Common commands in Oracle Chapter 1: Log Management
1.forcing log switchesql> ALTER SYSTEM SWITCH LOGFILE
3.Adding Online Redo Log Groupssql> Alter Database Add logfile [Group 4] SQL> ('/disk3/log4a.rdo' ,'/disk4/log4b.rdo') size 1m;
4.Adding Online Redo Log Memberssql> ALTER DATABASE ADD LOGFILE MEMBERSQL> '/disk3/log1b.rdo' to group 1, sql> '/disk4/log2b.rdo' to group 2;
5.changes the name of the online redo logfilesql> ALTER DATABASE RENAME FILE 'C: / ORACLE/Ordata/oradb/redo01.log'sql> To' c: /oacle/oradata/redo01.log ';
6.Drop Online Redo Log Groupssql> ALTER DATABASE DROP Logfile Group 3;
7.Drop Online Redo Log Memberssql> ALTER DATABASE DROP LOGFILE MEMBER 'C: /Oracle/Ordata/redo01.log';
8. Clearing Online Redo Log Filessql> Alter Database Clear [Unarchived] logfile 'c: /oacle/log2a.rdo';
9.using logminer analyzing redo logfiles
a. in the init.ora specify utl_file_dir = '' b. SQL> EXECUTE DBMS_LOGMNR_D.BUILD ('ORADB.ORA', 'C: / Oracle / ORADB / LOG'); c. SQL> EXECUTE DBMS_LOGMNR_ADD_LOGFILE ('C: / Oracle / ORADATA / ORADB / Redo01.log ', SQL>; d. sql> execute dbms_logmnr.add_logfile (' c: /oracle/oradata/oradb/redo02.log', SQL> dbms_logmnr.addfile; e . sql> execute dbms_logmnr.start_logmnr. (dictfilename => 'c: /oracle/oradb/log/oradb.ora'); f sql> select * from v $ logmnr_contents (v $ logmnr_dictionary, v $ logmnr_parameterssql> v $ logmnr_logs) ; g. sql> execute dbms_logmnr.end_logmnr;
Chapter II: Table Space Management 1.create TableSpacessql> Create TableSpace TableSpace_name DataFile 'C: /oracle/oradata/file1.dbf' size 100m, SQL> 'C: /oracle/roadata/file2.dbf' size 100m minimum Extent 550k [logging / nologging] sql> default storage (initial 500k next 500k maxextents 500 pctinccease 0) sql> [online / offline] [permanent / temporary] [extent_management_clause] 2.locally managed tablespacesql> create tablespace user_data datafile 'c: / oracle / ORADATA / User_Data01.dbf'SQL> Size 500M Extent Management Local Uniform Size 10M;
3.Temporary TableSpaceSQL> CREATE TEMPORARY TABLESPACE TEMP TEMPFILE 'C: /Oracle/oradata/temp01.dbf'sql> size 500m Extent Management Local Uniform Size 10m;
4.Change the Storage Settingsql> ALTER TABLESPACE APP_DATA Minimum Extent 2m; SQL> ALTER TABLESPACE APP_DATA Default Storage (Initial 2M Next 2M MaxExtents 999);
7.Droping TableSpaceSQL> Drop tablespace app_data incruding contents;
8.enableing Automatic Extension of Data Filess QL> ALTER TABLESPACE APP_DATA Add DataFile 'C: /Oracle/oradata/app_data01.dbf' size 200msql> AutoExtend On Next 10m MaxSize 500M;
9.change the size fo data files manuallysql> ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE 'C: / ORACLE/Ordata/App_data.dbf' Resize 200M;
10.Moving Data Files: ALTER TABLESPACESQL> ALTER TABLESPACE APP_DATA RENAME DATADATA/App_Data.dbf'SQL> To 'c: /oracle/app_data.dbf';
11.Moving Data Files: ALTER DATABASESQL> ALTER DATABASE RENAME FILE 'C: /Oracle/oradata/app_data.dbf'sql> to' c: /oracle/app_data.dbf '; Chapter 3: Table
1.create a tablesql> create table table_name (column datatype, column datatype] ....) sql> tablespace tablespace_name [pctfree integer] [pctused integer] sql> [initrans integer] [maxtrans integer] sql> storage (initial 200k next 200k Pctincrease 0 MaxExtents 50) SQL> [Logging | NOLOGGING] [cache | nocache]
2.copy an existing tablesql> create table table_name [logging | nologing] as subquery
3.Create Temporary TableSQL> Create Global Temporary Table Xay_Temp as Select * from xay; on commit preserve rows / on commit delete rows
4.pctFree = (Average Row Size - Initial Row Size * 100 / Average Row Sizepctused = 100-PctFree- (Average Row Size * 100 / Available Data Space)
