Oracle9i initialization parameter Chinese description

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  69

Oracle9i initialization parameter Chinese description

Blank_trimming: Description: If the value is True, even if the source length is longer than the target length (SQL92 compatible), it is also allowed to allocate data. Value range: True | False Default: False

SERIALIZABLE: Description: Determine if the query gets the read lock of the table level to prevent any object read before being submitted in transaction processing containing the query. This mode of operation provides repeatable reading and ensures that the same value is the same value for two queries of the same data in the same transaction. Value range: True | False Default: False

Row_locking: Description: Specifies whether to get a line lock when the table has been updated or being updated. If set to always, only the line lock is obtained after the table is updated. If set to INTENT, only the row lock will be used for SELECT for Update, but the table lock will be obtained when updating. Value range: Always | Default | INTENT default: always

Shared_servers Description: Specify the number of server processes created for the shared server environment after the startup routine. Value range: Depending on the operating system. Default: 1

Circuits: Description: Specifies the total number of virtual circuits available for inbound and outbound network sessions. This parameter is one of several parameters that constitute the total SGA requirements of a routine. Default: Derife: The value of the sessions parameter (if you are using the shared server architecture); otherwise 0.

MTS_MULTIPLE_LISTENERS: Description: Specifies the address of multiple listeners to specify separately, or specifies with an Address_List string. If this value is true, the MTS_Listener_Address parameter can be specified as: (address_list = (address = (protocol = tcp) (Host = Zeus)) (ADDRESS = (Protocol = Decnet) (bDE = Zeus)) This parameter has been discarded in version 8.1.3. Value: True | FALSE Default: False

MTS_SERVERS: Description: Specify the number of server processes created for the shared server environment after the startup routine. Value range: Depending on the operating system. Default: 1

MTS_Service: Description: A shared server parameter that specifies a unique service name that has been registered on the scheduler to establish a database connection. If you can connect to the database without the scheduler, set this value to the same name. This parameter has been discarded from 8.1.3. Value range: Depending on the operating system. Default: 0

MTS_SESSIONS: Description: Specifies the total number of shared shared server architectural user sessions. Set this parameter to keep some user sessions for the dedicated server. Value range: 0 to sessions - 5 Default: Derive: MTS_CIRCUITS and SESSIONS - 5

Shared_server_SESSIONS: Description: Specifies the total number of shared shared server architectural user sessions. Set this parameter to keep some user sessions for the dedicated server. Value range: 0 to sessions - 5 Default: Derive: MTS_CIRCUITS and SESSIONS - 5

MTS_MAX_DISPATCHERS Description: Specifies the maximum number of scheduler processes that can run simultaneously in a shared server environment. Value range: Depending on the operating system. Default: If the scheduler is configured, the number of default values ​​greater than 5 or the number of schedulers configured.

MTS_MAX_SERVERS: Description: Specifies the maximum number of shared server processes that can run simultaneously in a shared server environment. Value range: Depending on the operating system. Default: 20

DispatChers: Description: Set the number and type of the scheduler to set the shared environment of the shared server. Several options can be specified for this parameter. For more information, see "Oracle8i Administrator Guide" and "Oracle Net Administrator's Guide". This is an example of a string value: '(protocol = TCP) (Dispatchers = 3)'. Value range: Valid specified value for parameters. Default: nullmax_shared_servers: Description: Specifies the maximum number of shared server processes that can run simultaneously in a shared server environment. Value range: Depending on the operating system. Default: 20

MTS_CIRCUITS: Description: Specifies the total number of virtual circuits available for inbound and outbound network sessions. This parameter is one of several parameters that constitute the total SGA requirements of a routine. Default: Derife: The value of the sessions parameter (if you are using the shared server architecture); otherwise 0.

MTS_Listener_Address: Description: Specifies the listener configuration of the shared server. The listener process requires a listening address to handle the connection requests for the various network protocols used in the system. Each entry must have an independent neighbor value unless MTS_MULTIPLE_LISTENERS = TRUE. This parameter has been discarded from 8.1.3: (Address = (Protocol = TCP) (host = MyHost) (port = 7002)) Default: NULL

MTS_DISPATCHERS: Description: Set the number and type of the scheduler for setting the shared server using the shared server. Several options can be specified for this parameter. For more information, see "Oracle8i Administrator Guide" and "Oracle Net Administrator's Guide". This is an example of a string value: '(protocol = TCP) (Dispatchers = 3)'. Value range: Valid specified value for parameters. Default: null

MAX_DISPATCHERS: Description: Specifies the maximum number of scheduler processes that can run simultaneously in a shared server environment. Value range: Depending on the operating system. Default: If the scheduler is configured, the number of default values ​​greater than 5 or the number of schedulers configured.

NLS_NCHAR_CONV_EXCP: Description: (If true) Returns the error parameters when data is lost in implicit conversions. Value range: false | True Default: TRUE

NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS: Description: Specifies the characters that will be used as group separators and decigrants. The component isolation is a character used to separate a plurality of groups (such as thousands, millions, etc.). The decimal separator is used to separate a number of integers into the decimal portion. The format is . Value range: Any single-by-stroke character, ' ', '-', except '<', '>' except. Default: get from NLS_TERRITORY

NLS_SORT: Description: Specifies the comparison order of the ORDER BY query. For binary sorting, the comparison order of the ORDER BY query is based on the value. For language sorting, a full table scan is required to set the data in a defined language. Value range: binary or valid language definition name. Default: get from NLS_LANGUAGE

NLS_TERRITORY: Description: Specify name agreements for the following, including date and week numbers, default date format, default decimal point characters, and components, and default ISO and local currency symbols. Supported areas include the United States, France and Japan. For information on all regions, see Oracle8i National Language Support Guide. Value range: Any valid area name. Default: Depending on the operating system

NLS_TimeStamp_Format: Description: Similar to NLS_TIME_FORMAT, but it sets the default value of the TimeStamp data type, which stores both the date value of Year, Month, and Day, also stores HOUR, Minute, and Second. Time value. Syntax: TimeStamp '1997-01-31 09: 26: 50.10' (stored in 11 bytes). Default: NLS_TIME_FORMAT from NLS_TERRITORY: Description: Specify a string value, set the default value of the TIME data type, which contains Hour, Minute, and Second's datetime fields. Syntax: Time '09: 26: 50 '(stores the value to 7 bytes). Default: get from NLS_TERRITORY

NLS_TIME_TZ_FORMAT: Description: Specify a pair of values ​​(UTC, TZD), set the default value for the Time With Time Zone data type, which contains Hour, Minute, Second, Timezone_Hour, and Timezone_minute, several datetime fields. UTC is the world and TZD is the local time zone. Syntax: Time '09: 26: 50.20 02:00 '(stored in 9 bytes). Default: get from NLS_TERRITORY

NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS: Description: Use bytes or code points to specify the creation of the new column, such as Char, Varchar2, Clob, Nchar, NVARCHAR2, NCLOB columns. Various character sets have their own definitions. When using the same character set on the client and server, the string should be measured at the character set. Existing columns will not be affected. Value range: byte or char. Default: NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS's database character set of metric units. Byte.

