Algorithm registrar writing literacy --- Third lesson

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  54

Algorithm registrar writing literacy --- Third lesson

Original author: I want to [DFCG]

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Note: Adopted the second lesson, I am coming again, this time I have to "say a lot of words" everything! Why? In this way, it can be said more, but it has to ensure that your mood is relaxed! Ok, come, let's follow the instance. ^ _ ^

First, I have seen a friend of the first 2 lessons, now you can fully compile the difficulty of algorithmic algorithm registration machine, it's hard, such as, large, shift, with a plurality of registration machines, you still don't work Because what is the corresponding function and control, this is the literacy, it is not the literacy range. In the next day, you can find a book to turn over, let's find a friend asking, as long as you know You are humility, it should be completely available.

Second, write here, a little dizzy, use the text to express this lesson, really want to have an animation, I have brought this lesson, but it is already starting 2 lessons, there is no reason Just give up so irresponsible! Well, okay, I try to write a little more, I have a little more, I hope everyone can really digest and see it! More because I can't do it! ^ _ ^

Third, first start to write the simplest algorithm registrar, let's talk about the build and application of the form! Before you see this, please look back in the class of the class first, as a deeper, you may not know what I am talking about it.

Fourth, now start VB6, open your whiteboard template (later using template, pay attention), said the function application on the left of VB6 on the class, here to talk about the function application of the right side, or you can't write A personality project file. This is where you want to let, my words have been trying to have a proprietary noun, and it is expressed in the best understanding.嘿嘿 ~~ I want [DFCG] You don't understand! Oh, maybe! ^ _ ^

5. Ok, see that there is no, the VB6 interface is on the right, there is a function box, there is something you want, how to use it? General writing a small stuff, you don't need to know each of its menu, which will definitely be clear in your future application, just not starting or no one.

Sixth, the first box is an engineering box, you have to build your personalized form, you must know it here. Because you want to add a personalized instructions or other features, you have to use it to add forms. Ok, you have already launched your template, then you can see "Form1 (Form1)", use the right click to drop the down menu, there are a lot of options, but other don't look at or temporarily Need it. You see an option "Add", the cursor is put on this line, will come out, see: Add a form

Add MDI form

Add module

Add class module

Add user control

Add a property page

Add user documentation

add files

Seven, optimistic, the above options, from the literacy point of view, just know the first one is enough, "add form" features, this will make you additionally add you on the registration machine. Description file or photo.

Eight, second box (in the properties box) to see, a big string is made by the e-article appointment option, halo, I don't understand E article? Nothing, just remember the commonly used. Take a look:

Alignment ← The location of the selected item, there is: left alignment, right alignment, home



Backcolor ← Change the color of a specific text box or form

BorderStyle ← Change the function items of the title bar, such as "Minimize", "Maximize" on Turns

CAPTION ← Change the place where the title bar is written, if you write "xxx registration machine"









Font ← Change the size of the write font


Forecolor ← Change the color of the font




Icon ← Add your personalized icon, which is the icon for the registration machine.















Picture ← Add a personalized picture, which is the diagram of the registrar form, you need to cooperate with the left tool application








StartupPositio ← Set the location of the window when you pop up your registrar








Nine, just know that these are enough, and I have not indicated, and then I will check the book later. Ok, start our work now! I use A, B method to express, look at the following:

A: I have opened the template, how do you do next?

B: Good, put the cursor on the lower right corner, then drag in the inside.

A: Oh, this method is to change the appearance of the entire form, understand

B: Come, put the cursor on the right side, pull it on both sides to see what changes

A: understand, this step is to change the width of the form

B: Well, then place the cursor to the bottom line, pull it up in the bottom of the direction.

A: clear, this step is to change the height of the form

B: To make the form personalized, you have to add your personalized diagram

A: How to do it?

B: Good, look back on the left, "ab" has a graphic icon, click, return to the template to pull out a box

A: Do you want to add my picture in?

B: Now you have to go back to the attribute option on the right, find "Picture", click "..."

A: Oh, you need me to specify the path of the picture, understand, I will do this.

B: Ha, this thought it was successful? After adding pictures, you will add an extra extra box.

A: Yes, what should I do?

B: Find the property "BorderStyle", there are 2 options, you will choose "None".

A: Well, right, now picture box, look more

B: There is another one, that is, your text box has not guided the name, such as "machine code" these words.

A: Just, there is only 2 boxes, there is no text next to it, there is a "registration code", "machine code"?

B: I will teach you now, the uppercase letter "A" next to the left "ab", do you see it?

A: found

B: Click it, return to the template, pull out a box in the place you want to join the text information.

A: Out of a box named "label1", is this?

B: Yes, now you go to the property window, find "caption", what is the right on the right?