5.Change Storage and Block Utilization Parametersql> ALTER TABLE TABLE_NAME PCTFREE = 30 Pctused = 50 Storage (Next 500KSQL> MineXtents 2 MaxExtents 100);
6.Manually Allocating ExtentsSQL> ALTER TABLE TABLE_NAME Allocate Extent (Size 500K DataFile 'C: /oracle/data.dbf');
7.Move TableSpaceSQL> ALTER TABLE Employee Move TableSpace User;
8.deallocate of unused spaceSQL> ALTER TABLE TABLE_NAME DEALLOCATE UNUSED [Keep Integer]
9.Truncate a TableSQL> Truncate Table Table_name;
10.Drop a TableSQL> Drop Table Table_Name [Cascade Constraints];
11.Drop a columnsql> ALTER TABLE TABLE_NAME DROP Column Comments Cascade Constraints Checkpoint 1000; ALTER TABLE TABLE_NAME DROP Column Continue;
12.mark a column as unusedsql> alter table table_name set unused column comments cascade constraints; alter table table_name drop unused columns checkpoint 1000; alter table orders drop columns continue checkpoint 1000data_dictionary: dba_unused_col_tabs Chapter 4: Index 1.creating function-based indexessql> Create Index Summit.Item_quantity on summit.item (Quantity-Quantity_shipped);
2.create a B-tree indexsql> create [unique] index index_name on table_name (column, .. asc / desc) tablespacesql> tablespace_name [pctfree integer] [initrans integer] [maxtrans integer] sql> [logging | nologging] [nosort ] Storage (Initial 200k Next 200k Pctincrease 0Sql> maxextents 50);
3. PctFree (INDEX) = (Maximum Number of Rows-Initial Number of Rows) * 100 / Maximum Number Of Rows
4.CREATING REVERSE Key Indexessql> Create Unique Index Xay_ID ON XAY (a) Reverse Pctfree 30 Storage (Initial 200ksql> Next 200k Pctincrease 0 MaxExtents 50) TABLESPACE INDX;
5.Create Bitmap IndexSql> Create Bitmap Index Xay_id ON XAY (A) PCTFree 30 Storage (Initial 200k Next 200ksql> Pctincrease 0 MaxExtents 50) TABLESPACE INDX;
6.Change Storage Parameter Of IndexSql> ALTER INDEX XAY_ID Storage (Next 400K MaxExtents 100);
7.Allocating Index SpaceSQL> ALTER INDEX XAY_ID Allocate Extent (Size 200k DataFile 'C: / Oracle/index.dbf');
8.alter index XAY_ID DEAllocate Unused
Chapter 5: Constraint
1.define constraints as immediate or defresql> ALTER session set constraint [s] = immediate / deferred / default; set constraint [S] constraint_name / all immediate / deferred;
2. SQL> Drop Table Table_name Cascade Constraintssql> Drop TableSpace TableSpace_name Including Contents Cascade Constraints
3. define constraints while create a tablesql> create table xay (id number (7) constraint xay_id primary key deferrablesql> using index storage (initial 100k next 100k) tablespace indx); primary key / unique / references table (column) / check4. ENABLE CONSTRAINTSSQL> ALTER TABLE XAY Enable NoValidate Constraint XAY_ID;
5.enable constraintssql> Alter Table Xay Enable Validate Constraint Xay_ID;
Chapter 6: Load Data
1.Loading Data Using Direct_load Insertsql> Insert / * Append * / INTO EMP NOLOGGINGSQL> SELECT * from Emp_old;
2.Parallel Direct-Load Insertsql> ALTER Session Enable Parallel DML; SQL> INSERT / * Parallel (EMP, 2) * / INTO EMP NOLOGGINGSQL> SELECT * FROM EMP_OLD;
3.USING SQL * Loadersql> SQLLDR Scott / Tiger / SQL> Control = ULCase6.ctl / SQL> Log = ULCase6.log Direct = true
1.USING Expoty $ EXP Scott / Tiger Tables (DEPT, EMP) File = C: /emp.dmp log = exp.log compress = n direct = y
2.USING IMPORT $ IMP Scott / Tiger Tables (DEPT, EMP) File = Emp.dmp Log = Imp.log ignore = Y
3.transporting a tablespacesql> alter tablespace sales_ts read only; $ exp sys / .. file = xay.dmp transport_tablespace = y tablespace = sales_tstriggers = n constraints = n $ copy datafile $ imp sys / .. file = xay.dmp transport_tablespace = Y DataFiles = (/ disk1 / sles01.dbf, / disk2 / SLES02.DBF) SQL> ALTER TABLESPACE SALES_TS Read Write
