
zhaozj2021-02-16  153

Meta is a response head message used to simulate the HTTP protocol in the HTML document. Meta tags are used for web pages, and there are many ways to Meta labels. There are two properties of Meta: Name and Http-Equiv. The Name property is primarily used to describe the web page, corresponding to Content (web content), to search for engine robots to find, classification (currently almost all search engines) use online robots to automatically find meta values ​​to web page categories). This is the most important thing about Description (Site on search engine) and keywords, so you should add a meta value per page. There are more commonly used:

Name attribute


To illustrate the generation tool (such as Microsoft FrontPage 4.0);


Describe your webpage to the search engine;


Tell the search engine for your main content;


Tell the search engine your site's author;


The attribute description is as follows:

Set to all: The file will be retrieved, and the link on the page can be queried;

Set to None: The file will not be retrieved, and the link on the page cannot be queried;

Set to INDEX: The file will be retrieved;

Set to FOLLOW: The link on the page can be queried;

Set to NoIndex: The file will not be retrieved, but the link on the page can be queried;

Set to NOFOLLOW: File will not be retrieved, the link on the page can be queried.

HTTP-Equiv property



To explain the text and language used by the home page;

Another example is ISO-8859-1 character set, as well as character sets such as BIG5, UTF-8, Shift-JIS, EUC, KOI8-2;


Timed let the web page in the specified time n, jump to the page http: // YourLink;


Can be used to set the expiration time of the web page, once expired, you must reuse on the server. It should be noted that the GMT time format must be used;


It is used to set the prohibition browser from the cache to call the page content, and once you leave the web page, you cannot be adjusted from the Cache;


Cookie settings, if the web is expired, the cookie of the store will be deleted. It is also necessary to use the GMT time format;


Web ranking assessment, there is a content setting in the IE Internet option to prevent some restricted websites, while the site's restriction level is set by META properties;


Forced Page In the current window, it is displayed in a stand-alone page to prevent its own web page from being used as a frame page;



Set the special effects when entering and leaving the page, this feature is "Format / Web Transition" in FrontPage, but the added page cannot be an Frame page.


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