A: Oh, is it "label1", is it to modify this "label1" to the text information I want?

B: Yes, rewrite it as "machine code", you look at the changes in the window

A: Ha, my text box is left behind, and now I have "machine code" these words! A bit cool

B: Well, in your text box 2, write "registration code", your registrar has blood.

A: understand, other function keys To change their text messages, the same is true.

B: also needs to add your special instructions or a new form about what is perfect.

A: ah? How to add?

B: look back in the sixth step, right-click "Add Form", "Open"

A: A new form is coming out, there is a "Form2 (Form2)" on the right.

B: On the left "ab", the uppercase letter "A", after order, pull out a box at the new form

A: good

B: Then you can write the content you want to write inside, such as "about" what

A: Good, the template has been successfully written, then click the button below "AB" to build a "exit" function key

B: Now you go to generate a project file to see, is it a bit cool feel. ^ _ ^

A: Ha, a bit successful, because it is doing it, but can only be used?

B: Well, now you have to have source, unless you know how to program, or use "I want" VB source code.

A: Ok, where is it? B: This is almost the same, end the conversation, look at the next step! ^ _ ^

Ten, now refer to the VB algorithm source code I give in the previous lesson to continue the course, see below:

Private submmand1_click ()

strtmp = text1.text

A = VAL (Text1.Text)

B = a a

C = B & H15E0E9C

D = C * & H4

E = C D


End Sub

Private sub fascist2_click ()


End Sub

Private submmand3_click ()

Unload me

End Sub

Eleven, take a closer look, there are a few words in this source code, parsing as follows:

Command1 ← The first function button (you can be named "an algorial")

Command2 ← Second pull-out function button (you can name "About")

Command3 ← Third pull-out function button (you can be named "exit")

Private sub fascist2_click ()


End Sub

This is the statement that calls the second form, that is, when you click "About", you will pop up another document form that belongs to you.

Private submmand3_click ()

Unload me

End Sub

This is the statement that calls the closing form is that when the point "exits", the project also exits at the same time.

12. If you understand, you will try it out, don't read it, you can't write your registrane, you will always say it, the source code is also placed, how to do it? See the lesson, how should I add this source code into the VB, don't explain it again! Because you must be smarter than me!

Thirteen, I will do a few attachments. You can apply my registrar template. Compare you, whether you are doing, whether you are consistent, please, congratulations, you succeed!

14, I said that the boss, your registrar template is good, why don't I look like this? Ha, first learn to walk and learn to jump high jump is your fundamental. In the future, I may continue to teach you the template of your hand or use the control to generate a better-looking form, but this is different due to personal preferences, so this has exceeded the scope of this literacy course! ^ _ ^

Fifteen, okay! Do you still remember that I wrote a CRACKME to practice my beginner? This stuff is a clear or only. I haven't written the registration machine, but I have a friend feeling it, so I wrote one. Now, I have to write this registra. I can have two ways, I can achieve the effect of displaying the registration code.

16. If you respect the original CRACKME algorithm (this must have this good habit), you can write this way, look at the VB source code written by this CrackMe algorithm:

Private submmand1_click ()

strtmp = text1.text

A = 22222

B = a 33333

C = b * 12345

D = C - 617271605

Text1.text = d

End Sub

Sevente, this source code generated registration machine, you click the calculation key, and you will come out in the registration code box. The form of the form is, this is no longer repeated, look back to the above text! You must not be the same as me. Ha, you can save someone, you pirate it! ^ _ ^ 18, look back, this crackme is a clear code and the only one, there is a friend, there is no need to write a registration machine with the algorithm, as long as it reaches the registration code. Ok, this should teach you to pop up the pop-up function when you learn to apply VB6. Look at the source code below:

Private submmand1_click ()

MSGBOX "68554870" & chr (10), Vbokonly Vbinformation, "Registration Code"


End Sub

19. Now rename your Command1 function button to "an algorial", launch this registration machine to see, you just click the "Mode" button, ha, pop up a window named "Registration Code", inside you What is the stuff, huh, is a string of numbers, this is the registration code! Yes, so it is straightforward!

Twenty, good! I should stop, I have made a model on the third lesson, and everyone needs to download back together. I have to let you digest it! Next lesson I continued how to write simple CRACKME, perhaps advise you to write your personalized business card. As for the registrar to add music and special appearance forms, this is not literate, you go to the master, the old man is good, my dishes are really not good! ^ _ ^

Twenty-one, should you still have the next lesson, you have to pay back the post, you can't see you, because you don't respect my labor! I am also a person, I will be tired! Halo, who is shoes, don't, I flash ~~~

22 To [DFCG] Original as a prerequisite, thank you for reprinting. On the Internet, but not there is no one to see! Thank you for reading!

I want [DFCG] 2003.12.09


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