NLS_DATE_FORMAT: Description: Specifies the default date format used to use with the to_CHAR and TO_DATE functions. The default value of this parameter is determined by NLS_TERRITORY. The value of this parameter can be any valid date format mask included in the double quotation number. For example: '' MMM / DD / YYYY ''. Value range: Any valid date format mask, but must not exceed a fixed length. Default: derived

NLS_TimeStamp_tz_Format: Description: Similar to NLS_TIME_TZ_FORMAT, a pair of values ​​specify the default value of the TimeStamp data type, which is stored in Year, Month and Day date values, Hour, Minute, and Second time values, also store Timezone_Hour and Timezone_Minute. Syntax: TimeStamp '1997- 01-31 09: 26: 50 02:00' (stored as 13 bytes). Default: get from NLS_TERRITORY

NLS_LANGUAGE: Description: Specify the default language of the database, which will be used for message, date, and month name, AD, BC, AM, and PM symbols, and the default sorting mechanism. Supported languages ​​include English, French and Japanese, and more. Value range: Any valid language name. Default: Depending on the operating system

NLS_COMP: Description: In the SQL statement, you should avoid the use of cumbersome NLS_SORT processes. Under normal circumstances, the comparison in the WHERE clause is binary, but the language comparison requires the NLSSort function. You can use NLS_COMP to specify that you must perform a language according to NLS_SORT session parameters. Value range: Any valid 10-byte string specified in Oracle8i National Language Support Guide. Default: binary

NLS_CURRENCY: Description: Specifies the string used as the local currency symbol for the L number format element. The default value of this parameter is determined by NLS_TERRITORY. Value range: Any valid 10-byte string specified in Oracle8i National Language Support Guide. Default: NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE: Description: Specify the language of spelling date name, month name, and date antennas (AM, PM, AD, BC). The default value of this parameter is the language specified by NLS_LANGUAGE. Value range: Any valid NLS_LANGUAGE value. Default: NLS_LANGUAGE value

NLS_DUAL_CURRENCY: Description: Used to override the default dual currency symbol defined in NLS_TERRITORY. If this parameter is not set, the default dual currency symbol will be used; otherwise a new session of a value is a double currency symbol. Value range: Any valid format name. . Default: Double currency symbol

NLS_ISO_CURRENCY: Description: Specify strings used as international currency symbols for C digital format elements. The default value of this parameter is determined by NLS_TERRITORY. Value range: Any valid NLS_TERRITORY value. Default: get from NLS_TERRITORY

NLS_CALENDAR: Description: Specifies which calendar system to use Oracle as the date format. For example, if the NLS_CALENDAR is set to 'Japanese Imperial', the date format is 'e yy-mm-dd'. That is: If the date is May 15, 1997, SYSDATE is displayed as 'h 09-05-15'. Value range: Arabic Hijrah, ENGLISH HIJRAH, GREGORIAN, JAPANESE IMPERIAL, PERSIAN, ROC OFFICOAL (Republic of China) and Thai Buddha. Default: Gregorian

PLSQL_NATIVE_C_COMPILER: Description: Specifies the full path name for compiling the generated C file as a target file. This parameter is optional. The default value of this parameter is included in the unique Make file included with each platform. If a value is specified for this parameter, the value will override the default value in the Make file. Value range: The full path to the C compiler. Default: None

Remote_Dependencies_mode: Description: The process handling the database to depends on the object that is dependent on the object. If set to TimeSTAMP, the process can only be performed only if the server matches the local timestamp. If set to signature, the process can be executed in the case of signing security. Value range: TimeStamp | Signature Default: TimeStamp

UTL_FILE_DIR: Description: Allows the database administrator to specify the directory of the PL / SQL file I / O license. Use multiple UTL_FILE_DIR parameters to specify multiple directories. Please note that all users can read or write all files specified in the UTL_FILE_DIR parameter. Value range: Any valid directory path. Default: None

PLSQL_V2_COMPATIBILITY: Description: Set the PL / SQL compatibility level. If set to false, PL / SQL V3 behavior will be executed without allowing V2 behavior; otherwise certain PL / SQL V2 behavior will be accepted when running PL / SQL V3. Value range: True | False Default: False

PLSQL_NATIVE_MAKE_UTILITY: Description: Specifies the full path name of the Make utility (such as Make or Gmake, a gnu make) in UNIX. To generate a shared object or DLL from the generated C source, you need to use the Make utility. Value Range: The full path name of the make utility. Default: None

PLSQL_NATIVE_LIBRARY_DIR: Description: Use the PL / SQL compiler. It specifies the directory name, which stores the shared object generated by the machine compiler. Range value: Directory name. Default: No PLSQL_Compiler_Flags: Description: Use the PL / SQL compiler. It specifies the compiler flag list as a list of strings separated by commas. Value range: native (PL / SQL module will compile.), Interpreted (then PL / SQL module will be compiled into a PL / SQL byte code format), Debug (PL / SQL module will use probe debug symbol To compile), Non_Debug. Default: "Interpreted, Non_Debug"

PLSQL_NATIVE_LINKER: Description: This parameter specifies the full path name of the linker (such as LD in UNIX, or Lin Link to the GNU LD of the Shared Object or DLL). This parameter is optional. The default value of this parameter is included in the unique Make file included with each platform. If a value is specified for this parameter, the value will override the default value in the Make file. Value range: The full path name of the link program. Default: None

PLSQL_NATIVE_MAKE_FILE_NAME: Description: Specify the full path name of the make file. The Make utility (specified by PLSQL_NATIVE_MAKE_UTILITY) uses this MAKE file to generate a shared object or DLL. Each platform is attached to a port-specific Make file that contains rules that use the Make utility to generate a DLL on that platform. Value range: The full path name of the make file. Default: None

PLSQL_V2_COMPATIBILITY: Description: Set the PL / SQL compatibility level. If set to false, PL / SQL V3 behavior will be executed without allowing V2 behavior; otherwise certain PL / SQL V2 behavior will be accepted when running PL / SQL V3. Value range: True | False Default: False

Remote_Dependencies_mode: Description: The process handling the database to depends on the object that is dependent on the object. If set to TimeSTAMP, the process can only be performed only if the server matches the local timestamp. If set to signature, the process can be executed in the case of signing security. Value range: TimeStamp | Signature Default: TimeStamp

Shared_memory_address: Description: Shared_memory_address and hi_shared_memory_address Specifies the starting address of the running SGA. Many platforms specify the SGA start address in the link time, which will be ignored on such platforms. If the two parameters are set to 0 or NULL, the address will depend on the platform. Value range: Any integer value. Default: 0

LOCK_SGA: Description: Used to lock the entire SGA in physical memory. This value will be ignored on a platform that does not support this function. Value range: True | False Default: False

Hi_shared_memory_address: Description: Specifies the runtime start address of the system's global zone (SGA). This value is ignored on the platform of the start address when specifying the SGA connection. On the 64-bit platform, use this value to specify a high 32-bit and low 32 bits. If this value is not specified, the default value is the location specified in the platform. Value range: Any integer value. Default: 0

PRE_PAGE_SGA: Description: A parameter set according to the platform, if this parameter is true, all SGA pages will be loaded into memory so that the routine quickly reaches the optimal performance state. This will increase the time of routine startup and user login, but can reduce the occurrence of the fault failure on the system of sufficient memory. Value range: True | False Default: False

SGA_MAX_SIZE: Description: The maximum size of the system global zone occupied by the specified routine survival. Value range: 0 to the maximum allowed by each operating system. Please note that because the minimum value of the parameter value has been adjusted at startup, it has nothing to do. Default: If the value is not specified, the default value of SGA_MAX_SIZE will be the same as the initial size (such as X) of the SGA at startup. This size depends on the size of various pools in the SGA, such as buffer cache, sharing pool, large pool, etc. If the specified value is less than X, the value of the SGA_MAX_SIZE used will be X. That is, it is a larger value between the X and the user specified by the user. Fast_start_parallel_rollback: Description: Perform the maximum number of processes to perform parallel return. This value is useful on the system where most transaction processing is running. Value range: false | low | high default: low (2 * cpu_count)

Transaction_auditing: Description: Determine whether the transaction layer generates a special redo record, which contains the user login name, user name, session ID, partial operating system information, and client information. These records may be useful when using a redo log analysis tool. Value range: True | False Default: TRUE

Transactions: Description: Specifies the maximum number of parallel transactions. If this value is set large, the size of the SGA will be added, and the number of retire segments assigned during the routine startup process can be added. The default is greater than Sessions to implement recursive transaction processing. Value range: a value. Default: Delivery (1.1 * sessions)

ENQUEUE_RESOURCES: Description: The entry allows the parallel process to share resources. For example, Oracle allows a process to lock a table in sharing mode to lock another table in sharing update mode. Value range: 10 - 65535 (7.3) or 10 - no limit (8.1). Default: derived (this value is greater than DML_LOCKS 20 is enough)

DML_LOCKS: Description: The maximum number of table locks obtained by all users. One DML lock is required for performing DML operations for each table. For example, if the three users modify 2 tables, the value is required to be 6. Value range: 0 or 20 to unlimited. Default: 4 * Transactions (derived)

Hash_JOIN_ENABED: Description: If set to True, the optimizer will consider the hash linkage when calculating the most effective coupled method. Oracle recommends that the data warehouse application should use the TRUE value.

