20CN Safety Group Compilation Tutorial (80386)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  68

Foreword Recommendation before learning 32 compilations, you can play a role in the work -? Assemble A [Address] Compare C Range AddressDump D [Range] ENTER E Address [list] Fill F Range Listgo G [= address] [Addresses] hex H value1 value2input I portload L [address] [drive] [firstsector] [number] move M range addressname N [pathname] [arglist] output O port byteproceed P [= address] [number] quit Qregister R [register] search S range listtrace T [= address] [value] unassemble U [range] write W [address] [drive] [firstsector] [number] allocate expanded memory XA [#pages] deallocate expanded memory XD [handle] map expanded memory pages XM [ LPAGE] [PPAGE] [HANDLE] Display Expanded Memory Status XS

Detailed DEBUG command DEBUG: A (assembly) Merge 8086/8087/8088 memory code to memory. This command creates executable machine code from the assembly language statement. All values ​​are hexadecimal formats, and these values ​​must be entered one to four characters. Specify the prefix memory code before the referenced operation code (opcode). a [address] Parameters Address specifies that the location of the collapse language instruction is typed. Use the hexadecimal value for Address and type each value not ending with the "H" character. If the address is not specified, A will start assembly at its last stop. See Debug E (typing) for information on inputting data into the specified byte. For information on disassembly bytes, please see Debug U (disassembly) Description Use the replacement memory code of the memory code segment to CS:, DS:, ES: and SS:. The memory code returned remotely is RETF. The memory code handled by the string must explicitly declare the string size. For example, using MOVSW can move the 16-bit string, using the MOVSB ​​can move the 8-bit byte string. The assembly jump and call assembler automatically will automatically short, near and far jumps and calls to the target address based on the byte replacement. By using a NEAR or FAR prefix, you can replace such jump or calls, as shown in the following example: -A0100: 0500 0100: 0500 JMP 502; A 2-Byte Short Jump 0100: 0502 JMP Near 505; A 3-Byte Near Jump 0100 : 0505 JMP FAR 50A; A 5-Byte Far Jump You can abbreviate the NEAR prefix as NE. Differential words and byte memory locations When an operand can reference a word memory location or byte memory location, the data type must be specified with the prefix Word PTR or prefix Byte PTR. Acceptable abbreviations are WO and BY. The following example shows two formats: DEC WO [Si] NEG BYTE PTR [128] Specifying the operand DEBUG Using the habitual usage of an operand included in the middle bracket ([]). This is because on the other hand, DEBUG cannot distinguish the number of operands and memory addresses. The following example shows two formats: MOV AX, 21; Load Ax with 21h MOV AX, [21]; Load Ax with the; Contents of; Memory Location 21h Use the directive to use the A command to provide two commonly used pseudo-instructions: DB operation Code, collect the byte value to the memory, DW operation code, directly compile the word value to memory. The following is an example: DB 1, 2, 3, 4, "this is an example" db 'this is a quotation mark: "' DB" this is a quotation mark: 'DW 1000, 2000, 3000 The "Bach" paradigm command supports all forms of indirect registration commands, as shown in the following example: Add BX, 34 [BP 2]. [Si-1] POP ​​[BP DI] Push [Si]) also supports all operations Patio symbol, as shown in the following example: Loopz 100 Loope 100 JA 200 JNBE 200 For 8087 Operation Code, you must specify a WAIT or FWAIT prefix, as shown in the following example: fwait fadd st, st (3); this line assembly; an fwait prefix debug : C (compare) compare two parts of memory.

