/ / According to the username and password verification
Private Int CheckUserandPwd (String Usercode, String Userpwd)
SqlConnection Objconn = New SqlConnection (ConfigurationSttings.AppSettings ["Connectionstring"]);
Objconn.open ();
// call usp_checkuserlogin
SQLCommand Objcomm = New Sqlcommand ("USP_CHECKUSERLOGIN", OBJCONN);
Objcomm.commandtype = commandtype.storedprocedure;
// Add a USP parameter
Objcomm.Parameters.Add (New Sqlparameter ("@ Usercode", UserCode);
Objcomm.Parameters.Add ("@ pwd", userpwd);
/ / Receive USP return value
Objcomm.Parameters.Add (New Sqlparameter ("RetValue", Sqldbtype.int, 4, ParameterDirection.ReturnValue,
False, 0, 0, String.empty, DataRowVersion.default, null);
Objcomm.executenonQuery ();
INT USPRETURNVALUE = (int) objcomm.Parameters ["RetValue"]. Value;
Objconn.close ();
// login processing
Private void login_click (object sender, system.web.ui.imageClickeventargs E)
INT uspreturnValue = checkuserandpwd (usercode.text, password.text);