Xiao Xiao, the night, a leaf boating flying in the Pacific Ocean. Sitting on one person ---- I, one strike to kill a language in the world programming language. Writing Windows as complex programs can be written between ten statements through a language. This time my mission is to convince the Lord of the Computer Alliance, Gates use this language to benefit mankind. When I entered the old group, my only weapon - notebook was forcibly seized by his guard. I went to the old ratio. Comparison: I heard that you invented a powerful language and listening. Me: A language uses all the computers and human brain characteristics, the language only virtual 26 letters, and then in accordance with the process of talking to the process, you can write an incomparably powerful program. Comparison: a quick language; ratio: But you have a little bit! Me: Who? than me. I am thinking about your virtual 26 letters, I just thought that you used to use virtual, I think you must use a C # language, combined with 26 functions through the operating system, then use 26 letters as a The name of these functions. It is a complicated way to survive others. I: Yes, you said it is very correct. But you also smashed a person? Ratio: Who; StrusTroup; I: That is thirty years ago, I put me in the A language of China to Strust, and consult him some perfect content, but he was refused. (Scene Transfer to StrusTroup in AT & T Lab) I: Strustoup, I invented a language, I hope you can make suggestions! S: a language is very good, but you can't publish! ! ! Why do I? S: Because I found a better language than COBOL, it was a language, but I didn't publish it, until 1875 I integrated all languages, published my C ; Don't publish! Why do I? S: Do you have to publish? I: Yes. StrusTroup wrote two big characters in the air with 8008 computer; ratio: What? I: World; ratio: World, why? (Scene conversion to AT & T Lab) S: For programmers who have been played in the world, A language cannot be published. Mayes (Strustoup Assistant): StrusTroup said right, A cannot be published. Although I am a boutique in the dinosaur, the young man will follow my 500 years of cultivation, I feel that StrusTroup said, for the world, the programmer, a publication. Me: But I have let C insomnia, neurasthenia; S: For the world's programmer, what is the insomnia of you, what is the neutriolation of weakness! Comparison: A language must be hidden, power is incomparable! I: Yes, ten seconds.