c Range Address Parameters Range Specifies the start and end addresses of the first area of ​​the memory to be compared, or the start address and length. Address specifies the starting address of the second memory area to be compared. For information on valid address values, please see "Debug Description". Note If the Range and Address memory areas are the same, DEBUG will not display any content directly to the Debug prompt. If there is a difference, Debug will display as follows: address1 byte1 byte2 addressed: The following effects have the same effect: C100, 10F 300 C100L10 300 Each command is compared to the memory data block of 100 h to 10FH and the memory data block of 300h to 30FH. . Debug responds to the previous command and displays the following information (assuming DS = 197F): 197F: 0100 4D E4 197F: 0300 197F: 0101 197 99 197F: 0101 197F: 0102 A3 27 197F: 0302 197F: 0103 35 F3 197F: 0303 197F: 0104 97 BD 197F: 0304 197F: 0105 04 35 197F: 0305 197F: 0107 76 71 197F: 0307 197F: 0108 E6 11 197F: 0308 197F: 0109 19 2C 197F: 0309 197F: 010A 80 0A 197F: 030A 197F: 010B 36 7F 197F: 010C BE 22 197F: 030C 197F: 010D 83 93 197F: 030D 197F: 010E 49 77 197F: 030E 197F: 010F 4F 8A 197F: 030F Note Missing Address 197F: 0106 and 197F: 0306. This indicates that the value in the addresses is the same. Debug: d (dump) Displays the content of a certain range of memory addresses. D [Range] Parameters Range Specifies the start and end addresses of the memory area to display their contents, or start addresses and lengths. If the RANGE is not specified, the Debug program will display 128 bytes of content from the end of the address range specified in the previous D command. For information on displaying the contents of the register, see Debug R (register). Note When using a D command, DEBUG displays memory content in two sections: hex part (the value of each byte is represented by hexadecimal format) and the ASCII code section (used for each byte ASCII code characters are represented. Each non-printing character is represented by the session (.) In the displayed ASCII section. Each display line displays a 16-byte content, and there is a hyphen between the 8th byte and the 9th byte. Each display line starts from the 16-byte boundary. Sample assumes that the following command: DCS: 100 10f debug is displayed in the following format: 04BA: 0100 54 4F 4D 00 53 41 57 59-45 52 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Tom.SAWYER ... if In the case where there is no parameters, type the D command, and the debug is arranged in the previous examples described in the previous examples. Each line shown is at the beginning of the address that is more than 16 bytes than the previous line (if it is a screen displayed on the 40 column, it is 8 bytes). For each non-parameter D command that is backed, Debug will display byte content immediately after the last display command.

If you type the following command, Debug will start displaying 20h bytes from CS: 100: DCS: 100 L 20 If you type the following command, Debug will display all bytes from the CS segment 100H to 115H: DCS: 100 115 Debug: E (Type) Enter the data to the address specified in the memory. You can type data in hexadecimal or ASCII format. Any data stored before the specified location was previously lost. e address [list] Parameters address specify the first memory location of the input data. List Specifies the data to enter the continuous byte of the memory. For information on integrated memory code, please see Debug A (assembly). For information on displaying the contents of the memory, please see Debug D (dump). Note Use the Address parameter If you specify the value of address without specifying the value of the optional list parameter, Debug will display the address and content, repeat the address in the next row, and wait for your input. At this point, you can do one of the following: Replace the byte value. To do this, type a new value after the current value. If the value you typed is not a valid hexadecimal value, or the value contains more than two numbers, Debug will not return invalid or extra characters. Go to the next byte. To do this, press the SpaceBar (Spacebar). To change the value in this byte, type a new value after the current value. If you press the SpaceBar (Spacebar), the movement exceeds 8-bit boundaries, and the debug program will display a new row and display the new address at the head. Return to the previous byte. To do this, press the HYPHEN button (-). You can repeatedly move more bytes backhand. When pressing Hyphen, Debug starts a new row and displays the current address and byte value. Stop execution E commands. To do this, press ENTER. You can press Enter in any byte position. Using the list parameter If the value of the list parameter is specified, the subsequent E command will replace the existing byte value using the value in the list. If an error occurs, you will not change any byte value. The List value can be a hexadecimal byte or string. Use spaces, commas, or tabs to divide the value. A string must be included in a single or double quotation mark. Sample assumes that the following command is typed: ECS: 100 Debug Shows the first byte content: 04ba: 0100 EB. To change this value to 41, type 41 in the Insert point, as shown below: 04BA: 0100 EB.41_ You can type a continuous byte value with an E command. Press the spacebar after typing the new value instead of pressing the Enter. DEBUG displays the next value. In this example, if the SpaceBar (Spacebar) is pressed three times, Debug will display the following value: 04BA: 0100 EB.41 10.00. BC._ Change the hexadecimal value BC to 42, please insert Type 42 as follows: 04ba: 0100 EB.41 10.00. BC.42_ Assume that the determined value 10 should be 6F. To correct this value, press the HYPHEN button twice to return to address 0101 (value 10). Debug Shows the following: 04ba: 0100 EB.41 10. 00. BC.42- 04BA: 0102 00.- 04BA: 0101 10._ Type 6F Changed value in the Insert Point, as shown below: 04BA: 0101 10.6F_ Press ENTER Stop E commands and return to the debug prompt.

