This program is mainly a random number, and then according to the generated random number as the content of the XBM picture, finally displays this picture. Verify that the input numbers and session ("validatecode") compare, if equally Through verification (also pay attention to the type of two data compared).
How to display the generated picture? img>
About the format information of the XBM map, see here
Xbm.asp code is as follows
'Open the buffer
Response.buffer = TRUE
With response
.Addicheader "pragma", "no-cache"
.Addicheader "cache-ctrol", "no-cache"
End with
Num = int (7999 * RND 2000)
Session ("Validatecode") = NUM
DIM image
Dim Width, Height
DIM Digtal
DIM Length
DIM Sort
Length = 4
HC = CHR (13) & chr (10)
Redim Sort (Length)
Digital = ""
For i = 1 to Length - len (NUM)
Digital = DIGITAL & "0"
For i = 1 to Len (NUM)
Digital = Digital & Mid (Num, i, 1)
For i = 1 to Len (Digital)
Sort (i) = MID (Digital, i, 1)
Width = 8 * len (Digital)
Response.contentType = "image / x-xbitmap"
Image = "#define counter_width" & width & HC
Image = Image & "#define counter_height" & height & hc
Image = image & "static unsigned char counter_bits [] = {" & hc
For i = 1 to Height
For J = 1 to Length
Image = image & a (sort (j), i) & ","
Image = left (image, len (image) - 1)
Image = image & "};" & hc
Response.write image
The code of Numcode.asp is as follows:
DIM A (10, 10)
A (0, 1) = "0x3c" 'Digital 0A (0, 2) = "0x66"
A (0, 3) = "0xc3"
A (0, 4) = "0xc3"
A (0, 5) = "0xc3"
A (0, 6) = "0xc3"
A (0, 7) = "0xc3"
A (0, 8) = "0xc3"
A (0, 9) = "0x66"
A (0, 10) = "0x3c"
A (1, 1) = "0x18" number 1
A (1, 2) = "0x1c"
A (1,3) = "0x18"
A (1,4) = "0x18"
A (1,5) = "0x18"
A (1,6) = "0x18"
A (1,7) = "0x18"
A (1, 8) = "0x18"
A (1,9) = "0x18"
A (0, 10) = "0x7e"
A (2, 1) = "0x3c" 'number 2
A (2, 2) = "0x66"
A (2, 3) = "0x60"
A (2, 4) = "0x60"
A (2,5) = "0x30"
A (2,6) = "0x18"
A (2, 7) = "0x0c"
A (2, 8) = "0x06"
A (2, 9) = "0x06"
A (2, 10) = "0x7e"
A (3, 1) = "0x3c" 'number 3
A (3, 2) = "0x66"
A (3, 3) = "0xc0"
A (3, 4) = "0x60"
A (3, 5) = "0x1c"
A (3, 6) = "0x60"
A (3, 7) = "0xc0"
A (3, 8) = "0xc0"
A (3, 9) = "0x66"
A (3, 10) = "0x38"
A (4, 1) = "0x38" 'number 4
A (4, 2) = "0x3c"
A (4, 3) = "0x36"
A (4, 4) = "0x33"
A (4, 5) = "0x33"
A (4, 6) = "0x33"
A (4, 7) = "0xff"
A (4, 8) = "0x30"
A (4, 9) = "0x30"
A (4, 10) = "0xfe"
A (5, 1) = "0xfe" 'number 5
A (5, 2) = "0xfe"
A (5, 3) = "0x06"
A (5, 4) = "0x06"
A (5, 5) = "0x3e"
A (5, 6) = "0x60"
A (5, 7) = "0xc0"
A (5, 8) = "0xc3"
A (5, 9) = "0x66" a (5, 10) = "0x3c"
A (6, 1) = "0x60" 'number 6
A (6, 2) = "0x30"
A (6, 3) = "0x18"
A (6, 4) = "0x0c"
A (6,5) = "0x3e"
A (6, 6) = "0x63"
A (6, 7) = "0xc3"
A (6, 8) = "0xc3"
a (6,9) = "0x66"
A (6, 10) = "0x3c"
A (7, 1) = "0xff" 'number 7
A (7, 2) = "0xc0"
A (7, 3) = "0x60"
A (7, 4) = "0x30"
A (7,5) = "0x18"
A (7, 6) = "0x18"
A (7, 7) = "0x18"
A (7, 8) = "0x18"
A (7, 9) = "0x18"
A (7, 10) = "0x18"
A (8, 1) = "0x3c" 'number 8
A (8, 2) = "0x66"
A (8, 3) = "0xc3"
A (8, 4) = "0x66"
A (8, 5) = "0x3c"
A (8, 6) = "0x66"
A (8, 7) = "0xc3"
A (8, 8) = "0xc3"
A (8, 9) = "0x66"
A (8, 10) = "0x3c"
A (9, 1) = "0x3c" 'number 9
A (9, 2) = "0x66"
A (9, 3) = "0xc3"
A (9, 4) = "0xc3"
A (9, 5) = "0x66"
A (9, 6) = "0x3c"
A (9, 7) = "0x18"
A (9, 8) = "0x0c"
A (9, 9) = "0x06"
A (9, 10) = "0x03"