Write the Add-in Help program debugging for vs.net

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  72

In the IDE of Visual Studio .NET, use interrupts to make program debugging, generally only simple local variables or expressions can be seen directly. If it is an object such as a DataSet, it is only a first-class level in the Locals window, and finally see a pile of scattered attribute values, most attributes are not large. Really useful is the result of the query of ADO.NET, if you can display DataTable in a DataSet variable, is it very attractive?

The Add-IN expansion mechanism provided by Visual Studio .NET provides us with your own debugging tool. Below is a simple example of using a DEBUGER object to display a local variable or expression result in the debugger.

First, implement the steps:

(1) Creating a VB Project of Add-in type

Creating the Add-in type Project can with the Wizard provided by VS.NET. This wizard is to do a CONNECT class and other functions such as OnConnection write basic code, where the core is to add a new command to the Tools menu to call up the command in the Add-in DLL.

The following is the code snippet of Connect.vb:

Public Class Connect

Implements extensibility.idtextensibility2

Implements IDTCommandTarget

DIM ApplicationObject as envdte.dte

Dim AddinInstance as envdte.addin

'In order to facilitate other parts to call objects in IDE, define a static variable DTE

Public Shared DTE as Envdte.dte 'Shared Among Other Modules


Public Sub OnConnection (ByVal application As Object, ByVal connectMode As Extensibility.ext_ConnectMode, ByVal addInInst As Object, ByRef custom As System.Array) Implements Extensibility.IDTExtensibility2.OnConnection



Commandobj = ApplicationObject.commands.addnamedcommand (Objaddin, "Debughelper", "Debug Helper", "Executes The Command for Debughelper", True, 59, Nothing, 1 2)

'This is the function of adding a Tools menu to perform add-in features

Commandobj.AddControl (ApplicationObject.commandbars.Item ("Tools"))

Catch e as system.exception

Messagebox.show (e.tostring)



End Sub

Public Sub Exec (Byval CmdName As String, Byval ExecuteOption As VscommandexecOption, Byref Varources As Object, Byref Handled As Boolean) IMPEments IDTCOMMANDTARGET.EXEC

Handled = false

IF (executeOption.vscommandexecoption.vscommandexecoptiondodefault) Thenif cmdname = "debughelper.connect.debughelper"

Handled = TRUE

'This function is written by yourself, used to call the main operation screen of Debughelper

Showmainform ()




End Sub

The function of the showMainform function is to display a debug operation screen. It features a DataSet variable name when debugging into the interrupt state, and then completes a DataTable in the DataSet in the DataGrid below via the showit button.

(2) The content of the entire DataSet variable from the debug environment

How to get a complete content of a target type variable from the debugger? The DEBUGER object provided by the Add-In programming interface has a getExpression method that converts a string into an Expression object, and the Value property of the Expression object returns the value of the expression.

For example, the following code can display the value of the variable name or expression input by the debugger:

Private _debugger as envdte.debugger

_debugger = connection.dte.debugger

DIM EXPR AS Envdte.expression

expr = _debugger.getexpression (txtexpression.text)

Messagebox.show (expr.value)

However, unfortunately, the Value property of the Expression object can only return a value of the simple data type (such as an integer, string, date, etc.), if you enter a DataSet variable, this value attribute returns only a string representing its type: {System.data.dataset}.

In order to solve this problem, we think of a whisper method: because the interface information in the DataSet is determined, use the Expression object to obtain a value of different expressions, then "fabricate" a Dataset for DataGrid, specific steps ( For example, the DataSet variable entered by the user is DS):

Take the value of the expression DS.DataSetName and create a new DataSet object accordingly

Take the value of the expression ds.tables.count to determine the number of times of a loop

Use the value of the expression DS.TABLES (i) .Columns.count to get the number of fields in each DataTable

Recycled the expression DS.Tables (i) .Columns (i) .ColumnName and .DataType, etc., DataSet's schema is determined.

With a similar approach, remove the value of DS.TABLES (i) .ROWS (J) (K), each field value of each record is got.

Finally, the newly created DataSet is bound to the DataGrid on the interface, and the user can see all the DATATABLE in the DS variable.

The following is the code for the two functions of the core function:

Private function buildDataSetByExpression (Byval Expr as envdte.expression) AS data.DataSet

'The Expr Should Be a Variable Such as DSData.

