ASP function

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  67

ABS (Number)

Returns the absolute value.

Array (arglist)

Create an array.

ASC (String)

Returns the ANSI code of the first character of the string.

ATN (Number)

Returns an anterior sinus string value.

CBOOL (Expression)

Convert to Boolean data type variable.

CBYTE (Expression)

Convert to BYTE data type variable.

CCUR (Expression)

Convert to Currency data type variable.

CDATE (Expression)

Convert to Date data type variable.

CDBL (Expression)

Convert to Double data type variable.

CHR (Charcode)

Convert the ANSI code to the corresponding keyboard character.

CINT (Expression)

Convert into an Integer data type variable.

CLNG (Expression)

Convert to long data type variable.

CreateObject (ServerName.TypeName)

Create an automatic object.

CSNG (Expression)

Convert to Single data type variable.

CSTR (Expression)

Convert to String data type variable.


Returns time depending on the system used.

Dateadd (Interval, Number, Date)

Add a specified time interval to the DATE object. The parameter Interval accepts the value shown in the table below.

Set value Description YYYY year Q quarter M month Y Year on the first few days of W Day w WW year's first week H hours m minutes s second

Datediff (Interval, Date1, Date2 [, Firstdayofweek [, Firstweekofyear]])

Returns the interval between two dates, and please refer to the "Date and Time Constant" section below for the values ​​of Firstdayofweek and Firstweekofyear. The interval parameter accepts the value shown in the table below.

Set value Description YYYY year Q quarter M month Y Year on the first few days of W Day w WW year's first week H hours m minutes s second

DatePart (Interval, Date [, Firstdayofweek [, Firstweekofyear]])

Returns the DATE object specified section. For the values ​​of Firstdayofweek and Firstweekofyear, please refer to the "Date and Time Constant" section below. The interval parameter accepts the value shown in the table below.

Set value Description YYYY year Q quarter M month Y Year on the first few days of W Day w WW year's first week H hours m minutes s second

Dateserial (Year, Month, Day)

Convert to Date Data Sub Type Values.

DateValue (date)

Convert to Date Data Sub Type Values.

Day (date)

Returns the number of the day in one month depending on the parameter Date.

Exp (Number)

Returns the value of the Number of E.

FILTER (InputStrings, Value [, include [, compare]])

Create a new array based on the filter criteria. For the value of Compare, see the "Compare Constant" section later.

FIX (Number)

Convert into an integer (for negative numbers, only resembling).

Formatcurrency (Expression [, NumdigitsAfterDecimal [, includeEleadingdigit [, useparensfornegativenumbers [, groupdigit]]])

Format into a currency form. See the "Three-State Constant" section after INCLUDELEADIGITINUMBERS and GroupDIGIT.

Formator (Date [, namedFormat])

Format the output for date and time. See the "Date Format Constant" section below for NamedFormat.

FormatNumber (Expression [, NumdigitsAfterDecimal [, includeEleadingDigit [, useparensfornegativenumbers [, groupdigit]]]) is formatted. See the "Three-State Constant" section after INCLUDELEADIGITINUMBERS and GroupDIGIT.

Formatpercent (Expression [, NumdigitsAfterDecimal [, includeEleadingdigit [, useparensfornegativenumbers [, groupdigit]]]])

Format the percentage. See the "Three-State Constant" section after INCLUDELEADIGITINUMBERS and GroupDIGIT.

GetObject ([Pathname] [, Class])

Returns the specified dynamic object from the specified file.

HEX (Number)

Returns the value of Number's hexadecimal value.

Hour (Time)

Returns the hour according to the value of the parameter Time.

InputBox (Prompt [, Title] [, Default] [, XPOS] [, YPOS] [, HelpFile, Context])

Display a temporary input box and return to the user's input.

INSTR ([Start,] string1, string2 [, compare])

Returns the string string2 where the first appearance in the string string1. See the "Comparative Constant" section below for the value of Compare.