The following is an example of a string term: EDS: 100 "this is the text esample" This string will populate 24 bytes from DS: 100 DEBUG: F (padding) fill the address in the specified memory area using the specified value. You can specify the data represented by the hexadecimal or ASCII format. Any data stored in the specified location will be lost. f Range List Parameters Range Specifies the start and end address to populate the memory area, or the start address and length. For information on effective Range values, please see "Debug Description". List Specifies the data to be entered. The List can consist of a string including hexadecimal or quotation marks. Description Use the RANGE parameter If the number of bytes contained in Range is larger than the value in the list, the debug will repeat the value in the list until all bytes in the Ran are filled. If any memory is corrupted or absent in Range, Debug will display an error message and stop the F command. Using the list parameter If the value contains more than the number of bytes in the range, DEBUG will ignore additional values ​​in the List. Example assumes that the following command is typed: F04BA: 100L100 42 45 52 54 41 As a response, DEBUG fills the memory position from 04ba: 100 to 04ba: 1FF using the specified value. DEBUG repeats these five values ​​until 100H bytes all filled. Debug: g (steering) runs the program in the current memory. g [= address] parameter = address Specifies the program address to start executing in memory. If you do not specify address, Windows 2000 will start the program from the current address in the CS: IP register. BreakPoints specifies 1 to 10 temporary breakpoints that can be set to the part of the g command. For information on performing loops, repetition string instructions, software interrupts, or subroutions, see Debug P (execution). For information on executing instructions, see Debug T (Track) Debug: H (Hexadecimal) Performs a hexadecimal operation for the specified two parameters. h value1 value2 parameter value1 represents any hexadecimal number from 0 to FFFFH. Value2 represents the second hexadecimal number from 0 to FFFFH. Note DEBUG first adds the specified two parameters and then subtracts the second parameter from the first parameter. The results of these calculations are displayed in one line: first calculate and then calculate the difference. Sample assumes that the following command is typed: H19F 10A Debug executes the operation and display the following results. 02A9 0095 Debug: i (Input) Read and display one byte value from the specified port. i port parameter port Press the address to specify the input port. The address can be a 16-bit value. For information on sending the byte value to the output port, see Debug O (output). Sample assumes that I2F8 assumes that the byte value of the port is 42h. Debug reads this byte and displays its value as follows: 42 Debug: l (Loading) adds a file or a specific disk sector to memory. To load BX from disk file: The number of bytes specified in the CX register, use the following syntax: l [address] To skip the Windows 2000 file system and load a specific sector directly, use the following syntax: L Address Drive Start Number Parameters Address specifies the memory location to load files or sector content.