Value range: True | False

Default: True


Description: Allow changes to the init.ora parameter, which controls the behavior of the optimizer. Parameters affected by this include push_join_predicate,

FAST_FULL_SCAN_ENABED, Complex_View_merge and


Value range: 8.0.0; 8.0.3; 8.0.4; 8.1.3.

Default: 8.0.0


Description: The degree of query override executed by Oracle Server. If set to Enforces, Oracle

It will ensure its consistency and integrity. If you are set to trusted, you will use a clear declaration to allow rewrite. If set to

Stale_Tolerated, even if the physicalized view is inconsistent with the base data, it can still be overwritten.

Value range: Enforced, Trusted, Stale_Tolerate

Default: enforces


Description: Enable or disable the query override to the physicalized view. A specific physicalized view is only enabled under the following conditions: session parameters and individual solidized views are enabled.

And based on cost optimization is enabled.

Value range: True | False

Default: False


Description: If you set partition_view_enabled to true, the optimizer will be cut (or skip)

Unnecessary table access in the partition view. This parameter can also change the way to calculate partition view statistics from the basic list statistics based optimization program. Value range: True | False

Default: False


Description: When analyzing a query with a large number of coupling,

The optimization program will consider the number of exchanges of the table. This helps ensure that the time of syntax analysis of the query is within an acceptable limit.

But the price is unable to find the best plan. If this value is less than 1000, you should ensure that each query is only for a few seconds or less.

Value range: 4-2 ^ 32 (~ 4.3 g).

Default: 80,000


Note: Optimize the performance of the optimizer can be used to optimize the performance of the Optimizer in consideration of too many or too little index access paths. The lower the value, the easier the optimizer is easier to select an index. That is to say,

If this value is set to 50%, the cost of the index access path is half of normal conditions.

Value range: 1 -10000

Default: 100 (General Cost of an Index Access Path)


Description: Determine if cost-based query conversion will be applied to a star query. If set to True, the optimizer will consider the cost-based conversion to the star query;

If set to false, no conversion will be used; if set to TEMP_DISABLE, you will consider query conversion, but do not use a temporary table.

Value range: True | False | TEMP_DISABLE

Default: False


Description: Specify the behavior of the optimization program. If set to rule, a rule-based optimization program will be used unless the query contains a prompt. If set to Choose,

The cost-based optimization program will be used, unless the table in the statement does not contain statistics. All_rows or first_rows

Always use cost-based optimization procedures.

Value Range: Rule | Choose | First_ROWS | All_Rows

Default: choose


Description: Adjust the false setting based on cost-based optimization procedures,

That is, in the buffer cache, it is desirable for the percentage of index blocks for nested cyclic coupling. It will affect the cost of using the indexed nested cycle. Set this parameter to a higher value,

The nesting loop linkage can be less costly relative to the optimization program.

Value range: 0 - 100%.

Default: 0


Description: It is only used to copy the environment. It specifies the number of SNP job queue processes for each routine (snp0, ... snp9, snpa, ...

SNPZ). To automatically update the table snapshot or execute the request created by DBMS_JOB, set this parameter to a value of 1 or more.

Value range: 0 to 36

Default: 0


Description: Control the number of branches in distributed transaction processing. Set max_transaction_branches to a lower value,

Max_Transaction_Branches * Distributed_Transactions * 72 bytes,

Reduce the amount of space for shared pools. This parameter has been discarded in version 8.1.3.

Value range: 1 - 32

Default: 8


Description: Allows you to use a new release while ensuring backward compatibility with previous versions.

Value range: The default is the current release.

Default: Determined by the release


Description: This parameter is associated with time-based thread advanced features.

Any integer in value range: 0 or [60, 7200].

Default: 0 is the default value, and the time-based thread advanced feature is disabled. Otherwise, the value will represent the number of seconds.


Note: If it is greater than zero, the time monitoring of the queue message will be enabled. This time value can be used to specify the delay and failure attributes of the message (for the development of the application).

Value range: 0 - 10

Default: 0



Description: Specifies the name of the server parameter file currently used.

Value range: static parameters

Default: The spfile parameter can be defined in the client PFile to indicate the name of the server parameter file to use. When the server uses the default server parameter file, the value of the SPFILE is to be set by the server internally. Logmnr_max_persistent_ssions:




Description: Used to embed other parameter files in the current parameter file. You can use this parameter multiple times on multiple lines of a parameter file, but you can only have a three-level nested.

Value range: Any valid parameter file name (syntax is ifile = parameter_file_name).

Default: null



Note: The amount of memory used to store and manage the global application environment is assigned from SGA.

Value range: Any integer value.

Default: 1 m



Description: The data returned by sysdate. For tests that must always return fixed date rather than system date,

This value is useful. Use dual quotation or not using quotation marks. Do not use single quotes.

Value range: YYYY-MM-DD-HH24: MI: SS (or default Oracle date format).

Default: null


Description: A database identifier should be

The name specified in the CREATE DATABASE statement corresponds.

Value range: Any valid name can be up to 8 characters.

Default: None (but should be specified)






Note: Tracking Correlation is critical to the changes made by the replication server in parallel mode. If set to false, the read / write operation on the database will run faster.

However, the correlation information of parallel propagation cannot be generated for the replication server.

Value range: True | False

Default: True (ie enabled read / write correlation tracking)


Description: Set Remote_OS_ROLES to TRUE to allocate the role by the remote client's operating system. If set to false,

The database is identified and managed by the database of the remote client.

Value range: True | False

Default: False


Description: Set the remote_OS_AUTHENT to TRUE, allowing OS_AUTHENT_PREFIX

Value to verify the remote client.

Value range: True | False

Default: False


Note: Specifies the maximum number of connections to the remote database at the same time. This value should be equal to or more than one single SQL that references multiple databases

The number of databases referenced in the statement can be opened to open all databases to perform this statement.

Value range: 0 - 255 (if it is 0, distributed transaction processing).

Default: 4


Description: Specifies the maximum number of open connections that can be portable in the XA application. XA transaction processing uses portable open connections,

These connects can be cached in order to submit a transaction. If the user created a connection is a user who has transaction processing, each transaction can share the connection.

Value range: 0 - UB4MaxVal

Default: 4


Description: Specifies whether an operating system or a file checks for a user with permissions. If set to none, Oracle will ignore the password file. If set to

Exclusive, you will verify each password file with a database. If set to Shared, multiple databases will share

SYS and INTERNAL password file users.

Value range: none | Shared | Exclusive

Default: none


Description: Enable or disable the Automatic Self-registration of the "Heterogeneous Service (HS)" agent. If enabled, the information will be uploaded into the data dictionary to reduce overhead when establishing subsequent connections through the same agent.

