IDs can also be used in consecutive, this example takes five records <% 'string random arrangement function Function Randomstr (STR) DIM AR, Chkstr, ID1, ID2, I, Max, Temp, U Ar = Split (Str, "," ) Chkstr = "" i = 0 ID1 = 1 u = ubound (ar) max = (u 1) / 2 for i = 1 to max randomize id1 = clng (RND () * u) Randomize ID2 = ClNG (RND ) * U) TEMP = ar (id1) ar (id1) = ar (id2) ar (id2) = Temp next for i = 0 to Ubound (ar) Randomstr = Randomstr & Ar (i) & "," NEXT RANDOMSTR = LEFT Randomstr, Len (randomstr) -1) End Function