using the same way as JWSDP runs. Run the Translation Service to ensure connecting to the Internet. Link your browser to You can get the screen (here, I am Type Good Bye) to type the text to be translated. Click the Radio button to select the way you want to translate. Returns: Attachments in SOAPBODY or as a JAXM message. If you use a proxy host, type the proxy hostname and proxy port (if you do not use the agent, keep blank). Click Translate to perform the service. The output is shown in Figure 12. Figure 11: Run the Translation Web Service Figure 12: Translation Services Output Conclusion By follow the guidance in this article, you have learned how to configure J2EE SDK 1.3.1 so that the web service can be deployed above. You also know how to deploy a Web service sample application with JWSDP. Now you have tools to build a new web service and how to deploy their knowledge on the J2EE platform. I can learn soon by practical. More things can also be learned from more information from more information, including more than 60 slides of the meeting on Web services, which are held during Javaone at the end of March.

Set the context to jaxm-translator. Deploy the app on J2EE SDK1.3.x. This example can be run using the same way as JWSDP runs. Run the Translation Service to ensure connecting to the Internet. Link your browser to You can get the screen (here, I am Type Good Bye) to type the text to be translated. Click the Radio button to select the way you want to translate. Returns: Attachments in SOAPBODY or as a JAXM message. If you use a proxy host, type the proxy hostname and proxy port (if you do not use the agent, keep blank).

Click Translate to perform the service. The output is shown in Figure 12. Figure 11: Run the Translation Web Service Figure 12: Translation Services Output Conclusion By follow the guidance in this article, you have learned how to configure J2EE SDK 1.3.1 so that the web service can be deployed above. You also know how to deploy a Web service sample application with JWSDP. Now you have tools to build a new web service and how to deploy their knowledge on the J2EE platform. I can learn soon by practical. More things can also be learned from more information from more information, including more than 60 slides of the meeting on Web services, which are held during Javaone at the end of March.


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