Value range: True | False

Default: True


Description: Specifies whether a database link is as the connected database. If this value is false, no check is executed. To match the naming conventions in distributed processing,

Set this parameter to True.

Value range: True | False

Default: True


Note: A database that can be involved in a database can be involved in the maximum number of distributed transactions. If this value is reduced due to the frequent network failure, it will cause a large number of unprecedented transactions.

Value range: 0 - Transactions.

Default: Depending on the operating system


Description: A value for determining the location of the submission point in the distributed transaction processing.

Value range: 0 -255

Default: Depending on the operating system


Description: Specifies the extension of the database name (for example: to make the database name created in a domain, it is recommended to specify this value.

Value range: any string separated by the sentence, with a maximum of 128 characters.

Default: World


Note: When connecting to other Oracle Server, the database link uses a encrypted password.

Value range: True | False

Default: False


Description: A recovery manager parameter is used to determine if a read or write tape is to use a server process or an additional I / O dependency.

Value range: True | False

Default: False


Description: Used to control the I / O operation of the sequence device (for example, back up or restore Oracle data or back up or restore from the tape

Oracle data) is asynchronous. This value is set to true if your platform supports the asynchronous I / O operation of the sequential device.

It is only valid; if the implementation of asynchronous I / O is unstable, set this value to false.

Value range: True | False

Default: False


Note: Convert file names of a log file on the primary database to the alternate database. Add a log file to a primary database,

A corresponding file must be added to the alternate database. This parameter replaces log_file_name_convert in Oracle7


Value Range: Any format is the valid path / file name of the path / file name '' of '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '

Default: null


Description: Specify the FAL server of this alternate database. This value is an Oracle Net service name. This Oracle Net

The service name is assumed to be correctly configured on the alternate database system, which can point to the expected FAL server.

Value range: A string value of the Oracle Net service name.


Description: Specifies the FAL service (via the FAL_SERVER parameter configuration) to reference the FAL client's FAL

Client name. The value of this parameter is an Oracle Net service name. This Oracle Net service name is assumed to be in FAL

The server system is configured correctly to point to the FAL client (ie: this alternate database).

Value range: A string value of the Oracle Net service name.


Note: Make Oracle to determine if the DRMON process should be started. DRMON is an Oracle background process that does not cause fatal errors.

As long as the routine exists, the process exists.

Value range: True | false.

Default: False


Description: Controls if you can perform redo log file archive operations to remote destination. This parameter value must be set to "True" so that the Oracle database routine remote archives over the redo log file and / or receives the redo log file for remote archiving.

Value range: false | TRUE

Default: True


Description: Indicates whether the file name on the spare database is the same as the file name on the main database.

Value range: True or False. Note: If the value is set to true, and the standby database is on the same system on the same system, the primary database file may be overwritten.

Default: false.


Description: Specifies the arrival location of the archive log from a primary routine. Standby_archive_dest and log_archive_format

An archive log file name used to virtually completely qualified in the standby position. The RFS server on the standby database will use this value, not


Value range: Null string or a valid path / device name of a non-RAW type.

Default: null


Description: Convert file names of a new data file on the primary database into file names on the alternate database.

Value range: A valid master / alternate directory and file name pair.

Default: None


Note: Specifies the maximum number of database roles (including sub-roles) that a user can enable. The actual number of users enabled is 2 plus

The value of max_enabled_roles, because each user has two additional roles: public and user's own role.

Value range: 0 -148

Default: 20


Note: Mainly used to port from Oracle7 to Oracle8i. If this value is true, system authority (such as

Select Any Table will not limit access to each object in the SYS scheme (Oracle7 behavior). If this value is

FALSE, only awarded Select_catalog_role, Execute_catalog_Role or

Users of delete_catalog_role permissions can access objects in the SYS scheme.

Value range: True | False

Default: True


Note: Specifies whether the value to perform an update or delete reference list is a table-level

SELECT permission.

Value range: True | False

Default: False


Description: Enable or disable database audit. If this parameter is TRUE or DB, the audit record will be written in the Sys.AUD $ table; if the parameter is OS,

Write an operating system file.

Value range: none | false | DB | TRUE | OS

Default: none


Description: The only judgment of the RDBMS server. It is used to retrieve corporate roles in a corporate directory service. For more information, see "Oracle

Advanced Security Administrator's Guide.

Value range: All X.500 unique discriminating name format values.

Default: None


Description: Determine if an operating system or database is identified by each user. If set to TRUE, the role of all database users will be fully managed by the operating system. otherwise,

The role will be identified and managed by the database.

Value range: True | False

Default: False


Note: Use the user's operating system account name and password to verify users connected to the server. The value of this parameter is connected to the operating system account of each user. To remove the OS account prefix,

Please specify null values.

Value range: any identifier.

Default: Depending on the operating system (usually 'OPS $')


Description: Specifies the cache growth of the session object to exceed the percentage of the best cache size,

The maximum size is equal to the optimum size plus the product of this percentage and the best size. If the cache size exceeds this maximum size, the system will try to narrow the cache to the optimal size.

Value range: 0% to the maximum value according to the operating system.

Default: 10%


Note: Specifies that in the case where the cache exceeds the maximum size, the session object cache will be reduced.

Value range: 10K to the maximum value according to the operating system.

Default: 100k


Note: Specifies the maximum number of BFiles that can be opened in any given session. Once this is reached,

This will then be unable to open more files in this session. This parameter also depends on the operating system parameter MAX_OPEN_FILES.

Value range: 1 - at least (50, Max_Open_Files on OS).

Default: 10


Description: Specifies the size of the message (parallel query, PDML, parallel recovery, and replication) messages. If the value is greater than 2048 or 4096,

There is a need for a larger sharing pool. If parallel_automatic_tuning = true,

The message buffer will be specified outside the large storage pool.

Value range: 2148 - infinity.

Default: If parallel_automatic_tuning is false, usually 2148; if parallel_automatic_tuning is true, the value is 4096 (depending on the operating system).


Note: Specifies the minimum percentage of threads that perform the requirements for parallel. Set this parameter, you can ensure that the parallel execution will display an error message when there is no proper query dependency process,

And the query will therefore do not execute.

Value range: 0 -100

Default: 0, indicating that this parameter is not used.


Note: If set to true, Oracle will determine the default value to control the parameters performed in parallel. In addition to setting this parameter,

You must also set parallelism for tables in the system.

Value range: True | False

Default: False


Description: Describes the number of processes or threads that a CPU can process during parallel execution.

And optimize parallel adaptive algorithms and load balancing algorithms. If the computer has a sign of overload when performing a typical query, it should be reduced.

Value range: any non-zero value.

Default: Depending on the operating system (usually 2)


Note: By using a hash coupled or merged join, you can measure the size of multiple large-result sets to a small result set (by byte instead of behavior))

Improve performance. If this value is set to True, the optimizer can propagate each row in the small result set into each cluster database processing line in the large set.

Value range: True | False

Default: False


Description: Enable or disable an adaptive algorithm to improve the performance of multi-user environments that use parallel execution methods. Automatically reduce the parallelism of the request by system load,

This function is implemented when the query is started. When parallel_automatic_tuning = true, its effect is best.

Value range: True | False

Default: If parallel_automatic_tuning = true, the value is true; otherwise, false


Description: Specifies the maximum number of parallel execution servers or parallel recovery processes for one routine. If necessary, the query of the query server assigned when the routine starts will increase to this amount.

Value range: 0 -256

Default: determined by cpu_count, parallel_automatic_tuning and parallel_adaptive_multi_user


Note: The minimum number of query server processes created by Oracle is specified as parallel execution boot routines.

Value range: 0 - Parallel_max_servers. Default: 0


Description: Specifies the availability status of the corresponding archive log target parameter (log_archive_dest_3). If enabled,

The log target will be archived. If delay, this goal will be excluded from the archive operation until re-enabled.