4.checking transport setsql> DBMS_tts.transport_set_check (ts_list => 'sales_ts' .., incl_constraints => true); See sql> dbms_tts.isselfcontained table transport_set_violations to true, the self-contained showing
Chapter 8: Managing Password Security and Resources
1.controlling account lock and passwordsql> alter user juncky identified by oracle account unlock; 2.user_provided password functionsql> function_name (userid in varchar2 (30), password in varchar2 (30), old_password in varchar2 (30)) return boolean
3.create a profile: password settingsql> create profile grace_5 limit failed_login_attempts 3sql> password_lock_time unlimited password_life_time 30sql> password_reuse_time 30 password_verify_function verify_functionsql> password_grace_time 5;
4.ALTERING A ProfileSQL> ALTER profile default failed_login_attempts 3sql> Password_life_time 60 password_grace_time 10;
5.Drop a profilesql> Drop Profile grace_5 [cascade];
6.create a profile: resource limitsql> Create Profile developer_prof limited sessions_per_user 2sql> CPU_PER_SESSION 10000 IDLE_TIME 60 Connect_Time 480;
7. View => resource_cost: Alter Resource Costdba_Users, DBA_PrOFiles
8. Enable resource limitssql> ALTER system set resource_limit = true;
Chapter 9: Managing Uses
1.create a user: database authenticationsql> create user juncky identified by oracle default tablespace userssql> temporary tablespace temp quota 10m on data password expiresql> [account lock | unlock] [profile profilename | default];
2.Change User Quota on TableSpaceSQL> ALTER USER JUNCKY Quota 0 on Users;
3.Drop a usersql> Drop User Juncky [Cascade];
4. Monitor Userview: DBA_USERS, DBA_TS_QUOTAS Chapter 10: Managing Privileges
1.system privileges: view => system_privilege_map, dba_sys_privs, session_privs
2.grant system privilegesql> grant create session, create table to managers; sql> grant create session to scott with admin option; with admin option can grant or revoke privilege from any user or role; 3.sysdba and sysoper privileges: sysoper: startup , shutdown, alter database open | mount, alter database backup controlfile, alter tablespace begin / end backup, recover databasealter database archivelog, restricted sessionsysdba: sysoper privileges with admin option, create database, recover database until
4.Password file members: view: => v $ pwfile_users
5.O7_DICTIONARY_ACCESSIBILITILIBILITY = True Restriction Access to View or Tables in Other Schema
6.Revoke System Privilegesql> Revoke Create Table from Karen; SQL> Revoke Create Session from Scott;
7.Grant Object Privilegesql> Grant Execute On DBMS_PIPE TO PUBLIC; SQL> GRANT Update (First_name, Salary) on Employee to Karen with Grant Option;
8.Display Object Privilege: View => DBA_TAB_PRIVS, DBA_COL_PRIVS
9.Revoke Object Privilegesql> Revoke Execute on dbms_pipe from scott [cascade constraints];
10.Audit Record View: => sys.aud $
11. Protecting The audit trailsql> Audit delete on sys.aud $ by access;
12.Statement Auditingsql> Audit User;
13.Privilege Auditingsql> Audit Select Any Table by Summit By Access;
14.Schema Object Auditingsql> Audit Lock on Summit.employee by Access WHENEVER SUCCESSFUL
15.View audit option: view => all_def_audit_opts, dba_stmt_audit_opts, dba_priv_audit_opts, dba_obj_audit_opts
16.View audit result: view => dba_audit_trail, dba_audit_exists, dba_audit_ object, dba_audit_session, dba_audit_statement
Chapter 11: Manager Role
1.create rolessql> create role sales_clerk; sql> create role hr_clerk identified by bonus; sql> create role hr_manager identified externally; 2.modify rolesql> alter role sales_clerk identified by commission; sql> alter role hr_clerk identified externally; sql> alter role HR_manager not idered;