If address is not specified, Debug will use the current address in the CS register. Drive Specifies the drive that contains the disk that reads the specified sector. This value is numeric: 0 = a, 1 = b, 2 = C, etc. START specifies the hexadecimal number of the first sector to load its content. Number Specifies the number of hexadecimal numbers for continuous sectors to load their content. DRIVE, START, and Number parameters can only be used if the contents to load specific sectors rather than load the DEBUG command line or the recent DEBUG N (Name) command. For information on specifying files for the L command, please see Debug N (Name). For information on files to write debugging to disk, please see Debug W (Write). Note When using an L command without parameters When using an L command without a parameter, the file specified on the debug command line will be loaded into the memory, starting from the address CS: 100. DEBUG simultaneously sets the BX and CX registers to loaded bytes. If the file is not specified in the debug command line, the filed file will be the file that is recently specified by n commands. Use 1 command with Address parameters If you use the L command with the Address parameter, Debug will start loading a file or specifying the sector from the memory location Address. Use the L command with all parameters If you use the l command with all parameters, Debug will load the contents of the specified disk sector instead of loading a file. Each sector within the specified range of a particular sector is loaded from Drive. DEBUG is loaded from Start until the content in the sector number specified in Number is loaded. Load the .exe file debug ignores the address address of the .exe file. If specified .exe file, Debug repositions the file to the load address specified in the .exe file. Before the .exe file is loaded into memory, the title itself is detached from .exe file, so the .exe file size is different from memory. If you want to check the entire .exe file, use a different extension name to name the file. Open hex file Debug will have a file with the .hex extension to think that the hexadecimal format file. Type an L command without parameters, you can load the hex file starting from the address specified in the hexadecimal file. If the Type L command contains the address parameter, the debug will add the specified address to the address found in the hex file to determine the start address. Sample assumes that debug is started and type the following command: nfile.com can now type the L command to load file.com. Debug will load the file and display the Debug prompt. It is assumed that the contents of the 109 (6DH) sector of the start logic sector to be 15 (0FH) are required to be loaded into the memory of 04ba: 0100. To do this, type the following command: L04BA: 100 2 0f 6d debug: m (move) Copy the contents of a memory block to another memory block. m Range Address Parameters Range Specifies the start and end addresses of the memory area to copy the content, or start addresses and lengths. Address specifies that you want to copy the Range content to the start address of the location. Note The impact of the replication operation on existing data If the new data is not written to the address in the data block being copied, the source data will remain unchanged. However, if the target block already contains data (just like it is in a copy of the copy), the data will be overwritten. (Overlay copy operation refers to the operation of the contents of the target data block part overrides the content of the original data block part.) Performing an overlay copy operation m command to perform the overlay copy of the target address without losing data. The content of the rewritten address is first copied.

Therefore, if the data of the higher level address is copied to a lower bit address, the copy operation starts from the minimum bit address of the original block and to the highest bit address. Conversely, if you want to copy data from the low address to the high address, the replication operation starts from the highest address of the original block, and the lowest address is performed. Sample assumes that the following command is typed: MCS: 100 110 CS: 500 Debug first copies the contents of the CS: 110 address to the address CS: 510, then copy the contents of the CS: 10f address into the CS: 50F, so operation until Copy the contents of the CS: 100 address to the address CS: 500. To view the results, use the debug d command and use the m command to specify the name of the debug address DEBUG: N (name) Specify the name of the executable of the debug L, or the W (write) command, or specify Parameters of the debugged executable. n [Drive:] [PATH] FILENAME To specify parameters of the executable of the test, use the following syntax: n file-parameters parameter If you use it without parameters, the n command clears the current specification. [Drive:] [PATH] FileName Specifies the location and name of the executable to be tested. FILE-Parameters Specifies the parameters and switches for the executable of the test. For information on the contents of the file or specified disk sector, see Debug L. For information on files to write debugging to disk, please see Debug W (Write). The two uses of the n command can be used in two ways. First, you can use it to specify the file used by the L (Load) or W (Write) command. If you start Debug without nameting the debugged file, you must use the command NFileName before using the l command to load files. In CS: 5c, the file control block (FCB) is correctly arranged in the format of the file name. Second, you can use the n command to specify the command line parameters and switches of the debug file. The following four memory areas below the memory area are affected by the n command: Memory location CS: 5C file 1 file control data block (FCB) CS: 6C file 2 file control data block (FCB) CS: 80 n Command line Length (character represented) CS: 81 n The beginning of the N command is n command The first file name specified by the N command is placed in the FCB of CS: 5C. If the second file name is specified, this name will be placed in the FCB of CS: 6C. The number of characters typed on the n command line (other than the first character, n) is stored at position CS: 80. The actual character on the N command line (again, except for the letter N) is stored in the position starting with CS: 81. Note that these characters may be any switches and separators that are valid in the commands typed in the Windows 2000 command prompt. The example assumes that Debug has been launched and the program pROG.COM that is debugging is loaded. Then you decide to specify two parameters for prog.com and run this program. The following is a command sequence of this example: Debug prog.com NPARAM1 PARAM2 G In this case, the Debug G (steering) command runs the program, as if you have typed the following command after the Windows 2000 command prompt: prog param1 PARAM2 So, test and debug reflect the usual runtime environment of prog.com.