Value range: enable | Defer

Default: enable


Description: Specifies the availability status of the corresponding archive log target parameter (log_archive_dest_4). If enabled,

The log target will be archived. If delay, this goal will be excluded from the archive operation until re-enabled.

Value range: enable | Defer

Default: enable


Description: Specifies the availability status of the corresponding archive log target parameter (log_archive_dest_5). If enabled,

The log target will be archived. If delay, this goal will be excluded from the archive operation until re-enabled.

Value range: enable | Defer

Default: enable


Description: Identify the nearest user-defined status of the specific log archive target.

Value range: Enable - If the target property is valid, enable archive log target; Defer - Even if the target property is valid, delay processing archive log target; or Alternate, delay processing archive log target, until another target failure This goal is automatically enabled (provided that the properties of the alternate target must be valid).


Description: Identify the nearest user-defined status of the specific log archive target.

Value range: Enable - If the target property is valid, enable archive log target; Defer - Even if the target property is valid, delay processing archive log target; or Alternate, delay processing archive log target, until another target failure This goal is automatically enabled (provided that the properties of the alternate target must be valid).


Description: Identify the nearest user-defined status of the specific log archive target.

Value range: Enable - If the target property is valid, enable archive log target; Defer - Even if the target property is valid, delay processing archive log target; or Alternate, delay processing archive log target, until another target failure This goal is automatically enabled (provided that the properties of the alternate target must be valid).


Description: Identify the nearest user-defined status of the specific log archive target.

Value range: Enable - If the target property is valid, enable archive log target; Defer - Even if the target property is valid, delay processing archive log target; or Alternate, delay processing archive log target, until another target failure This goal is automatically enabled (provided that the properties of the alternate target must be valid).


Note: N is applicable only in the case where the database is in the Archive Log Mode. It specifies that the redo log is automatically replicated. The recommended value is true, that is, the automatic archive is performed;

Otherwise, you need to manually intervene, use

The ALTER System Archive Log ... command to block routines hang.

Value range: True | False

Default: False


Description: Specifies another archive target outside log_archive_dest. In Oracle8i Enterprise Edition, this parameter is

Log_archive_Dest_n is replaced.

Value range: A NULL string, or any valid path or device name, except for the original partition.

Default: null


Description: log_archive_format is useful if the database is in the "archive log" mode. Text string and variable% s (log serial number)

And% T (thread number) is used in conjunction with the unique file name of each archive reform log file. This string is attached to

Log_archive_dest parameter.

Value range: Any valid file name.

Default: Log_archive_max_processes based on the operating system:

Description: Specifies the number of ARCH processes required. If log_archive_start = true, this value can be evaluated at the routine startup;

You can also evaluate when the ARCH process is called by SQL * Plus or SQL syntax.

Value range: 1 - 10 (including endpoint) any integer.

Default: 1


Description: Five local (specified location) or remote (specifying service) destination location,

Archive reform log files can be replicated at these target locations. This parameter is only valid in the Enterprise Edition Oracle8i database or a higher version of the database.

Value range: syntax (null_string | service = tnsnames-service | location = Directory-Spec) [MANDATORY | OPTIONAL] [Reopen = INTEGER]

Default: null


Note: The minimum number of targets that must be copied to by defining the minimum number of targets that must be copied. This value should be greater than or equal to log_archive_dest_n

The number of MANDATory targets.

Value range: 1 - 5 (if used in common use with log_archive_duff_duplex_dest, limit at 1-2).

Default: 1


Description: Controls the output generated by the archive log process. This process can be started in the following manner

ARCN background process (specified as ARCN in the output log)

A clear session call reception process (specified in the output log) or

Remote File Server (RFS) process of "Managed Birage Database".

Value range:

0: Disable archive log tracking (this is the default setting)

1: Tracking archive of redo log files

2: Tracing archive status of each archive log target

4: Tracking the archive operation phase

8: Tracking archive log target activities

16: Track detailed archive log target activities

32: Tracking archive log target parameters modification

64: Tracking ARCN Process Status Activity

Default: 0



Note: The third of the five local (specified location) or remote (specified service) destination location,

Archive reform log files can be replicated at these target locations. This parameter is only valid in the Enterprise Edition Oracle8i database or a higher version of the database.

Value range: syntax (null_string | service = tnsnames-service | location = Directory-Spec) [MANDATORY | OPTIONAL] [Reopen = INTEGER]

Default: null


Note: The third of the five local (specified location) or remote (specified service) destination location,

Archive reform log files can be replicated at these target locations. This parameter is only valid in the Enterprise Edition Oracle8i database or a higher version of the database.

Value range: syntax (null_string | service = tnsnames-service | location = Directory-Spec) [MANDATORY | OPTIONAL] [Reopen = INTEGER]

Default: null


Description: Specifies the availability status of the corresponding archive log target parameter (only log_archive_dest_2). If enabled,

The log target will be archived. If delay, this goal will be excluded from the archive operation until re-enabled.

Value range: enable | Defer

Default: enable


Description: Fifth in five local (specified locations) or remote (specified service) destination location,

Archive reform log files can be replicated at these target locations. This parameter is only valid in the Enterprise Edition Oracle8i database or a higher version of the database. Value range: syntax (null_string | service = tnsnames-service | location = Directory-Spec) [MANDATORY | OPTIONAL] [Reopen = INTEGER]

Default: null






Description: Specifies the availability status of the corresponding archive log target parameter (only log_archive_dest_1). If enabled,

The log target will be archived. If delay, this goal will be excluded from the archive operation until re-enabled.

Value range: enable | Defer

Default: enable


Description: Specifies the target of the archive log.

Value range: Local file system location (disk location) or remote archive location specified by Oracle Net Service Name (TNS Service). :


Description: Five local (specified location) or remote (specified service) target location in the target location,

Archive reform log files can be replicated at these target locations. This parameter is only valid in the Enterprise Edition Oracle8i database or a higher version of the database.

Value range: syntax (null_string | service = tnsnames-service | location = Directory-Spec) [MANDATORY | OPTIONAL] [Reopen = INTEGER]

Default: null


Description: create_bitmap_Area_size Specifies the amount of memory assigned to create a bitmap index.

Value range: Depending on the operating system.

Default: 8 MB


Description: Specifies the target PGA total memory for all server processes connected to the routine. Please set this parameter to a positive number before enabling the Auto Setup Workspace. This part of the memory is not resident

SGA. The database uses this parameter value as the amount of target PGA it uses. When this parameter is set, you want to use the SGA from Oracle

The total amount of the routine is subtracted. The remaining memory can then be assigned to the PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET.

Value range: Integer adds alphabet K, M or G to specify this limit as kilobytes, megabytes or gigabytes. The minimum is 10m, the maximum is 4000g

Default: "Not specified", indicating that automatic optimization of the workspace is completely disabled.


Explanation: sort_area_size specifies the maximum amount of memory used in the order in bytes. After the sort is complete, each line will return.

And the memory will be released. Increasing this value can increase the efficiency of large sorting. If the amount is exceeded, a temporary disk segment will be used.

Value range: The value equivalent to the value of 6 database blocks (minimum) to the value (maximum) determined by the operating system.

Default: Depending on the operating system


Description: In-byte, specifies the maximum amount of the user's global zone (UGA) memory that is reserved after a sorting run. The last line is extracted from the sort space,

This memory will be released back to UGA instead of being released to the operating system.

Value range: From the value of the value equivalent to the two database blocks to the value of sort_area_size.

Default: Sort_Area_size value


Description: Specifies the amount of memory to be used by the merger to retrieve the amount of bitmap obtained from a range of a range of the index.

