Take a detailed thing below to see something inside my collection
Declare @tablename VARCHAR (256)
Declare Craltable Cursor for select name from sysobjects where type = 'u' and name <> DTPROPERTIES '
Open Cralltable
Fetch next from cranetable @tablename
WHILE (@@ FETCH_STATUS = 0) BEGIN EXEC pr__SYS_MakeSelectRecordProc @tableName, 1 EXEC pr__SYS_MakeUpdateRecordProc @tableName, 1 EXEC pr__SYS_MakeInsertRecordProc @tableName, 1 EXEC pr__SYS_MakeDeleteRecordProc @tableName, 1 FETCH NEXT FROM crAllTable INTO @tableNameEND
Close CralltableDeallocate Craltable