C ++ improvements Const in depth improvement

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  73

We may learn about the use of Const, but it is not necessarily mastered for the meticulous technical details of Const. Const's usage is simply introduced in many textbooks, where we are detailed and analyzed in congenization. Const is adopted by C , and adds the standard C, but their meaning is completely different. In the old version (pre-standard), if you want to establish a constant, you must use the preprocessor: #define pi 3.14159, Where to use PI, it will be replaced with 3.14159 by the preprocessor. The compiler does not check the PI, that is, it can be used alternative to the value of unrestricted, if it is inadvertent, it is likely to be incorrectly introduced by the pre-processing, which is often difficult to find. We don't get the address of the PI (ie, the pointer and reference cannot be transmitted to the PI). C introduces the concept of naming constants, name constants are like variables, but its value cannot be changed. If you try to change a const object, the compiler will generate an error. Const and normal variables have a scope, so constings inside the function will not affect the rest of the program. In C , consT can replace the pre-processor #define for value, and const has a safe type, so you don't have to worry about introducing errors like a preparation. In the usual case, Const is just the symbol table that is assigned to the compiler (the symbol table is only compiled, the compiler is in the compiler in the compiler. The value defined in the value is a simple replacement), and the value is replaced when used, and does not create a storage space for Const. We put the Const's definition in the header, so by containing the header file, we can put the constance separately in one place and assign it to a compilation unit, and Const is an internal connection (internal connection means only to be compiled). File Create a storage space, other files can use the same marker and global variables, the compiler does not find a conflict, the external connection means creates a separate storage space for all compiled files, general global variables and function names The external connection is expressed by the extern declaration, which can be accessed by other files) that means that Const can only be accessed by files it defined. When defining a const, a value must be assigned, unless to explain with Extern Const Int a; this means that Const's definition is in other places, here is just a statement, but this way makes Const use an external connection, that is, the above Extern is mandated, so that we will Unable to use const as a constant folding (in the case of possible, the value of the symbol constant replaces the change of the changed name, this alternate process is called constant folding), even if we define the value of Const elsewhere, such as: Extern const INT A = 3; Because the value of Const is placed in the storage unit, the compiler does not delay the contents of the memory cell during the compiled process. If we do this: int b [a]; the compiler will give us an error message.

It is impossible to allocate storage space because of a complex structure, such as a collection, compiler is not complex to save the collection to its symbol table, so you must allocate memory space, which means "this is The storage space that cannot be changed ", of course, it is not possible to use its value during compilation, because the compiler does not know the content: const I [] = {1, 2, 3, 4}; // float f [ i [2]]; // will get an error message, the compiler prompt cannot find a constant expression in the array definition. Because the compiler relies and reads data by moving stack pointers. Therefore, since the Constance definition must be an internal connection because it cannot be avoided, the definition of Const must be internal connection, otherwise it will cause an error because many constings are allocated in multiple files. Let's take a simple and effective code to illustrate constant constant folds: #include const Int A = 3; const Int b = a 1; float * f = (float *) & b; char C [B 3]; void main () {const char gc = cin.get (); const char C2 = GC 3;} We can see that a is constrays during a compiler, b is calculated from A Since A is a constant expression, it is from a constant expression, and it is also a Const between the compiler, then the following pointer f obtains B's address, so it is forced to assign a storage space to b, but Even if the storage space is assigned, since the compiler already knows the value of B, it still does not hinder the size of the large hours of the array C. In the main function main (), the value of the identifier GC is not known during the compilation, which means that the storage space is required, but initialization should be done in the definition point, and once initialized, the value cannot be changed, we discove C2 It is calculated by GC, which is the same as the scope of other type constings, which is an improvement to the #define usage. When C introduces constants, standard C has also introduced constations, but the meaning of Const in C is very different in C , and Const in C is "a common variable that cannot be changed", and Const constants is always The allocated storage space and its name is a global value, ready-to-use external connection. So in C: const Int size = 100; char C [size]; draw an error. But in C can write: const Int size; because the const in c is deflated by default as an external connection, this is reasonable. Using qualifiers Const in C language is not very useful, if you want to use a named value in a constant expression (must be evaluated during compilation), you must use the pre-processor #define. In C , you can make the pointer a const, which is useful. If you want to change the use of Const this pointer in the program code, the compiler will give notifications, which greatly improves security. When using a pointer with Const, we have two options: the object of Const Demoding pointers, or the storage space you point on your own point yourself.

If you want to make the pointing object does not change, you need to write: const INT * P; here P is a pointer to the const Int, which does not need to initialize, because P can point to any identifier, it is not a const, However, the value it refers to can't change, the same, we can write: int const * p; these two methods are equivalent, depending on the personal habits and the code style, which is the formaker's own decision. If you want the pointer to be a constant, you must put the part indicated by * on the right. INT A = 3; INT * const j = & a compiler requires an initial value, this value does not change during the life of the pointer, that is, the pointer always points to the address of A, but to change the value in its address is Yes: * J = 4; can also be a constant point to a const object: const INT * J1 = & a; int const * j2 = & a; this pointer and object cannot be changed, both forms are equally equivalent. At the time of assignment, we need to assign a non-Const's address to a const pointer, but you cannot assign a const object address to a non-Const pointer because it may change the value of the object by assigning pointers. Of course, it can also be assigned by the type of forced conversion, but do this break the security provided by Const. Const is also used to limit the return value of the function parameters and functions. If the function parameter is passed, that is, the initial value indicating the variable is not changed, if the return value of the function is constant, for internal types Whether it returns a cosnt is irrelevant, the compiler does not make it a left value, because it is a value rather than a variable, so use const is redundant, for example: const Int f () {return 1;} Void main () {Int a = f ();} But when the user defined type, the return constant is very meaningful, and the return value of the function cannot be directly assigned and cannot be modified. It is only used as a left value as a left value, but this is often lost because the function return value is usually saved as a temporary amount, and the compiler will be temporarily cleared. The results lost all modifications. You can pass or return an address (ie, a pointer or a reference): const INT * const func (const INT * P) {static int a = * p; return & a;} Parameter Const Limit pointer P pointing Data cannot be changed, and then the value of P is assigned to the static variable A, then returns A, here A is a static variable, after the function is running, its life is not over, so it can put its address return. Because the function returns a const Int * type, the return value of the function FUNC cannot be assigned a pointer that is non-pointing const *, but it also accepts a const Int * const and a const INT * pointer because the function is generated when the function returns A Const temporary pointer is used to store A's address, so that this raw variable cannot be changed, so that the CONST on the right is only when it is used as the left value. Const is also used in classes, but its meaning is different, we can create Const's data members, members of Const, even constant objects, but keep the objects of the CONST complicated, so the const object can only Call the Const member function.


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