Value range: Depending on the system.

Default: 1MB


Description: Specifies the policy of adjusting the size of the workspace. This parameter controls the mode where the work area is optimized.

Value range: auto, manual.

Default: If the PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET is set, it is auto; otherwise it is Manual. Hash_area_size:

Description: Related to parallel execution operations and DML or DDL statements. It specifies the maximum amount of memory you want to use to have a hash link in bytes. For more information,

Please refer to Oracle8i Concepts.

Value range: 0 to the value determined according to the operating system.

Default: Derive: 2 * sort_size parameter value


Description: Set the default location of the created online log and control file. If you do not specify a file name when you create an online log or control file, use the default file name.

Value range: File system directory name. This directory must already exist. This directory must have permission to allow Oracle to create files.


Description: Set the default location of the created online log and control file. If you do not specify a file name when you create an online log or control file, use the default file name.

Value range: File system directory name. This directory must already exist. This directory must have permission to allow Oracle to create files.


Note: The maximum number of data files that can be opened for the database.

Value range: MaxDataFiles - Depending on the operating system.

Default: Depending on the operating system (200 is 200 in the Solaris system)


Description: Set the default location of the created online log and control file. If you do not specify a file name when you create an online log or control file, use the default file name.

Value range: File system directory name. This directory must already exist. This directory must have permission to allow Oracle to create files.


Description: Set the default location of the created online log and control file. If you do not specify a file name when you create an online log or control file, use the default file name.

Value range: File system directory name. This directory must already exist. This directory must have permission to allow Oracle to create files.


Description: Set the created data file, control file, and the default location of the online log.

Value range: File system directory name. This directory must already exist. This directory must have permission to allow Oracle to create files.


Description: Specify one or more control file names. Oracle recommends using multiple files for different devices or OS files.

Value range: 1 - 8 file name (with path name).

Default: Depending on the operating system


Description: Set the default location of the created online log and control file. If you do not specify a file name when you create an online log or control file, use the default file name.

Value range: File system directory name. This directory must already exist. This directory must have permission to allow Oracle to create files.


Description: Specifies the size of the distribution stack of the large pool, which can be shared using the session memory, used as a mess-up execution message buffer and used as RMAN

The disk I / O buffer backup and recovery.

Value range: 600K (minimum);> = 20000m (maximum value is based on the operating system).

Default: 0, unless parallel execution or dbwr_io_slaves


Description: Specify the size of the shared pool in bytes. The shared pool contains the process of sharing the cursor, storage,

Objects such as control structure and parallel execution message buffer. Larger values ​​can improve the performance of multi-user systems.

Value range: 300 kB - Depending on the operating system.

Default: If it is a 64-bit operating system, the value is 64MB; in other cases, the value is 16MB.


Description: Specifies the size of the Java storage pool in bytes, which is used to store Java methods and classes definitions in shared memory,

And ported to Java objects in Java session space at the end of the call. For more information, see Oracle8i Java

Developer's Guide.

Value range: Depending on the operating system. Default: Depending on the operating system


Description: Specifies the space to be reserved for the larger continuous sharing pool memory,

To avoid decline in performance caused by debris. The size of the pool should comply with such conditions: all large processes and packages that can be stored to prevent objects from shared pool refresh and universally required.

Value range: shared_pool_reserved_min_alloc

Shared_pool_size half (bytes).

Default: Shared_pool_size 5% of the value


Description: Control can terminate the SQL statement type of the share of the same shared cursor.

Value range:

Force: Mandatory expression is different, but the statement means the same statement sharing a cursor.

Exact: Share a cursor only exactly the same SQL statement.

Default: exact


Description: Specifies the maximum number of cursors (environmental areas) that can be opened at a session, and limit PL / SQL used in PL / SQL

The cursor cache size is to avoid grammar analysis when the user performs the statement again. Please set this value high enough.

This will prevent the application to exhaust the cursor.

Value range: 1 - Operating system limit value.

Default: 64


Note: Specifies what type of SQL cursor should utilize serial reusable memory functions. If cursor_space_for_time = true,

Then the serial_reuse value will be ignored, and when it is set to

DISABLE or NULL is handled.

Value range: disable | SELECT | DML | PLSQL | All | Null

Default: null


Note: Specifies the number of session cursors to cache. After multiple syntax analysis of the same SQL statement,

Its session cursor will be moved to the cursor cache of the session. This can shorten the time of grammatical analysis, because the cursor is cached by a cache without reopening.

Value range: 0 to the value determined according to the operating system.

Default: 0


Note: When a cursor is a shared SQL area, it is determined that the SQL area remains in a shared pool or pressing the expiration process.

Value range: True | False

Default: false (expired)


Description: Specifies one or more back to the segment to get during the routine startup, even if the quantity exceeds Transactions /

TRANSACTIONS_PER_ROLLBACK_SEGMENT value. The formula is rollback_segments =


Value range: Any return to the DBA_ROLLBACK_SEGS except SYSTEM.

Default: NULL (By default, use public return)


Description: Allows users to try to execute RBU operations in SMU mode (such as

ALTER ROLLBACK Segment Online is ignored. This allows users to convert all applications and scripts to SMU

The SMU function can be used before the mode.

Value range: True or False

Default: false.


Note: Specifies the maximum size of the back section of the cache in the SGA. This value specifies that one routine can keep online status (ie, inuse)

The maximum number of refunds.

Value range: 2 -65535

Default: Maximum (30, Transactions / Transactions_Per_rollback_SEGMENT)


Description: undo_retention

The parameter is used to specify the total amount of submitted revoked information to be retained in the database. This parameter value can be set when the routine starts. You can calculate the amount of undo space required to meet the revocation reservation requirements:

UndoSpace = rd * UPS, where undoSpace is represented by the number of undo blocks, RD is used in seconds.

UNDO_RETENTION is indicated that the UPS is represented by the number of demands per second.

Value range: The maximum allowed is (2 ** 32) seconds.

Default: 30 seconds.


Note: Specifies the number of parallel transactions allowed by each retreat section. The minimum number of returned segments for startup is Transactions

Remove the result of this parameter value. If you are named after the parameter rollback_segments, you can get these checkback segments.

Value range: 1 - Depending on the operating system.

Default: 5


Note: Which revoked space management mode should be specified in the specified system. If set to Auto, the routine will start in SMU mode. Otherwise it will be started in RBU mode. in

In the RBU mode, the undo space will be allocated outside the restented segment. Under SMU mode, the revoked space will be allocated externally like withdrawal tables.

Value range: auto or manual

Default: If the undo_management parameter is ignored when the first routine is started, the default value Manual will be used, and the routines will be started in the RBU mode. If this is not the first routine, you will start the routine when the undo mode is used in other existing routines.


Note: The withdrawal table space is only used to store undo information. Undo_Tablespace only allows for system management to undo (SMU)

Use in mode. The routine will use the specified undo tablespace, . If the table space does not exist, or not withdraw the table space,

Or is used by another routine, the routine Startup will fail.

Default: Each database contains 0 or more withdrawal tables. In SMU mode, you will allocate one (and only one) withdrawal table space for each Oracle routine.


Note: In the case where multiple routines use the same service name, it is used to uniquely identify a database routine. Instance_name should not be confused with SID,

It is actually a unique identifier for each routine that shares memory on a host.

Value range: any alphanumeric characters.

Default: Database SID


Description: Use the Oracle NET listener to identify a service (such as a specific database in the replication environment)

The routine specifies the service name. If the service does not have a domain, the db_domain parameter will be attached.

Syntax: service_names = name1.domain, name2.domain

Default: db_name.db_domain (if defined)


Description: A list of Oracle NET addresses for identifying Oracle Net

The database routine on the same computer is located. All routines and schedule are registered on this listener to enable client connections. This parameter is covered

The discarded mts_listener_address and mts_multiple_listeners parameters are discarded in version 8.1.