Instrrev (String1, String2 [Start [, Compare]])

Returns the string string2 to the last position in the string String1. See the "Comparative Constant" section below for the value of Compare.

Int (Number)

Returns an integer (negative number is only alive).

Isarray (varName)

Determine if the variable is an array.

Isdate (Expression)

Determine whether the expression expibility can be converted into a date format.

ISempty (VarName)

Determine if the variable has been initialized.

Isnull (Expression)

Determine if Expression Expression is empty.

IsNumberic (Expression)

Determine if the result of the expression expression is a number.

IsObject (Expression)

Determine if the expression expression is an automatic object.

Join (List, [, Delimiter])

Connect all the sub-strings in an array, the separator used by the connection is set by the value of Delimiterd.

LBound (ArrayName [, Dimension])

Returns the lowest limit of a certain dimension of the array. In the current VBScript version, the function always returns a value of 0.

LCASE (String)

Format in small-write characters.

LEFT (String, Length)

Returns the string string of the specified length String left.

Len (String | Varname)

Returns the length of the string string or the byte length of the variable VarName.

LoadPicture (PitcureName)

Load a picture object.


Returns the natural logar of Number.

Ltrim (String)

Remove the extra spaces on the left side of the string String.

MID (Strin, Start [, Length])

Returns the string String of the specified length string.

Minute (time)

Returns the value of the minute according to the value of the parameter Time.

Month (Date)

Returns the month represented by a number.

Monthname (Month [, Abbreviate])

Returns the month represented by name.

Msgbox (Prompt [, Buttons] [, Title] [HelpFile, Context])

Display a message box that requires the user to select a button to return the value that can specify the user's choice. For the value of Button and return values, please refer to the "Message Frame Region" section later. NOW

Returns the current date and time according to the system.

OCT (Number)

Returns the eight-input value of Number.

Replace (Expression, Find, Replacewith [, Start [, COUNT [, Compare]]])

Replace the specified sub-string Find specified by the specified sub-string ReplaceWith. See the "Comparative Constant" section below for the value of the parameter compare.

Right (String, Length)

Returns the right portion of the string string of the specified length.

RND ([Number])

Generate a random number.

Round (Number [, NumDecimalPlace])

The number of Number is rounded according to the specified decimal number of digits.

Rtrim (String)

Delete the extra space on the right side of the string String.


Returns the name of the scripting language used.


Returns the script engine version used.


Returns the large version number of the script engine used.


Returns the second second according to the value of the parameter Time.

SGN (Number)

Returns the number of Number's positive and negative numbers.

Sin (Number)

Returns the sinusoidal value of Number.

Space (Number)

Create a string with a specified number of spaces.

Split (expression [, delimiter [, count [, compare]]])

Segment a string and convert to an array. See the "Comparative Constant" section later about COMPARE.

SQR (Number)

Returns the square root value of NuMBER.

STRComp (string1, string2 [, compare])

String comparison. See the "Comparative Constant" section later about COMPARE.

Strreverse (String1)

Remind the string string1.

String (Number, Character)

Create a string with Number characters.

Tan (Number)

Returns the count of Number.


Returns the current time according to the system.

TimeSerial (Hour, Minute, Second)

Returns a DATE variable.

TimeValue (TIME)

Returns the DATE variable containing time.

Trim (String)

Delete excess spaces on both sides of the string String.

Typename (varName)

The name of the returning subtype. See the "Variable Type Constant" section behind the return value.

Ubound (arrayname [, dimension])

Returns the upper boundary of an array. For the default dimension, for the first dimension.

Ucase (String)

Format string string with uppercase letters format.


Returns the value of the subtype. See the "Variable Type Constant" section behind the return value.

Weekday (Date, [Firstdayofweek])

Returns the day of the week with a digital form. See the "Variable Type Constant" section after the parameter firstdayofweek.

WeekdayName (Weekday, Abbreviate, Firstdayofweek)

Returns the day of the week with name. See the "Variable Type Constant" section after the parameter firstdayofweek.

Year (date)

Return the year according to the parameter date.


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