Introduction to vxl and target

zhaozj2021-02-16  146

The VXL / TargetJr Environment Is Written In Ansi C And Provides a Modular and Portable Platform for Vision Algorithms.

VXL WAS CREATED AS A `Lightweight 'Version of The Core Functionality of Targetjr.

vxl is in the first place a collection of vision libraries (hence the name vxl), designed following strict, consistent rules. These libraries can be used either individually (with minimal interdependencies) or in combination with each other.

The libraries are divided into 4 layers: `elementary 'libraries (layer 1), which are stand-alone (do not use other layer 1 or layer 2 libraries),` application' libraries (layer 2), the compiler compatibility layer ( Layer 0), And The 3rd Party Libraries.




Here's One To Print "Hello World" Using VXL:

// Include Standard C Input / Output Library


// main is the first function to be called

int main ()


// send String "Hello World" to the Standard

// Output stream cout.

VCL_COUT << "Hello World / N";

// must return Something from main

Return 0;



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