Value range: A list of valid Oracle NET addresses.

Default: (address_list = (pecol = tcp) (host = localhost) (address = (protocol = IPC))))


Note: Specifies a warning limit on the number of parallel user sessions. Once this limit is reached, other users can still connect, but a message will be written to the Alert file. have

Users of Restricted session permissions will receive a warning message indicating that the system is close to the maximum capacity.

Value range: 0 - license_max_sessions

Default: 0


Note: Specifies the maximum number of parallel user sessions that allow simultaneous permit. After the limit is reached, only RESTRICTED SESSION

Users of permissions can connect to the server. All other users receive a warning message indicating that the maximum capacity of the system has reached.

Value range: 0 - The number of session licenses. Default: 0



Specify the maximum number of users you can create in this database. Parallel sessions licenses and user licenses should not be enabled simultaneously. License_max_sessions

Or License_max_Users or the value of both should be zero.

Value range: 0 - The number of user licensions.

Default: 0


Note: DBWN, ARCH, and SQL * Loader are read or write to each data block or write the checksum of the check block.

Value range: True | False

Default: False


Description: A parameter for UNIX uses to specify whether to dump SGA information into a generated core file. If set to FULL, SGA

Will be included in the core dump. If set to Partial, SGA will not be documented.

Value range: Full | Partial

Default: full


Description: The block used to control whether the block is checked for transaction management is damaged.

Value range: True | False

Default: False


Note: Do SGA information into a generated core file (for UNIX).

Value range: Full | Partial

Default: full


Note: Use Oracle Technical Support Personnel to debug the system. In general, the value should not be changed.

Value range: Not available.

Default: None


Description: Specifies the path name to write the directory of the debug track file in one user process. For example, this directory can set this: C: / on the NT operating system

Oracle / utrc; / Oracle / UTRC; or VMS operating system on the UNIX operating system

Disk $ ur3: [Oracle.utrc].

Value range: A valid local path name, directory, or disk.

Default: Depending on the operating system


Description: Collect the timing information of the operating system, which can be used to optimize the database and SQL statements. To prevent overhead due to request time from operating system,

Please set this value to zero. Set this value to TRUE is also useful for viewing the progress of the long operation.

Value range: True | False

Default: False


Description: Use the system administrator to collect operating system statistics. To effectively use resources, set this value only when needed. For dedicated servers,

The operating system statistics are collected in the case where the user is connected, disconnected, and the pop-up call (if the specified time limit) is exceeded. For shared servers,

Statistics will be collected for the call to the push or pop-up.

Value range: Time in seconds.

Default: 0 (operating system statistics are not refreshed)


Description: Specifies the directory name (for UNIX) of the core dump location.

Value range: Any valid directory name.

Default: Oracle_Home / DBS


Description: Specify Oracle Trace Collection and use in the output file name (collect definition file .cdf and data collection file

.dat). If the parameter is not empty, and Oracle_Trace_enable = true, it will start a default

Oracle TRACE collected until this value is set to NULL again.

Value range: A valid collection name, which can be 16 characters (except for platforms using 8 characters file names).

Default: null


Description: Specifies the directory path name where the Oracle Trace Collection Definition File (.cdf) and Data Collection File (.dat) are located.

Value range: Complete directory path name.

Default: Depending on the operating system (usually oracle_home / Otrace / Admin / CDF)


Note: Specifies the path name (directory or disk) (directory or disk) that is written to the tracking file in the Oracle operation (LGWR, DBW N, etc.). It also defines the location of the database warning file that records important events and messages.

Value range: Any valid directory name.

Default: Oracle_Home / RdBMS / LOG (Depending on the operating system)


Note: To enable Oracle Trace Collection for the server, set this value to true. If set to TRUE, the server can use

Oracle trace. To launch a collection process, please be oracle_trace_collection_name

Specify a non-null value; or use Oracle Trace Manager to launch a collection.

Value range: True | False

Default: False


Description: Specifies the maximum size of the Oracle Trace collection file in bytes. Once the size of the collection file reaches this maximum,

Collection will be disabled. If the value range is specified as zero, there is no size limit.

Value range: 0 -4294967295

Default: 5242880


Description: Specifies the directory path name where the definition file (.fdf) of the Oracle Trace tool is specified.

Value range: Complete directory path name.

Default: Oracle_Home / Otrace / Admin / FDF / (depending on the operating system)


Description: Disable or enable SQL tracking devices. If set to True, the optimized information will be collected, which is useful for improvement. Due to SQL

Tracking devices will trigger system overhead and should only use TRUE in the case of optimization information.

Value range: True | False

Default: False


Description: Specify the Oracle Trace Product Definition File Name (.fdf file name). This file contains Oracle TRACE

Data Collects all events and data items for the product collected by the API. Oracle recommends using the default file orcled.fdf.

Value range: A valid device name, longest 16 characters.

Default: ORACLED


Description: Specifies the maximum size of each tracking file. If you are worried that the trace file will occupy too much space, you can change this limit. If the dump file can reach the maximum size allowed by the operating system,

Please specify this value as "Unlimited".

Value range: 0 - Unlimited (can be used in 'k' or 'm')

Default: 1000 blocks


Description: Determine if resource restrictions are implemented in the database summary file. If set to FALSE, resource restrictions are disabled. If the value is True, the resource limit is enabled.

Value range: True | False

Default: False


Note: If this value is specified, the Explorer will activate all child (subprints, instructions, and user groups) of the plan and routine. If not specified, the resource manager will be disabled.

But use

The alter system command can also be enabled.

Value range: Any valid string.

Default: null


Description: Specify the total amount of user sessions and system sessions. The default is greater than Processes to allow recursive sessions.

Value range: Any integer value.

Default: derived (1.1 * processes 5)


Description: Specify the 'soft restriction' of Java memory used in the Java session in bytes. If the user's session duration java

The state is used too much memory, and Oracle will generate a warning and write a message to the trace file.

Value range: 0 - 4GB

Default: 0


Description: The number of CPUs available for Oracle (used to calculate other parameter values). Do not change this value.

Value range: 0 - no limit. Default: Automatic setting by Oracle


Description: In-byte, specifies the maximum amount of memory used by the Java program that can be run in the server. It is used to store Java each time the database calls

status. If the user's session duration Java state exceeds this value, the session will be terminated due to insufficient memory.

Value range: Depending on the operating system.

Default: 0


Note: Specifies the maximum number of operating system user processes that can be connected to an Oracle Server simultaneously. This value should allow all background processes, such as:

Job queue (SNP) process and parallel execution (PNNN) process.

Value range: 6 to a value set according to the operating system.

Default: Determined by Parallel_Max_servers


Description: The shortest time (days) must be retained in the control file.

Value range: 0 -365

Default: 7


Note: Specifies the maximum time interval (second number of seconds) that appears from the next checkpoint. Specify this time value as 0,

The time-based checkpoint will be disabled. Lower values ​​can shorten the time of routine recovery, but may cause excess of disk operation.

Value range: 0 - no limit.

Default: Oracle8i: 900 seconds. Enterprise version: 1800 seconds


Description: Specifies the number of processes for participating routines or media recovery. If the value is 0 or 1, it indicates that the recovery will be executed in a serial manner by a process.

Value range: Depending on the operating system (cannot exceed Parallel_Max_serve).

Default: Depending on the operating system


Description: Specifies the time required to recover from a single database routine (estimated second). FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET

The internal converted into a set of parameters, used to modify the operation of the database, thereby controlling its recovery time in the total "recovery average time (MTTR)"

There are within a certain range. This parameter is only supported by versions with the "Quick Start Fault Recovery" function.

