Public Class Dog
{public string color = "black";
// private int weight = 10;
/ **
Weight property, if you are private (private)
You can't access it in other classes.
* /
PUBLIC INT weight = 10;
/ **
AA method, if you are private (private)
You can't access it in other classes.
* / / // private void aa ()
Private void aa ()
/ **
a method
* /
Public void a ()
System.out.println (Color);
/ **
B method
* /
Public void b ()
System.out.println (weight);
/ **
C method
* /
Public void C (String CC)
Color = CC;
/ **
D method
* /
Public void d (int WW)
Weight = ww;
Package abc.efg.xyz;
// In the bag, you have to add the public package to access
Public Class Person
// In the bag, you have to add the public package to access
Public int Age = 10;
// In the bag, you have to add the public package to access
Public String Name = "Zhang San";
// In the bag, you have to add the public package to access
Public void a ()