In the following command sequence, the first n command specifies the file1.exe as a file of the subsequent L (load) command, which loads file1.exe to memory. The second n command specifies the parameters that file1.exe will use. Finally, the g command will run the file1.exe file, as if you type File1 file2.dat file2.dat in the Windows 2000 command line. Nfile1.exe L nfile2.dat file3.dat G Note Do not use the l command after the second form of the n command. Also note that if you now use the W (write) command, Windows 2000 saves the file file1.exe that is debugging using the name file2.dat. To avoid this result, the first form of n command should always be used immediately before the L or W command. Debug: o Sends the byte value to the output port. o Port byte-value parameter port specifies the output port via the address. The port address can be 16-bit values. Byte-value Specifies the byte value to point to Port. For information on reading the byte value from the input port, see Debug I. Example To send the byte value 4FH to the output port of 2F8H, type the following command: O2F8 4F debug: P (execution) Perform loop, repeated string instruction, software interrupt or subroutine; or pass any other instruction track. p [= address] [Number] parameter = address Specifies the first position to perform the instruction. If the address is not specified, the default address is the current address specified in the CS: IP register. Number Specifies the number of instructions to be executed before returning the control to Debug. The default is 1. For information on running the program in memory, please see Debug G (Steering). For information on executing instructions, see Debug T (Track). Description Control Transfer to the program to be tested When the P command transmits control from DEBUG to the program to be tested, the program is unbroken running until the loop, repeat the string command, software interrupt, or complete the subroutine of the specified address, Or until the specified number of machine instructions are performed. Control returns to Debug. Restrictions on address parameters If the address parameter does not have a specified segment, Debug will use the CS register of the test program. If address is omitted, the program will start from the address specified by the CS: IP register. The equal sign (=) must be used before the Address parameter to distinguish it with the Number parameter. If the instruction at the specified address is not a loop, repeated string command, software interrupt or subroutine, the P command is the same as the DEBUG T (Track) command. The message displayed using the P command When the P executes a paragraph, DEBUG displays the program's register content, the status of the flag, and the decoding form of the instruction to be executed. Warning cannot use the P command to track read-only memory (ROM). Examples Assume that the program being tested includes a CALL instruction at address CS: 143f.

To run the submure of the Call target, then return the control to Debug, type the following command: p = 143f debug Display results in the following format: AX = 0000 bx = 0000 cx = 0000 DX = 0000 sp = ffee bp = 0000 si = 0000 di = 0000 DS = 2246 ES = 2246 SS = 2246 CS = 2246 IP = 1443 NV Up EI PL NZ AC PO NC 2246: 1442 7505 JNZ 144A Debug: Q (Exit) Stop the DEBUG session, does not save the currently test file. When you type q, control returns to the command prompt of Windows 2000. Q parameter This command does not have parameters. For information on saving files, see Debug W (Write). Debug: R (Register) Displays or changes the content of one or more CPU registers. R [register-name] parameter is not used without parameters, then the R command displays the contents of all registers and the flags in the register storage area. Register-name Specifies the register name to display its content. For information on displaying the contents of the memory, please see Debug D (dump). For information on disassembly bytes, please see Debug U (disassembly). Note Use the R command If the register name is specified, Windows 2000 will display the 16-bit value of the register indicated by hexadecimal tag and display the colon as a prompt. If you want to change the value contained in the register, unless you type a new value and press Enter; otherwise, press ENTER to return to the debug prompt. Effective Register Name is the valid value of Register-Name: AX, BX, CX, DX, SP, BP, Si, Di, DS, ES, SS, CS, IP, PC, and F. Both IP and PC reference instruction pointers. If the register name is specified instead of specifying from the previous list: Br Error uses the F character instead of the register name If you type the F character instead of the register name, Debug will display each tag's current settings as two letters. Code, then display the Debug prompt. To change the settings of the logo, type the appropriate two-letter code from the table below: Sign Name Set Clear Overflow OV NV Direction DN (Decrease) Up (Add) Interrupt EI (Enabled) Di (Disabled) Positive Negative Ng (Negative) PL (Positive) Zero ZR NZ Assisted AC NA Parity PE (Even Verification) PO (Qi Qi) Carrying CY NC You can type a new flag value in any order. There is no need to leave space between these values. To stop the R command, press ENTER. Any logo that does not specify a new value remains the same. The message displayed with the R command If multiple values ​​are specified for the tag, the debug will display the following message: DF error If specified that the flag code not listed in the table, DEBUG will display the following message: bf error in these two situations Next, DEBUG will ignore all settings specified after invalid items.