Value range: [0, 3600]. It calculates the number of data buffer cache entries and is greater than the limit of the number of blocks in the maximum log.

Default: 0


Description: Specifies that the checkpoint information is recorded in the warning file. This parameter is useful for determining whether the checkpoint is in the desired frequency.

Value range: True | False

Default: False


Note: Specifies the number of I / O required during system crash or routine recovery. This value is higher than DB_BLOCK_MAX_DIRTY_TARGET

The control of the recovery process is more accurate.

Value range: 0 (disable I / O recovery limit) or 1000, to all buffers in the cache.

Default: All buffers in the cache


Description: Specifies the number of OS blocks (rather than database blocks) in the redo log file before you have a checkpoint. No matter how this value,

Check points will appear when switching the log. Lower values ​​can shorten the time required for routine recovery, but may result in excess of disk operation.

Value range: None limit (this parameter can be disabled).

Default: Depending on the operating system


Description: In-byte, specified before the LGWR will write the red log entry to the heavy log file,

The amount of memory used to cache these entries. Reduction entries Reserve a record of changes made to the database block. If the value is greater than 65536, reduce the redo log file I /

O, especially on systems with long-term transactions or a large amount of transaction.

Value range: Depending on the operating system.

Default: The maximum is 500K or 128K * CPU_COUNT, and the two are more


Description: Used to accelerate some operations, such as: Start a large database and most of which are stored in read-only tablespaces. If set to True,

When reading data from the tablespace, you will first access the data files in the read-only table space. For side effects that may be generated, see Server ReferenceManual.

Value range: True | False

Default: False


Description: A cluster database parameter that identifies a large number of parallel routine groups that generate parallel execution. Parallel operation is only right in its instance_groups

The parameter specified in the parameter has a large number of routines that generate parallel executions.

Value range: A string representing the group name.

Default: Group consisting of all current active routines


Description: Set the Parallel_server to TRUE to enable the cluster database option.

Value range: True | False

Default: False


Description: The number of currently configured routines. It is used to determine the size of the SGA structure, which is determined by the number of routines configured. Set this parameter correctly will improve SGA

Memory usage. There are several parameters to be calculated using this quantity.

Value range: any non-zero value.

Default: 1


Description: A cluster database parameter is used to specify a unique redirect line number for each routine. In the case where the redo thread of the routine is disabled,

This routine cannot be started. If this value is zero, it means there is an enabled public thread to be available.

Value range: 0 - The maximum number of threads enabled.

Default: 0


Description: A cluster database parameter is used to control the parallel cache management (PCM) lock to the data file.

Syntax: GC_FILES_TO_LOCKS = 'file_list = lock_count [! Blocks] [r] [EACH] [: ...]'

Default: null


Description: A cluster database parameter is used to specify a unique number to map routines to a use of FreeElist Groups.

Store the idle list of database objects created by the parameters. in

This value is used in the instance clause of the ALTER TABLE .... Allocate Extent

The statement can dynamically allocate the routine.

Value range: 1 to max_instances (specified when creating a database).

Default: Minimum available number (depending on the order of routine startup, the instance_number value specified for other routines)


Description: Allows one routine as a main routine in a cluster composed of two routines, and another routine is a secondary routine. If the routines included in the cluster are more than two,

This parameter does not work.

Value range: 1 or> = number of routines in the cluster.

Default: None


Note: Specifies the distributed lock manager (DLM) to generate a namespace of the lock name. If there is an alternate database or cloned database in the same cluster,

Preferably, this value is set.

Value range: There are up to 8 characters and special characters are not allowed.

Default: null


Description: A cluster database parameter, which is used to specify the system change number (SCN) included in the SGA of one routine, before being refreshed by LGWR,

The longest time (in 1/100 seconds) allows for the reserved. This is a very little performance parameter that needs to be changed because SCN

It may not be refreshed based on time.

Value range: 0 - 90000

Default: 700


Description: A cluster database parameter, you can use a comma-separated list,

Specify the current routine to a particular group. Use the routine group to assign a query dependent process for parallel operation.

Value range: A series of group names, separated by commas.

Default: null


Description: Circular pool size (assigned from DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS). The purpose is to remove it after using the object to reuse the memory.

Value range: a specific string value (for example: buffers: 50, lru_latches: 1).

Default: None


Description: Controls 32-bit platforms that support more than 4GB physical memory on extended buffer cache mechanisms. On other platforms, this parameter will be ignored.

Value range: True | False

Default: False


Description: Control data files, control files and log files are asynchronous (ie, the process overlap I / O and CPU during the table scanning process

request). This parameter can only be changed if your platform supports disk asynchronous I / O.

Value range: True | False

Default: True


Description: The number of I / O borders used in DBW0 processes. DBW0 processes and their dependent are always written to disk.

Value range: 0 - Depending on the operating system.

Default: 0


Note: Specifies the size of the cache to a 8k buffer. This parameter can only be set when the value of DB_BLOCK_SIZE is not 8K.

Value range: 0m or at least 16m. The value of the block is also to meet the specific requirements of a particular platform.

Default: 0m


Description: Specifies the size of the cache to a 4k buffer. This parameter can only be set when the value of DB_BLOCK_SIZE is not 4K.

Value range: 0m or at least 16m. The value of the block is also to meet the specific requirements of a particular platform.

Default: 0m


Description: The number of Oracle blocks in the buffer cache. This parameter significantly affects the total SGA size of the routine.

Value range: 4 - depending on the operating system.

Default: 32768


Description: Specifies the size of the cache to a 32K buffer. This parameter can only be set when the value of DB_BLOCK_SIZE is not 32K.

Value range: 0m or at least 16m. The value of the block is also to meet the specific requirements of a particular platform.

Default: 0m


Description: A size (byte) of an Oracle database block. This value is set when creating a database and cannot be changed thereafter.

Value range: 1024 - 65536 (depending on the operating system).

Default: 2048 (depending on the operating system)


Description: Enables and disable statistics collection to expect a variety of cache behaviors. Collect information in the V $ db_cache_advice view.

Value range: OFF - Close consultation, and do not assign memory; ON - open consultation (ie: will bring CPU and memory overhead); Ready - Close consultation, but keep the memory assigned to consult.

Default: OFF


Description: Specifies the size of the cache to a 2k buffer. This parameter can only be set when the value of DB_BLOCK_SIZE is not 2K.

Value range: 0m or at least 16m. The value of the block is also to meet the specific requirements of a particular platform.

Default: 0m


Description: Specifies the standard block size buffer for the cache.

Value range: at least 16m.

Default: 48M


Description: Specifies the size of the cache to a 16K buffer. This parameter can only be set when the value of DB_BLOCK_SIZE is not 16K.

Value range: 0m or at least 16m. The value of the block is also to meet the specific requirements of a particular platform.

Default: 0m


Note: The maximum number of blocks read during a single I / O operation involving a fully continuous scan.

Value range: Depending on the operating system.

Default: 8


Description: Specifies the number of buffers in the Keep buffer pool. The buffer size in the Keep buffer pool is the main block size (ie DB_BLOCK_SIZE)

Defined block size).

Value range: 0 or at least one zone size (smaller value will be automatically rounded).

Default: 0m


Description: Specifies the size of the Recycle buffer pool. The buffer size in the Recycle pool is the main block size. Value range: 0 or at least one zone size (smaller value will be automatically rounded).

Default: 0m


Description: The initial number of the database write process of a routine. If you use DBWR_IO_SLAVES, you can only write a process.

Value range: 1 - 10

Default: 1


Description: Reserved pool size (assigned from DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS). The purpose is to keep the object in memory to reduce I / O.

Value range: Specific string values ​​(for example: buffers: 400, lru_latches: 3).

Default: None


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