'The expression Object in Debugger Only Evaluation.' You cannot get the tables (0) from DSData Expression.

'This function uses oow expression.

'For example, in order to get the table count in the dataset

'It used the dsdata.tables.count expression.

Dim dsdata as data.dataset = new data.dataset


If not isdataset (expr) THEN RETURN NOTING 'For in case the parameter is invalid

'Get the dataset name from variable / expression

DSData.DataSetName = evr.name ".datasetName")

'Get the number of datatables in the dataset

DIM TABLECUNT AS INTEGER = CTYPE (EvaluateExpression (expr.name ".tables.count") "), Integer 'The return value from the function is a string so ctype ...

'Get the datatables with a loop

DIM I as integer


DIM K As Integer

Dim dtable as data.dataable

DIM columncount as integer




For i = 0 to TableCount - 1

'Create a New DataTable

DTABLE = New DataTable

'Get the table name with expression

DIM TABLENAME AS STRING = evr.name ".Tables (" & I & ") .tablename")

DTable.TableName () = Tablename.substring (1, Tablename.length - 2) 'Remove The Double Quotation Marks

'Get the column country from the variable

Columncount = ctype (EvaluateExpression (expr.name ".tables (" & I & ") .columns.count"), Integer

'Add the columns to dataatable object

For j = 0 to columncount - 1

DCOLUMN = New Datacolumn

Dim columnName As String = EvaluateExpression (expr.Name ".Tables (" & I & ") .Columns (" & J & ") .ColumnName") dColumn.ColumnName = columnName.Substring (1, columnName.Length - 2)

Dim Dattypename As String = evr.name ". Tables (" & I & ") .COLUMNS (" & J & ") .DATATYPE.NAME")

'The return value incrudes 2 Double Quotation Marks, String -> "String"

DataTypename = Datatypename.substring (1, DataTypename.length - 2)

DCOLUMN.DATATYPE = type.gettype ("System." & Datatypename, true, true) 'gettype Needs the full name of type

DTable.Columns.Add (DCOLUMN)


'Get the row count from the variable

RowCount = ctype (EvaluateExpression (expr.name ".tables (" & I & ") .rows.count"), integer

'Add the rows of this table

Fork = 0 TO ROWCOUNT - 1

'Get the itemarray of each column

Redim ItemArray (ColumnCount - 1) 'Clear the Old Contents

For j = 0 to columncount - 1

'The expression used to get the value of the current color column in current row

DIM columnValueExpression as string = expr.name ".tables (" & I & ") .ROWS (" & K & ") .ItemRay (" & J & ") .tostring"

DIM VALUESTRING AS STRING = EvaluateExpression (ColumnValueExpression)

Valuestring = valueString.substring (1, valueString.Length - 2)

If not valueString = ""hen 'if the colorn value is system.dbnull

ItemArray (j) = valueString



'Add the new row to the rows

DTable.Rows.Add (itemaray)


'Add the table into the dataset

DSData.Tables.Add (DTABLE) Next

Catch exception

Messagebox.show (ex. Tnowtring, "Debug Helper")


Return DSData


Private function evataExpression (Byval Expression As String) AS STRING


DIM Anyexpression as envdte.expression

AnyExpression = _debugger.getexpression (Expression)

Return Anyexpression.Value 'it is a string !!!

Catch exception

Return "" Return an Empty String On Error



Second, add-in usage:

The method of using this Add-in program is simple:

(1) Installation

When you create add-in project, Wizard will help build a supporting Project for making the SETUP program. Build This Setup Project, you can get a .msi file.

Run this .msi file, then open the visual studio.net IDE, you will see more than a debughelper command under the Tools menu.

(2) Turn out other Solution, debug into the interrupt.

(3) Select the debughelper command in the Tools menu to call up the operation screen.

(4) Enter a DataSet variable name, then click the showit button, the first DataTable in the DataSet is displayed in the table, selecting the other DataTable in ComboBox to see the data in other results tables.

(5) If there is no debughelper command in the Tools menu, you can rebuild the command with a Wizard generated recreateCommands.reg file, which is as follows:


[HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / VSA / 7.1 / preloadaddInstate]

"Debughelper.connect" = dword: 1

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Visualstudio / 7.1 / preloadaddInState]

"Debughelper.connect" = dword: 1

Note: This program writes using Visual Studio.net 2003, but there should be no problem on Visual Studio.net 2002.


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