3.assigning rolesql> grant sales_clerk to scott; sql> grant hr_clerk to hr_manager; sql> grant hr_manager to scott with admin/
4.establish default rolesql> alter user scott default role hr_clerk, sales_clerk; sql> alter user scott default role all; sql> alter user scott default role all except hr_clerk; sql> alter user scott default role none;
5.enable and disable rolesql> set role hr_clerk; sql> set role sales_clerk identified by commission; sql> set role all exchange, siL> set role none;
6. Revoke Sales_Clerk from Scott; SQL> Revoke HR_Manager from public
7. Remove Rolesql> Drop Role HR_Manager;
Chapter 12: Backup and Recovery
2. RMAN NEED SET DBWR_IO_SLAVES or Backup_tape_io_slaves and large_pool_size
3. Monitoring Parallel Rollback> V $ FAST_START_SERVERS, V $ FAST_START_TRANSACTIONS
4.Perform A Closed Database Backup> Shutdown Immediate> CP Files / Backup /> Startup
5.RESTORE TO A DIFFERENT LOCATION> Connect System / Manager As Sysdba> Startup Mount> ALTER DATABASE RENAME File '/Disk1/./user.dbf' to '/ disk2 /../ user.dbf';> Alter Database Open ;
6.recover syntax - recover a mounted database> recover database;> recover datafile '/disk1/data/df2.dbf';>alter database recover database; - recover an opened database> recover tablespace user_data;> recover datafile 2; > ALTER DATABASE Recover DataFile 2; to Apply Redo Log Files Automatically> Set Autorecovery On> Recover Automatic DataFile 4;
8.Complete Recovery: - Mounted 1 (Mounted Database> Copy C: /backup/User.dbf C: /oraData/User.dbf> Startup Mount> Recover DataFile 'C: / OraData/User.dbf;> Alter Database Open; - Method 2 (Opened Database, Initially Opened, Not System or Rollback DataFile> Copy C: / Backup/User.dbf C: / OraData/User.dbf (ALTER TABLESPACE OFFLINE)> Recover DataFile 'C: / ORADATA /user.dbf 'or> recover tablespace user_data;> alter database datafile' c: /oradata/user.dbf 'online or> alter tablespace user_data online; - method 3 (opened database, initially closed not system or rollback datafile)> Startup Mount> ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE 'C: /ORADATA/USER.DBF' OFFLINE;> ALTER DATABASE OPEN> COPY C: /BACKUP/USER.DBF D: / ORADATA/USER.DBF> ALTER DATABASE RENAME FILE 'C: / ORADATA /user.dbf 'to' D: /oradata/user.dbf '> Recover DataFile' E: / ORADATA/User.dbf 'or Recover TableSpace User_Data;> ALTER TABLESPACE USER_DATA ONLINE; - Method 4 (Loss of Data File with NO Backup and have all archive logs> ALTER TABLESPACE User_Data offline immediate;> Alter Database Crea te datafile 'd: /oradata/user.dbf' as' c: /oradata/user.dbf ''> recover tablespace user_data;> alter tablespace user_data online5.perform an open database backup> alter tablespace user_data begin backup;> copy files / backup /> ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE '/C:/../data.dbf' end backup;> alter system switch logfile; 6.backup a control file> ALTER DATABASE backup controlfile to 'control1.bkp';> ALTER DATABASE BACKUP ControlFile to TRACE; 7.Recovery (NoArchiveLog Mode)> Shutdown Abort> CP Files> Startup8.recovery of File In Backup Mode> ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE 2 End Backup;
9.clearing redo log file> alter database clear unarchived logfile group 1;> alter database clear unarchived logfile group 1 unrecoverable datafile; 10.redo log recovery> alter database add logfile group 3 'c: /oradata/redo03.log' size 1000k > ALTER DATABASE DROP logfile group 1;> Alter Database Open; Or> CP: /oradata/redo02.log 'c: /oradata/redo01.log> ALTER DATABASE CLOGFILE' C: / ORADATA/LOG01.LOG ';