Multi-level tree type menu

zhaozj2021-02-16  178

When you are a web page, in order to save space and beauty, you will often use multiple levels of menus. Here is all code for a multi-level tree menu mixed by JavaScript and HTML.

<% @ Page ContentType = "Text / HTML; Charset = GB2312" Language = "Java" Import = "java.sql. *" ErrorPage = "Error.jsp"%> multi-level tree Menu </ title> <meta http-equiv = "content-type" content = "text / html; charSet = GB2312" /> <script language = "javascript1.2"> var head = "photos / display: '' "img1 = new image () img1.src =" Photos / fold.gif "img2 = new image () img2.src =" photos / open.gif "function change () {if (! Document.all) Return IF ( == "foldheader") {var srcindex = event.srcelement.SourceIndex var Nested = document.all [srcindex 1] if ( == "none") { = 'Event.Srcelement.Style.ListStyleImage = "URL (Photos / Open.gif)} else { =" none " =" URL (Photos / Fold.gif) "}}} Document.οnclick = change // -> </ script> <script language =" javascript "type =" text / javascript "> <! - var popup = null; function inputorderId () {popup = w ('jspUTORDERID.JSP', 'Please enter the order number', 'width = 200, height = 150, resizable = 0, scrollbars = no');} function account () {popup = ('JSPaccountReceivable .jsp ',' Please select a customer name ',' width = 200, height = 200, resizable = 0, scrollbars = no ');} function oppaccount () {popup = (' jspppaccount.jsp ','</p> <p>Please select the opportunity type ',' width = 200, height = 200, resizable = 0, scrollbars = no ');} function accountcust () {popup = (' jspaccountcust.jsp ", select customer geographical ', 'width = 262, heiGHT = 150, resizable = 0, scrollbars = no');} function orderAccount () {popup = ('jspaccountorder.jsp ", select customer and order valid date range",' Width = 200, heiGHT = 200, resizable = 0, scrollbars = no ');} // -> </ script> <style type = "text / css"></p> <p>Li {font-family: "Song", "New Song"; Font-size: 9pt; line-height: 13pt; margin-right: 5px; cursor: hand;} #foldheader {cursor: hand; list-style-image : URL (Photos / Fold.gif); Font-Family: "Song", "New Song"; Font-size: 10pt;} #foldinglist {list-style-image: URL (Photos / List.gif); font- Family: "Song Body", "New Song"; Font-Size: 9pt;} body {scrollbar-face-color: # 6699cc; scrollbar-highlight-color: # a6c4e1; scrollbar-shadow-color: # a6c4e1; scrollbar-3dlight -Color: # a6c4e1; scrollbar-arrow-color: # a6c4e1; scrollbar-track-color: # a6c4e1; scrollbar-darkshadow-color: # a6c4e1;}</p> <p>A {text-decoration: none;} a: link {text-decoration: none; color: # 000066;} A: visited {text-decoration: none; color: # 000033;} a: hover {text-decoration: underline Color: # ff0000;} </ style> </ head> <body bgcolor = "# CBDCED" leftmargin = "3" TopMargin = "0"> <table width = "100%" Height = "33" border = " 0 "Cellpadding =" 0 "cellspacing =" 0 "> <tr> <td> </ td> </ tr> </ table> <Table width =" 100% "cellpadding =" 0 "cellspacing =" 0 "FRAME = "void" align = "left"> <tr> <td> <fieldset style = "width: 100%" align = "left"> <legend> <a href="" target="_blank"> <font size = "2"> JetCRM B / S2003 </ font> </a> </ legend> <dl class = "pt12normal"> <li id ​​= "foldheader"> customer management </ li> <ul id = "foldinglist" > <Li id = "foldheader"> Customer Manage </ li> <dl id = "foldinglist" style = "display: none"> <li> <a href="customer_add.jsp" target="mainframe"> New Customer </a> </ li> <li> <a href="customer_query.jsp" target="mainframe"> Customer Query </a> </ li> <li> <a href = "menu.jsp #" onclick = "Accountcust ()"> Customer statistics </a> </ li> </ dl> <Li id = "foldheader"> Contact management </ li> <dl id = "foldinglist" style = "display: none"> <li> <</p> <p>A href = "contact_add.jsp" target = "mainframe" class = black> New contact </a> </ li> <li> <a href="contact_query.jsp" target="mainframe" class=black People query </a> </ li> </ dl> <li id ​​= "foldheader"> Competitor management </ li> <dl id = "foldinglist" style = "display: none"> <li> <a href = "Adversary_add.jsp" target = "mainframe" class = black> New Competitor </A> </ li> <li> <a href="advery_query.jsp" target="mainframe "class =black> competitor inquiry </a> </ li> </ dl> </ ul> <li id ​​= "foldheader"> service management </ li> <ul id = "foldinglist" style = "display: none"> <li id ​​= " FoldHeader> Contact History </ li> <dl id = "foldinglist" style = "display: none"> <li> <a href="contacthistory_add.jsp" target="mainframe" class =black> New contact record </ A> </ li> <li> <a href="contacthistory_list.jsp" target="mainframe" class="balck"> browse contact record </a </ li> </ dl> <li> email sends < / li> <li id ​​= "foldheader"> Service request record </ li> <dl id = "foldinglist" style = "display: none"> <li> <a href = "jsprequester_add.jsp" target = "mainframe" Class = Black> New service request </a> </ li> <li> <a href = "showrequester List.jsp "target =" mainframe "class =" balck "> service request browsing </A> </ li> </ dl></p> <p><li id ​​= "foldheader"> Customer complaints </ li> <dl id = "foldinglist" style = "display: none"> <li> <a href="jspfeedback_add.jsp" target="mainframe"> New complaint record </a> </ li> <li> <a href="feedback_list.jsp" target="mainframe"> Complaint Query </a> </ li> <li> Complaint statistics </ li> </ dl> < / ul> <li id ​​= "foldheader"> Sales management </ li> <ul id = "foldinglist"> <li id ​​= "foldheader"> opportunity management </ li> <dl id = "foldinglist" style = "display : none> <li> <a href="jspoppman.jsp" target="mainframe"> New chance </a </ li> <li> <a href="jspoppQuery.jsp" target="mainframe"> Opportunity query </a> </ li> <li> <a href="menu.jsp#" onclick="oppaccount()"> chance statistics </a> </ li> </ dl> <li id ​​= " FoldHeader "> order management </ li> <dl id =" foldinglist "style =" display: none "> <li> <a href="jspneWorder.jsp" target="mainframe"> new order </a </ Li> <li> <a href="jsporderqry.jsp" target="mainframe"> order query </a> </ li> <li> <a href="jspfufufulorder.jsp" target="mainframe"> order fulfillment </a> </ li> <li> <a href="jspfufilorder.jsp" target="mainframe"> order fulfill </A> </ li> <li> <a href = "menu.jsp #" onclick = "ORDERACC Ount "> Order statistics </a> </ li> <</p></div><div class="text-center mt-3 text-grey"> 转载请注明原文地址:</div><div class="plugin d-flex justify-content-center mt-3"></div><hr><div class="row"><div class="col-lg-12 text-muted mt-2"><i class="icon-tags mr-2"></i><span class="badge border border-secondary mr-2"><h2 class="h6 mb-0 small"><a class="text-secondary" href="tag-2.html">9cbs</a></h2></span></div></div></div></div><div class="card card-postlist border-white shadow"><div class="card-body"><div 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