When Debug's default settings are set to start Debug, the segment register is set to the low end of idle memory, and the instruction pointer is set to 0100h, clear all the flags, and set the remaining registers to zero, except for the SP set to FFEEH. Debug: R Example To view all registers content, all tag status and instruction decoding tables for all tags, type the following command: R If the current location is CS: 11A, the display appearance will be similar to the following: AX = 0e00 bx = 00ff CX = 0007 DX = 01ff SP = 039d BP = 0000 Si = 005C Di = 0000 DS = 04BA ES = 04BA SS = 04BA CS = O4BA IP = 011A NV UP Di Ng NZ AC PE NC 04BA: 011A CD21 INT 21 To To view the status of the flag, type the following command: RF debug Display information in the following format: NV UP Di NG NZ AC PE NC - _ _ Now you can type one or more valid flag values ​​in any order, where there is or no Space, as shown below: NV UP DI NG NZ AC PE NC - Pleicy Debug End R Command and Displays the Debug Prompt. To view your changes, type R or RF commands. Debug will display the following: NV UP EI PL NZ AC PE CY - _ _ Press ENTER to return to the Debug prompt. Debug: s (Search) Search the mode of one or more byte values ​​in an address range. S Range List Parameters Range Specifies the beginning and end address to search for the range. List Specifies the mode of one or more byte values, or the string to search. Separate each byte value and the next byte value with a space or comma. The string value is included in the quotation mark. Note If the List parameter contains multiple byte values, Debug will only display the first address of the display. If the List contains only one byte value, Debug will display all the addresses that appear in the specified range. Example assumes that you need to find all the addresses containing the value 41 and range from CS: 100 to CS: 110. To do this, type the following command: SCS: 100 110 41 Debug Display Results in the following format: 04ba: 0104 04ba: 010d - The following command searches the string "pH" in the range of CS: 100 to CS: 1A0. SCS: 100 1A0 "PH" Debug: T (Track) (Sorry, Debug: T section is missing, if you have this part, please inform me) Debug: u (reverse approve) reverse byte and display the corresponding The original statement, including the address and byte value. The disassembly code looks like a list of assembled files. u [range] parameter is not if used without parameters, then the u command decomposes the 20H byte (default), starting from the first address after the previous U command displays the address. Range Specifies the start address and end address to which you want to disassemble the code, or start addresses and lengths. For information on integrated memory code, please see Debug A (assembly). For information on displaying the contents of the memory, please see Debug D (dump).

Example should be disassembled 16 (10h) bytes, starting from address 04ba: 0100, type the following command: U04BA: 100L10 Debug Display Results in the following format: 04ba: 0100 206472 and [Si 72], AH 04BA: 0103 69 DB 69 04BA: 0104 7665 JBE 016B 04BA: 0106 207370 And [BP DI 70], DH 04BA: 0109 65 DB 65 04BA: 010A 63 DB 63 04BA: 010B 69 DB 69 04BA: 010C 66 DB 66 04BA: 010D 69 DB 69 04BA: 010E 63 DB 63 04BA: 010F 61 DB 61 If only information from 04BA: 0100 to 04BA: 0108 is displayed, type the following command: U04BA: 0100 0108 Debug Shows the following: 04BA: 0100 206472 and [Si 72], AH 04BA: 0103 69 DB 69 04BA: 0104 7665 JBE 016B 04BA: 0106 207370 AND [BP DI 70], DH Debug: W (Write) Write file or specific partition to disk. To write a disk file in the BX: CX register specified byout the number of bytes, use the following syntax: WINDOWS 2000 file system and write to a specific sector directly, use the following syntax: W Address Drive Start Number Parameters Address Specifies the start memory address to be written to a file or part of the file. If Address is not specified, the debug program will start from CS: 100. Drive Specifies the drive that contains the target disk. This value is numeric: 0 = a, 1 = B, 2 = C, and so on. START specifies the number of hexadecimal numbers to write to the first sector. Number Specifies the number of sectors to be written. For information on specifying files for W command, please see Debug N (Name). For information on the memory of the file or file sector, see Debug L. Note The name of the disk file must be specified when Debug is started or in the nearest Debug N (Name) command. Both methods can correctly arrange the file name of the address CS: 5c file control block. Reset BX: CX if the debug g (steering), T (tracking), P (execution) or R (register) command must be used, will be used before useless W commands BX: The CX register is reset. Write the modified file to the disk if the file is modified but does not change the file name, length, or the start address, and Debug still writes the file correctly into the source disk location. The restriction of the W command cannot be written to .exe or .hex file with this command. WARNING Because it is slightly WINDOWS 2000 file handle, it is very dangerous to write to a specific partition. If you type an error, the disk file structure is easily damaged. The example assumes that the starting address is written to the disk content of the CS: 100 to the disk of the drive B. The data is required to start from the logical sector number 37h of the disk and last 2BH sectors. To do this, type the following command: WCS: 100 1 37 2B When the write operation is complete, the debug is again displaying the Debug prompt. Debug: XA (Assign Extended Memory) Assign the number of specified page numbers to extend memory.

