The signature name is said to the start tag and end tag of the HTML> HTML document.
head> The head mark of the HTML document.p> Setting paragraph tags, used for segmentation in the web, and end tags can be omitted.
pre> displays a pre-fed-formated text tag, which will be displayed in the format set. font> is used to set the flags of the 'font', size, color, and the like of the text included. The text containing the b> tag will be displayed in a bold. i> The text containing the text will be displayed in a slope. u> The text containing the text is displayed.ul> defines the "No Square List" tag. The list item is defined by
- tag.
ol> defines the "Ordered List" tag. The list item is defined by the
- tag.
dl> Defines "Definition List" tag.
- Defines the terms.
- defines the definition of terms.
- li> defines the list item tag, the end tag can be omitted.
- dt> defines a term in the defined list, and the end tag can be omitted.
- dd> provides the definition of terms in the defined list, and the end tag can be omitted.
Table> Defining Table Tag
CAPTION> Defines Table Title Tags above the table. tr> Defines Target Tag TH> Defines the header mark, accounting for a group of tables, which is equivalent to the headline. TD> Defines the cell mark, and the number of cells in each row should be consistent.