If you want to verify the user's input, the light uses client authentication is not insurance, the client may skip the input page, send a request to the server directly, if the servo end does not verify the request, it will cause errors. To verify using the Validator servo, just inherit the org.apache.struts.validator.validatorform category to write an actionform, ValidatorForm is the subcategory of ActionForm, which redefines the validate () method, defining the category using the Validatorform defined, The setting in Validation.xml is the same as the previous topic. ActionServlet calls the Validate () method. If the verification is incorrect, the related error message will be collected and stored in the ActionerRRORS. You want to specify the TYPE property of the actionMApping in Struts-Config.xml, provide a message page, Use the
Code: <% @ taglib URI = "/ tags / struts-bean" prefix = "bean"%> <% @ taglib URI = "/ tags / struts-html" prefix = "html"%> <% @ page contenttype = "Text / html; charset = BIG5"%>