To use extended memory, you must install an extended memory device driver that matches 4.0 of the Lotus / Intel / Microsoft Extended Memory Specification (LIM EMS). XA [count] Parameter count Specifies the number of 16KB pages to the extended memory to be assigned. For information on other debug commands using extended memory, see Debug XD (Release Extension Memory), Debug XM (Map Extension Inclusive page) or Debug XS (Show Extension Memory Status). Note If the specified page number is available, the debug will display the message, which indicates the hexadecimal number of the handle created; otherwise, Debug will display an error message. Debug: XA Example To assign 8 pages of the extended memory, type the following command: XA8 If the command is successful, Debug will display similar to the following message: Handle Created = 0003 Debug: XD (Release Extension Memory) Releases the handle to extend the memory. To use extended memory, you must install an extended memory device driver that matches 4.0 of the Lotus / Intel / Microsoft Extended Memory Specification (LIM EMS). XD [Handle] Parameters Handle Specifies the handle to release. For information on other debug commands that use extended memory, see Debug XA (Assign Extension Memory), Debug XM (Mapping Extension Memory Page) or Debug XS (Show Extension Memory Status). Example To release the handle 0003, type the following command: XD 0003 If the command is successful, Debug will display the following message: hdle 0003 deallocated debug: XM (Mapping Extension memory page) will belong to the specified handle of the extension memory logic page map to extend memory page. To use extended memory, you must install an extended memory device driver that matches 4.0 of the Lotus / Intel / Microsoft Extended Memory Specification (LIM EMS). XM [LPAGE] [PPAGE] [HANDLE] Parameters LPage Specifies the logical page number to be mapped to the physical page PPAGE. PPAGE Specifies the physical page number that maps LPage. Handle specifies the handle. For information on other debug commands that use extended memory, see Debug XA (Assign Extension Memory), Debug XD (Release Extension Memory) or Debug XS (Show Extension Memory). Example To map the logic page 5 of the handle 0003 to the physical page 2, type the following command: XM 5 2 0003 If the command is successful, Debug will display the following message: logical point 05 mapped to physical power Page 02 Debug: XS (Show Extended Memory Status ) Display information about extending memory status. To use extended memory, you must install an extended memory device driver that matches 4.0 of the Lotus / Intel / Microsoft Extended Memory Specification (LIM EMS). XS parameter This command does not have parameters. For information on other debug commands using extended memory, see Debug XA (Assign Extended Memory), Debug XD (Release Extension Memory) or Debug XM (Mapping Extension Inclusive).

Description DEBUG shows the following format: Handle XX HAS XX Pages Allocated Physical Page XX = Frame Segment XX XX Of A Total XX EMS Pages Have Been Allocated XX Of A Total XX EMS HANDLES HAVE BEEN Allocated example To display extended memory information, please type the following command: xs Debug display similar to the following information: Handle 0000 has 0000 pages allocated Handle 0001 has 0002 pages allocated Physical page 00 = Frame segment C000 Physical page 01 = Frame segment C400 Physical page 02 = Frame segment C800 Physical page 03 = Frame segment cc00 2 of a Total 80 EMS Pages Have Been Allocated 2 of a Total FF EMS Handles Have Been Allocated